Thomas Cheung Kwok-Leung


O Dedo Duro
Police squad commander
Um policial terá que confiar em um ladrão de carros que deverá se infiltrar em uma quadrilha cruel se quiser salvar sua irmã da prostituição.
Die Harder
After corrupt police officer Fu escapes to mainland China, officer Sonia Chan defies her boss' orders and goes after him.
Rock on Fire
Warren Chiang
Some dope cops trying to bust the "Big Boss", but faces stiff opposition in the form of his fiery minions.
Out Bound Killing
Police in the China and Hong Kong co-operate to bring a criminal gang to justice.
The Bride with White Hair 2
Siu Lau
For ten years, Cho has been in the snow of Mount Shin Fung waiting for a rare flower to blossom that will cure his wife who, back in Chung Yuan, is slowly killing all of the members of the Eight Big Clans. Something Cho did to her early in their marriage has turned her hair white and driven her mad. Cho's nephew, Kit, marries Lyre; they are deeply in love. On their wedding night, Ni-Chang, the bride with white hair, kidnaps Lyre and takes her to her harem of fighting women to indoctrinate her against Kit. Kit tries to lead a rescue party, but they are up against formidable opponents. Can Cho come in time with the blossom to soften Ni-Chang's heart?
Fatal Dream
A little-known Hong Kong crime film.
Murders Made to Order
Du Zheng / Mr Tu
Following the tragic events of Sting of the Scorpion, Maggie finds herself stripped of her rank and committed to an insane asylum. The crooked cop who put her there offers to procure her release and reinstatement - if she'll go undercover as a bar hostess to spy on the triads. The whole thing's a setup, of course, and soon Maggie is on the run from the law, as well as nursing a bad heroin addiction. She finds refuge in the criminal underworld, where she accepts a job as an undercover assassin. But when her identity is exposed, Maggie has both sides of the law gunning for her life.
Pink Bomb
A bunch of Hong Kong residents go on a bus tour to Thailand and get mixed up with counterfeiters who’re chasing an underage hooker (Gloria Yip) who stole their bogus loot. Waise Lee is the tour guide, a loopy priest who’s preoccupied with changing money. Sean Lau does a Travis Bickle impression as a jaded taxi driver who’s sweet on teacher Rachel Lee. Cynthia Khan is a kick-butt meter maid, and Fennie Yuen is a money grubbing beautician. Dayo Wong is a wacky ex-triad.
Pom Pom And Hot Hot
Lau Tin-Hau
Shin (Jacky Cheung) and Chiang (Stephen Tung Wai) are happy-go-lucky partners investigating a particularly notorious crime syndicate. Unfortunately, Shin's Mainland relatives -- Cha Chiang (Alfred Cheung Kin-ting) and his beautiful sibling Cha Shi (Loletta Lee Lai-chun) -- decide to drop by. While Chiang insists on accompanying his cousin on the job, Shin starts to make eyes with Shi. Meanwhile, Chiang runs into his ex-girlfriend Nancy (Bonnie Fu Yuk-ching). When Nancy witnesses a gangland hit, she and everyone around her are threatened by the mob.
Angel Terminators
Two Hong Kong policewomen (Ida and Hon) take on a Japanese boss who has returned from a seven-year exile to retake his old turf.
Operação Escorpião
Yu Shu é um jovem que sonha ser um super-herói e vive essa fantasia desenhando mangas. Um dia, por acaso, salva uma moça das mãos de uma gangue que, com cobertura da polícia, trafica mulheres para prostituição. A partir daí, passa a ser perseguido impiedosamente pela gangue e resolve aprender Kung-Fu. Quando não há mais escapatória, Yu Shu juntamente com seu Tio Lo, resolvem enfrentar os bandidos e por fim a seus atos de violência e terror. Mas para isso terão que enfrentar e derrotar Sunny, mestre no mortal estilo do escorpião.
92 Legendary La Rose Noire
A poet named Butterfly and her friend Kuen visit a stranger's mansion to return some possessions that were unintentionally taken. At the house, they stumbled upon an illegal weapons trade that ultimately went bad. To evade the police from interrogations, the two innocent witnesses wiped away their fingerprints and left a note that stated that the crimes were committed by "The Black Rose," who is known to be a fictional hero in a 1965 movie. However, a recovered fingerprint caused Kuen to be the prime suspect, and the apprentices of the Black Rose, apparently a real hero whose legacy was portrayed in the 1965 movie, attempt to seek the truth in the matter by confronting Butterfly.
