Hsing-Lai Wang


Os Monges de Shaolin
O Filme conta à história do monge noviço Zhixing que luta contra a invasão do "Templo Shaolin" pelos Jins, durante a Dinastia Sung. Os Jins vieram da mesma região que os Manchus, mas são de uma ordem que impõe seus próprios regulamentos com a maior severidade possível. Quando os malvados Jins atacam, o monge Zhixing usa das artes marciais para combatê-los, contudo é punido por praticar o kung fu sem permissão. Os altos sacerdotes Shaolin, são guiados por um conjunto de regras rigorosas que os impede de responder à violência do Jins, mas a milícia local, leal ao imperador, é liderada por uma bela mulher espadachim, que se junta a alguns monges rebeldes que possuem um poderoso estilo de artes marcais.
Little Mad Guy
Slapstick humor and over the top martial arts action highlight this madcap adventure tale of a simpleton who fights for the people.
The Angry Young Man
University students in Taipei come under pressure when they are bullied by thugs and forced to enter a fight to the death karate tournament, where super kicker Hwang Jang Lee is the final opponent.
Immortal Warriors
Immortal Warriors is a Taiwanese Martial Arts movie.
Warlock of the Battlefield
A wizard vampire haunts a number of warriors. He has several zombie servants. The warriors must defeat both threats.
The Dragon Lives
Biopic of the life and death of the legendary Bruce Lee, played by Bruce Li.
The Dragon Lives
Biopic of the life and death of the legendary Bruce Lee, played by Bruce Li.
Tornado of Chu-chiang
In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.
Tornado of Chu-chiang
In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.
The Hero of Chiu Chow
1973 kung fu movie
The Hero of Chiu Chow
1973 kung fu movie
Escorts Over Tiger Hill
A war between two generals, one of whom drafts Jing Wuji, a former fighter who has become a monk, to escort a group of prisoners over the mountains. The monk's efforts are complicated by the reappearance of his two vengeful ex-wives.
Romance in Northern Country
A man recounts his sorrows over his love that was not meant to be. As China enters its tumultuous period of political upheaval, love begins to blossom for two people on opposing parties.
Between Tears and Smiles
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
Bitter Sweet
Assistant Director
A widow of four gave up two of her children to be raised by an uncle in Singapore. Many years later, just when the widow, now a house maid, is feeling contented by good news of her long gone son and daughter, she accidentally runs into his own son, now a lawyer, and ends up being looked down upon by him. It was a story about how traditional Chinese family and its value was impacted by the change of time. The movie depicted Macau in 1945 to Hong Kong in the mid-60s, moving from poverty after WWII to opulence. The human relationships became complicated and fragile. Many elements uniquely "Hong Kong", such as upper class Chinese, western religions, English speaking and a mixed-culture society are used to contrast the traditional, kind, enduring and forgiving love of a mother.