Elli Vuorinen


In a hurry, motionless
The museum-like calm of historical clay figures and vessels from different epochs is over, as voices from the present begin to drive them. The dictate of efficiency results in an oppressive endless loop of busy standstill.
Sore Eyes for Infinity
An optician comes face to face with a collection of curious clients during her workday.
Swap Meet
Background Designer
A collaborative experiment between 14 artists around the globe. Each artist creates a background, All backgrounds are traded randomly, and then animated upon freely.
Swap Meet
A collaborative experiment between 14 artists around the globe. Each artist creates a background, All backgrounds are traded randomly, and then animated upon freely.
Sock Skewer Street 8
She keeps finding small socks. Now, whose feet are feeling cold?
Sock Skewer Street 8
She keeps finding small socks. Now, whose feet are feeling cold?
The Tongueling
Wooden knocks are echoing in a frozen landscape when a lonesome man is searching for a tongueling of his own.
Um homem mora sozinho em um prédio de apartamentos. Ele pode não ser capaz de colocar um dedo nisso, mas está sozinho. Tudo isso muda, porém, quando o estranho crescimento que ele vinha ignorando em seu lado acaba sendo algo vivo e se torna consciente.