Sperantza Vrana

Sperantza Vrana

Nascimento : 1926-02-06, Messolonghi, Greece

Morte : 2009-09-29


Sperantza Vrana (Greek: Σπεράντζα Βρανά; 6 February 1928 – 29 September 2009) was a Greek actress and writer. She was born as Elpida[a] Homatianou (Ελπίδα Χωματιανού) in Messolongi on 6 February, either in 1926 or 1932. She wrote several books, with the most famous of them being her autobiography Tolmo (Τολμώ, I Dare). Sperantza Vrana died of a heart attack on 29 September 2009, aged 81.


Sperantza Vrana
Sperantza Vrana


Safe Sex
A satire of life in modern Greece, presented through a series of different stories about sex. There are several couples and their relation with sex in parallel stories that come together in a hilarious way.
Η μάνα της φόνισσας
Fanny, young daskalitsa, is in love with Lambros, student of Chemistry. Transferred to the Greek school in Munich and accepts the transfer, to raise money to set up their home, despite the objections of Lambros mother. But fate sets a bad game. When Fanny returned from Munich finds Lambros married with plousiokori Rena, his fellow student. Dreams of collapse and not having anyone in the world to build on going ...
Ο σοφός και η Σοφία
Η Σεξουάλα
A midwife returns from America, Barbara, and stays at her younger daughter, Rena. There he strengthens the climate with his feminist views and endangers the happiness of the couple.
Το φρικιό
Ράδιο Αρβύλα
Και κλάααμα... στα σχολεία
Μήτσος ο Ρεζίλης
Vana Tsihla
Gender-bender comedy directed by Omiros Efstratiadis.
Τώρα Θέλω... Τώρα!
In a cosmopolitan hotel of Athens in Greece are gathered various people who are shooting a musical show for TV.
Ο Παλαβός Κόσμος του Θανάση
Seven short stories of everyday madness starring Thanasis Vengos.
The Bald Student
Thanasis, a family breadwinner who has been working for 17 years at the Ministry of Measure and Station without any promotion, is trying to cover his expenses by doing a second job. When he learns that he can not be promoted because he does not own a high school diploma, he decides to go back to school.
Ξεριζωμένη Γενηά
Το συρτάκι της αμαρτίας
Greek melodrama about a woman shunned by her family.
Eva Has Not Sinned
A pretty and chubby woman, Eva, Fontas ex- wife, is now married to the neighborhood’s tavern owner, Menelaos, who gives her a hard time being unbelievably jealous. His jealousy is sparked off by the large number of admirers his wife has, as well as the malicious Fontas.
Απόκληροι της κοινωνίας
Everything the People Wants
Thanasis (Giannis Gionakis) succumbs to the pressure of his wife (Kati Lambropoulou) and buys an old car that turns out to be a shame. Until he can get rid of it and take back his money, there will be a number of misunderstandings and confusions, comic situations, and emotional fools.
Στη θύελλα του πάθους
Ο Ανηψιός μου ο Μανώλης
The Tough Guy
Iraklis (Hercules) Leontopoulos is a low-paid employee with a heart of gold, who inherits a building together with its tenants. His easy disposition is his biggest problem because he can not collect any rents. In addition, he can not make any evictions nor can he demand any increase in the rents. Everything is about to change when his lawyer Aleka Palli makes him play the tough guy in order to collect the unpaid rents. The consequences of this transformation will be hilarious.
Ηδονή και πάθος
The Heirs of Karampoumpounas
A notary calls in the office three brothers: Theophrastus, Telis and Kokkovio Karampoumpouna and announces the death of their distant uncle from Chicago, who left their legacy sixty thousand US dollars, provided to start a company together. Telis, the most intelligent, has its own photography and aims, with the help of his fiancée Bubi, eat whole heritage. Two friends Bubi, Mirka and Jenny, are employed, diplaronoun naive and the plan seems to be going well.
Αδέκαροι ερωτευμένοι
Three Detectives
The three blunders unspeakable detective thalassonoun all their affairs.
The Counterfeit Coin
Four stories, humorous, romantic or dramatic, are linked by a counterfeit gold sovereign. It is made by the honest engraver in the first story, seduced by the charms of a young widow, and it subsequently passes into the hands of a beggar and a prostitute, a wealthy miser and a newly married couple where the husband is a poor artist.
Γλέντι Λεφτά κι Αγάπη
Angelos, a law student in Athens, is expecting Lavrentis, his rich uncle from the village, hoping that with his money, his luck will change. His uncle though is very sick and the doctors suggest rest and calmness. Youyou, Angelos' girlfriend though suggests otherwise in order to push the rich uncle closer to his death. And so, Angelos, with two friends from his village, Damian and Sarantis start partying with Lavrentis whose health starts getting better and better. In the meantime Angelos meets Myrto, falls madly in love with her and decide to finish his studies and marry her.
The Beauty of Athens
A streetwise guy, according to a will, has to marry an extremely ugly old lady to get the money of the inheritance.So he tries to trick a poor devil into getting married with her.
The Driver
Mitera tis Lelas
A poor taxi driver works hard in order to pay off his car and to marry his fiancee.
Come to Uncle
Antonis is the nephew of the good-hearted grocer Harilaos Toukouras. He is slothful and lazy but he is the only heir to his uncle, who considers marriage as the only solution to his nephew’s problems. That’s why he is looking for a bride for him by checking the newspaper ads. Due to a printing error, an ad for the sale of a sewing machine appears in the personal ads column, bringing uncle and nephew to the house of a serious and honest estate agent who has two single sisters.