Aaron Edson


Ester e o Rei
O cenário é a Pérsia, no século IV a.C, quando Ester chama a atenção do rei recém-viúvo Assuero. O rei tem tentado reprimir e derrotar a campanha de ódio fomentada contra os judeus por seu malvado ministro Haman. Antes que o rei possa se unir a Ester e derrotar o vilão Hamã, há várias aventuras intermediárias e uma mulher adicional e atraente que compete por atenção.
Alma & King Noah's Court
In this fun and moving retelling of a treasured scripture story, a modern-day girl named Amelia learns a valuable lesson on integrity through the courage of Alma. When Amelia is teased because her family is taking the missionary discussions, she learns from Alma – as he defends Abinadi against King Noah – to have the faith to stand up for what is right. In this story, Alma (Dallyn Vail Bayles) is faced with the decision of approaching King Noah (Frank Gerrish) and his wicked priests, or risking his live by standing up for the prophet Abinadi (Ken Eklof). Also starring Michael Birkeland and Brad Warwood, Alma and King Noah’s Court is the fourth episode in the Liken series.
Davi e Golias
See this fun and moving Bible story (1 Samuel 16-18) as you've never seen it before -- through they eyes of Amelia (Lauren Faber), a shy, modern-day girl who has her own personal Goliath to face -- a performance in her school's choir concert. To help build Amelia's confidence, her choir teacher (Angela Winston) tells her the story of another young person called upon to do something big - a boy by the name of David. David and Goliath is the fun and moving story of the well-known Biblical figure, King David as he takes on the mighty Philistine, Goliath. David and Goliath is enjoyable for the whole family.
Ammon and King Lamoni
When teenager McKay brings home inappropriate music, a scripture question from his younger brother triggers a lesson neither of them will ever forget. The story of Ammon on his perilous mission to the land of King Lamoni opens the door for a mighty change of heart not only for the king, his queen, the people of his kingdom, but also for one modern-day teenager.
Nephi & Laban
When young Spencer Anderson can't seem to stay focused on the primary class sharing-time presentation, a loving leader shows him how to use his amazing imagination to make the stories come to life.