Cute and perky Cynthia Khan plays super cop Lydia Lee, the leader of the police force's A-Team. She's working on a murder case with her security guard boyfriend, and things get very silly very quickly.
Lui Biao, Flower Shadow
An executioner beheads his 1000th criminal, and unleashes a demon army headed by an evil witch called the Blood Lotus
The film is about Ming, a famous photographer that is suspected of killing womens and committing necrophilia on their bodies, his buddy (who's a cop, played by Wai Lam) embarks in a quest to clear Ming's name.
1992 film
A gang of Mainland robbers leave their mark in Hong Kong and flee to Taiwan. Female supercop Show Yun reluctantly teams up with her Taiwan counterpart, policeman Wai to stop this violent gang of robbers.
Shila and Feng have playing against each other since childhood. Shila grows up to run her family's casino and, for a time, seems not to be tough enough to make the grade. Feng gains control of her casino. Will there be revenge ? You can bet on it !
As an inspector of the police station, Fang Ping has long admired the charm and courage of the Big Island. The Oshima repeatedly encountered turmoil in the operation and caused great anxiety. However, Oshima loved Xiao, and Fang Ping had no choice but to help her silently. Xiao has an unknown side, do not want to hurt the big island Fang Ping decided to come forward, this time the gang is close ...
This shot on video film revolves around two women’s affection for their male partners against their better interest. One, a nightclub singer, befriends a fugitive from a gang, while the other - a Japanese played by Yukari Oshima - is befriended by an HK detective investigating the case. The men’s subsequent conflict with the gang eventually draws both women in and leads to their deaths.
A Hong Kong crime film from 1990 directed by Wilson Cheung Wing-Wa .
A low budget Hong Kong martial arts films.
Desta Vez o trio de experts em artes marcias, após uma extenuante missão, parte em ferias para a malásia e descobre, que um poderoso homem de negocios, planeja conquistar o pais através de um bem-treinado exército secreto de mercenários.
Inspector Bak Fei Hung
Super-accurate fortune teller Blind Chen informs four young policewomen that the same man, whom they'll soon meet, will incite her to suicide (first woman), rape her (second woman), break her head (third) and kill her (fourth). This man turns out to be their new boss, Inspector Bak Fei Hung. The reason these things are to happen is due to the angry spirit of a former Red Guard muscleman who has sworn revenge against some HK gang bosses and, unfortunately, Bak and his new recruits get in his way. (
Wai is the leader of a gang of rascals who rape Mo Yi Hing. The police arrive moments before Chiang, Wai’s head gunman, was to shoot Yi Hing dead. Yi Hing is no angel and goes to prison, but she keeps trying to escape, to take revenge on Wai. Wai is a pretty tough guy, but he fears for his life, and tries to have Yi Hing killed.
Inspector Siu
Hsiao and his family move into a big apartment which is surprisingly cheap. When they get settled, strange things start to happen. In the 50s, a bar waitress, Lucy lived with her boyfriend Tim in the same apartment. Tim was a US sailor and he had to leave Hong Kong after the holiday. He abandoned Lucy after she was pregnant. Out of rage, Lucy committed suicide and killed her baby boy too. She swore to kill Tim after death. Hsiao's wife and daughter have been possessed by Lucy and her son and Lucy wants to kill Hsiao on his birthday…
Vietnamese gang member
Alan Tang Kwong-Wing is a young family man in San Francisco whose sense of obligation to his gangster cousin conflicts with his home life. When he is falsely accused of the murders of some Vietnamese gangsters, Tang flees to his native Hong Kong, followed closely by his wife and small child, a corrupt CIA agent (as if there were anything else), and the remaining Vietnamese gang members out for revenge. The wife and kid get kidnapped, but Tang and a friend kick everyone's ass, with the wife helping out in rather unexpected ways.
Siu Yuk-Lung
An insane man is shot dead by two cops, Kung and Hsiao, after he refused to listen to them and stabbed a woman dead. After the encounter, the two cops always strange things and Hsiaos girlfriend is also haunted. To reduce the fear of hiring police a Taoist to sort out this problem ...
