Billy McRighteous
O juiz Rhinehole ordena que o acampamento nudista de Sunny Buttocks seja fechado por afronta à comunidade. Os membros do acampamento fazem um pacto suicida, mas juram voltar para se vingar. Cinco anos depois, um grupo de campistas em um retiro discutem uns com os outros sobre religião e cantam grandes números musicais enquanto o grupo começa a enfrentar um problema de atrito.
Mr. McFarland
After being bitten by what he thinks is a transvestite, Larry starts having nightmares about hillbillies, ominous visits from an old gypsy woman, and having the strangest reactions to the full moon...
Featured Convict
Chuck Toedan's the host of a gameshow featuring death row convicts competeing in life-or-death contests in hopes of cheating the executioner or, at the very least, winning some nice prizes for their next of kin. Not surprisingly, Chuck has made more than a few enemies, from outraged viewers trying to ban his show, to families of losing contestants looking for revenge. A hitman hired by one such family has shown up at Chuck's office, and he'll need to enlist the help of his most outspoken critic to keep from ending up like most of his contestants.
Mayonaise Man
A somewhat reluctant vampire is taken out by his sexpot sister for his first "night out on the town."
Two young men from Singapore make holiday in Hong Kong. One of them dreams about a murder. After witnessing a murder they become the targets of some gangsters. Can they outfight the thugs or will the murder dream become a reality?