Elizabeth Healey

Elizabeth Healey


Elizabeth Healey


Finding Dad
Executive Producer
A remarkably self-assured debut, this East London fairytale feels truthful throughout, due to the real-life experiences of the director, and using the same locations. Daisy Fairclough in particular shines as Anita, who sets out with her best friend to find her real father, after the death of her alcoholic mother.
Horas de Silêncio
Rachel Garvie
O detetive particular John Duval, um ex-tenente comandante da Marinha Real e da Inteligência Naval, se torna o principal suspeito em uma caçada policial por um assassino sexual quando três mulheres são brutalmente assassinadas.
Medo de Amar
Kai é um jovem aspirante a escritor que viveu toda a sua adolescência eu uma pequena cidade no interior da Inglaterra, e agora está aproveitando sua última semana do colégio com seus amigos. Mas um acidente tira a vida de um deles, e muda o destino de todos para sempre.
A psychological thriller set against the iconic backdrop of London’s Notting Hill. A falling star auditions for her dream role, but the part is awarded to a more beautiful up-and-comer by the name of Alex Beyer. Unsure of who or what is tormenting her, Alex's sense of reality begins to spiral out of control threatening not only Alex’s sanity but the lives of all those around her.
Across the River
First loves, reunited after many years, must choose whether to go back together or onwards apart.
Across the River
First loves, reunited after many years, must choose whether to go back together or onwards apart.
Mum's List
The story of Singe and Kate, a couple from North Somerset, whose lives were turned upside down when Kate was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Over her last few days, she created her list: writing her thoughts and memories down, to help the man she loved create the best life possible for their two sons, after she was gone.
Doutor Estranho
Concerned Doctor
Após sua carreira ser destruída, um brilhante, porém arrogante, cirurgião ganha uma nova chance em sua vida quando um feiticeiro o treina para se tornar o Mago Supremo.
A boy steps out of a 3D printer to meet his maker...
Trap for Cinderella
A young girl, suffering from amnesia after surviving a house fire that takes her childhood friend's life, begins a tormented road to recovery.
O Ataque das Formigas
When ants, displaying never-before-seen behavior, seize an island, the controversial Thorax Team is called in to stop the massive threat, only to discover that the ants are controlled by something beyond this world.
Croc: A Fera Assassina
Krabi, Tailândia. Um crocodilo gigantesco que tem como hobbie devorar homens está livre e cheio de fome. Croc Hawkins, um caçador valente o suficiente para lutar contra a criatura, inicia então uma jornada para livrar o povo do terror e capturá-lo. Enquanto isso, a população tenta acabar com uma fazenda de crocodilos sanguinários.