Sandro Giordano

Sandro Giordano


Sandro Giordano


The Male Gaze: Fleeting Glances
A release that features 7 shorts from Italy, Israel, Tunisia, New Zealand, the United States and France, exploring those furtive first steps that men take as they decide to act on their sexuality. The 7 short films are: The First Time [La prima volta] (2012); Kiss Me (2022); Nidhal [نضال] (2022); Sparrow (2016); I Am Mackenzie (2019); The Place Between Us [Il posto fra di noi] (2010); By the End of the Night [Que la nuit s'achève] (2018).
The Dark Side
A real initiatory journey that, through the discovery and the story of myths, legends, inexplicable events and macabre details, will lead the viewer and the conductor to confront each one with their own fears.
The Place Between Us
At a hilltop cottage, Giorgio and Matteo are hosting a dinner party for Giorgio's artistic friends from the city. As the group discuss art, cinema and gossip, Matteo becomes withdrawn. He goes inside and turns on his video camera, and through its lens he sees for the first time what his and Giorgio's relationship really is.
Ce n'è per tutti
Six youngsters aged between 20 and 30 years old, stranded within the restricted values of a provincial city, constrained to live in an emotional void, lacking dreams and acknowledged values, brought together by their rage and feeling that they have nothing left to lose. Luca finds happiness with his ex-girlfriend's outgoing brother Riccardo. When a gay-bashing leaves Riccardo dead, Luca lures the perps to an abandoned factory basement, where he pretends to join in on their sadistic torture of a passerby before he turns the tables.
Santa Rita de Cássia
Filmada nas belas paisagens de Cássia, onde Santa Rita nasceu, viveu e deu testemunho de sua fé, coragem e espiritualidade cristã, esta superprodução do cinema italiano narra a trajetória da "santa das causas impossíveis", desde seu casamento na juventude até sua morte, passando pelo trágico falecimento do esposo e dos filhos gêmeos e por sua milagrosa entrada no convento.
L'amore è eterno finché dura
Gilberto, 50enne, si fa coinvolgere in una cosiddetta speed-date, una gara in cui i protagonisti devono trovare un partner in 3 minuti. Arrestato, deve confessare tutto in presenza della moglie che lo sbatte fuori di casa. Rifugiatosi da amici scopre che il suo migliore amico è amante della moglie e comincia a tentare di avviare nuove relazioni che falliscono tutte.
Sexy Comedy
The children leave for the school trip and dad and mom board a nice girl who turns out to be the lover of their best friend. Which is then the husband of their best friend ...
Dead Train
The Stendhal Syndrome
A young policewoman slowly goes insane while tracking down an elusive serial rapist/killer through Italy when she herself becomes a victim of the brutal man's obsession.