Swordsman II
Hong Menda
Na Dinastia Ming, 22º ano do reinado do Imperador Sun, a guerra entre generais japoneses leva um grupo a esconder-se no sul da China, onde planeiam a rebelião. O líder da Seita Sol-Lua, Wu é derrubado pelo irmão, Fong, autoproclamado Ásia Invencível. Fong une-se a um grupo de renegados japoneses para cumprir o seu objectivo de domínio da China, planeando fazê-lo com o auxílio dos poderes místicos revelados num texto chamado “Pergaminho Sagrado”. A obtenção desses poderes tem, no entanto, um preço a pagar - a castração - e Fong transforma-se gradualmente numa mulher. Entretanto, Ling (Li) reune-se com os seus companheiros, planeando em conjunto retirarem-se do mundo das Artes Marciais. Antes que tal seja possível, vão encontrar-se com Ying (Kwan), filha de Wu, supostamente aprisionado por Fong, que Ling irá conhecer sem saber que se trata do seu inimigo.
Four Dragons
Si hai you xia AKA: Four Dragons Dir: Ji Shang Lu Cast: Ken Lo, Siu-Ho Chin Hng Kong 1992
The Banquet
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Tiger Cage 3
Earnest cop James works for the Commercial Crime Bureau and is keeping a sharp eye on slick business man Lee Siu-pong. When his business endeavours garner the attention of an enterprising extortionist, Lee has the blackmailer killed. Fearing that the incriminating document has fallen into the hands of James, Lee does the only thing that a red-blooded criminal might -- he kidnaps the cop's girlfriend Suki. When James gives chase, he finds himself horribly burned in an explosion detonated by Lee. After months of painful recovery, James dons a silver mask and sets out for bloody, gut-wrenching vengeance. Meanwhile, Suki, who has become Lee's unwilling mistress, plots for the thug's gory demise as well.
The Roar of the Vietnamese
A violent action drama about illegal immigrants manipulated by criminal gangs, forced to commit crimes in return for supposed passage to the U.S..
New Kids in Town
Two exceptional kung fu students leave the mainland to work for their uncle in Hong Kong. Before long the students and their cousin, get mixed up in a drug smuggling ring. They decide to take on the gang in an all-out action fest.
My Hero
Sing loves to read cartoons and often daydreams of becoming a tycoon and celebrity. By accident, he becomes a follower of Wai, a gang leader, and makes a friend of Wai's adopted son, Chun. The series of successes made by Sing and Chun breed contempt in Wai's heart. Wai plans to get rid of them so as to pave the way for his son to succeed to his own business. Still, his son kills him..
Fatal Termination
Dois grupos de terroristas em guerra tentam se apossar de um arsenal de armas devido a passar por Hong Kong, o enredo é ainda mais complicado por dois policiais que investigam, um funcionário corrupto e um gangster.
Angel Enforcers
Female agents battle a gang of diamond thieves.
Satanic Crystals
Two gangs of gangsters fight over a unique crystal in the jungles of Thailand!
Alvo Duplo
Dois irmãos, um policial e outro marginal, se envolvem com o violento submundo do Hong Kong. Apesar das diferenças, ambos são muitos unidos. Kit é um jovem idealista que tenta fazer carreira na polícia, sem jamais imaginar que seu irmão mais velho, Ho, trabalha para o sindicato do crime. Ho decide mudar de vida assim que finalizar seu último serviço: mediar um carregamento de dinheiro falso para Taipei. Infelizmente, seus planos fracassam quando um de seus encarregados o trapaceia, colocando-o na prisão. Após cumprir pena, ele procura imediatamente pelo irmão policial, que está totalmente engajado na luta contra a máfia chinesa. Este o rejeita e o acusa da morte do pai. Ho tenta, então, levar uma vida honesta como motorista de táxi, mas seus antigos comparsas não estão disposto a perder o preciso colaborador. Para acabar com o inimigo comum, a única saída para Ho e Kit é terminar com a rivalidade e lutar juntos por suas próprias vidas.