Directed by David Lai, the provocative 80s Hong Kong classic Lonely Fifteen follows a group of delinquent teenage girls and their downward spiral. Spurning home and school for various reasons, four troubled and alienated schoolgirls descend into crime, sex, drugs, prostitution and tragedy. Lonely Fifteen received seven nominations at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards and won Best Actress for teenaged lead Becky Lam in her first and only film appearance.
Angry Kungfu Master's Disciple
Jovem mimado, filho de um rico empresário, pensa que é o melhor lutador da cidade. Mas não sabe que todas as suas lutas são armadas por empregados de seu pai. Quando ele entra em uma luta de verdade e é humilhado, descobre a farsa e decide treinar kung-fu com um lendário mestre para poder se vingar.
Mu Cha
Actors David Chaing and Alexander Fu Sheng join director Chang Cheh and the rest of the Five Deadly Venoms crew for a supernatural martial arts epic that takes the action to another plane of reality entirely. When a fallen angel descends to the Earth on a mission to storm the underworld, a love shared between angels and humans offers telling testament to the power of a lucky ghost. In the battle that follows, both the living and the dead will discover that a war waged in hell could have consequences that resound forever
Wang Sheng San
Uma Agência de Segurança é contratada pelo governo para escoltar um valioso carregamento de ouro para ajudar as vítimas da fome numa região escassa. No entanto pelo trajeto, eles terão que enfrentar a perigosa quadrilha do Vale Mortal liderada pelo infame Garoto do Braço de Ouro que pretende se apoderar do ouro. A fim de proteger a valiosa carga o chefe da empresa de segurança contrata os serviços de quatro especialistas em kung-fu e contam com a ajuda de um mestre bêbado que na verdade é um agente do governo disfarçado.
Du's Thug
Um rico especialista em kung fu, que se tornou amargo e malvado com o assassinato de sua esposa e a perda das mãos de seu filho, intimida uma cidade por meio do terror e da força. Eles encontram prazer e satisfação incapacitando aqueles que tropeçam em seu caminho. Quatro dos aleijados, um vendedor ambulante cego, um ferreiro mudo e surdo, um errante que perde as pernas e um lutador que perde a sanidade, unem-se para usar suas deficiências da melhor maneira possível. Os quatro são testados repetidamente e demonstram seus pontos fortes e habilidades.
Di Li, South Shaolin Fighter
Por causa de suas crescentes influências na população, os monges shaolins se tornaram uma ameaça a Dinastia Ching. Um general Marchuriano urde um plano para por fima a essa ameaça. Realiza um torneio amistoso entre os shaolins do norte e do sul para escolher quem será o instrutor de kung fu do exército imperial. Durante o torneio, o general secretamente mata os representantes do sul e manda seus corpos para o templo, pondo a culpa nos shaolins do norte. Revoltado com os acontecimentos, o monge superior envia três novos discípulos especialmente treinados para enfrentar os shaolins do norte em busca de vingança. Após um grande e feroz confronto entre os shaolins, o plano do general é finalmente descoberto e os discípulos se unem para enfrentar os manchurianos num grande e espetacular combate final.
"O Clã do Veneno" é um grupo de cinco lutadores altamente treinados, com suas habilidades individuais baseadas na Centopéia, na Cobra, no Escorpião, no Lagarto e no Sapo. O velho mestre do clã, treina um último discípulo para cumprir uma difícil missão: verificar se algum membro do clã está usando suas habilidades para o mal e se for o caso, eliminá-lo. O grande problema é que eles foram treinados usando máscaras e ninguém, nem mesmo o velho mestre, conhece suas identidades. Os Cinco Venenos de Shaolin é considerado um marco nos filmes de Artes Marciais, tendo sido responsável por uma grande mudança de estilo no gênero.
Shaolin Student That Committed Suicide
Filme com elenco de grandes estrelas das Artes marciais, que retrata um dos eventos mais importantes da história do Kung-Fu: A destruição do Templo Shaolin durante a Dinastia Qing. Mostra o porquê da admissão de pessoas comuns no Templo e seu treinamento nos vários estilos do Kung-Fu. Mostra ainda, com grande realismo, os fatos que antecederam ao massacre, a história das pessoas envolvidas, a incrível batalha que culminou na destruição do Templo, e os heróis desta saga. Um grande clássico do Kung-Fu.