The crime squad follows a track that leads to a Morrocan drug and prostitution ring. They end up involved into an international school to form a mercenary army for non democratic governments.
A diplomatic meeting between Western and Arab diplomats goes wrong, and a black gold dossier is firmly pushed across a desk. Against a background of hostages taken in an embassy, a covert operations agent, Benson, is given a mission in Paris. He is going into an Arab Emirate with a chosen group of operatives, and blow up an oil refinery.
A young woman is found dead, nude and drugged with tropanyme (a powerful aphrodisiac). Inspector Corentin from the vice squad will go after this new drug and prostitution ring.
A young bank officer ogles the girls in his office and goes home to his prim wife. After reading a book of erotic poems by Guillaume Appollinaire of the World War I era, he finds himself inside the adventures of the book, which are largely of an erotic nature. When he awakens the next morning, he is inspired to order his life in a more satisfactory manner.
Yvonne (as Jehanne Blaise)
"O" é uma mulher livre e independente, que é levada por seu amante René a um castelo situado em Roissy, perto de Paris, onde ela se torna uma escrava de René e outros homens. No castelo, "O" é marcada a ferro quente com as iniciais de seu mestre e é submetida, por sua própria vontade e consentimento, a uma variedade de práticas sexuais sadomasoquistas.