O jovem casal, um cantor de ópera católico e uma violinista judia, sonham em se apresentar juntos no Carnegie Hall. Quando os dois são separados pela invasão alemã na Polônia, Robert promete encontrá-la a qualquer custo; até se ver no coração da Alemanha nazista numa busca que parece mostrar, cada vez mais, que o rapaz perdeu para sempre o amor de sua vida.
A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate their survival. On an everyday basis they have their ups and downs. Lisowski works at the curia in a big city, has a career and is dreaming of the Vatican. Problem is, archbishop Mordowicz, an opulent church official who uses his political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland, gets in his way. The second priest, Trybus, is a village parson. He ministers to a poor community and gives in to human weaknesses more and more often. Kukuła is not faring well either. Despite his fervent faith, he loses the trust of his parishioners actually overnight. Soon the stories of the three clergymen are going to join once again.
Komedia romantyczna po ślunsku. Producenci filmu „Rezerwat” przedstawiają najnowszy projekt. Długo oczekiwany pełnometrażowy debiut Macieja Prykowskiego to zwariowana i żywiołowa komedia o małym osiedlu familoków, na którym pojawia się „zgorszyciel”. Wywoła to całą serię komiczno-romantycznych zdarzeń, które połączą w miłość kilka zagubionych serc.
An impressionistic, black-and-white portrait of the day-to-day of a nonagenarian woman as she experiences the final act of her life. Danuta Szaflarska stars as Aniela, who lives in a massive yet rapidly-deteriorating wooden house, filled with souvenirs and treasures of eras gone by. Aniela runs into conflict in her dealings with others, particularly a nasty neighbor who sees her property as an eyesore and wants to do everything in his reach to buy it up and tear it down, and her married adult son, who - though kindly - triggers paranoia within Aniela (she cannot help but believe that he is scheming and planning to wheedle the property away from her). Driven aback by these individuals, Aniela finds one of her only sources of comfort and reassurance in her daily talks with her dog, Fila - and develops a great affinity for spying on the neighbors' doings whenever boredom creeps in.