Zofia Czerwińska

Zofia Czerwińska

Nascimento : 1933-03-19, Poznań, Poland

Morte : 2019-03-13


Zofia Czerwińska


Verliebt in Masuren
Tanta Grazyna
Milczenie jest złotem
Lesser Evil
There is a writer who in the late 1970s managed to publish a poem in the monthly "Nowy Wyraz". It was enough to become a self-confessed writer whose name began to appear in the state media. The writer takes full advantage of his privileges - he flirts with power, sympathizes with the opposition, and collapses his studies at the same time. He is saved from going to the army by an exalted essayist whose sister is the head of the psychiatric hospital in Tworki. In a psychiatric institution, a writer meets a schizophrenic who writes a novel. After his suicide, the protagonist takes over the draft, which he publishes outside of censorship under his name, thanks to which he gains fame, fame and money. August '80 breaks out....
Złoty środek
Raised in Warsaw's Praga, Mirka graduated from the prestigious faculty of law. It would seem that her profession would even be detracted from the honor of a family with cunning roots. The girl's grandfather and father pride themselves on stays in numerous prisons. However, Mirka's legal knowledge can be very useful in the fight to save the old tenement house. As a result of a suspicious transaction, the tenement house where Mirka has been living since childhood is to be demolished. All the leads lead to the law firm "Łopian i Pokrzywa", which is just looking for a new lawyer - a man. In order to help the inhabitants of the family tenement house, Mirka must engage in a daring hoax. She is helped by her uncle Bogumił, a makeup artist and a representative of a sexual minority. Thanks to him, a beautiful girl will turn into a handsome young man and hire him in a suspicious office.
King Ubu
członek ludu
A grotesque Shakespearean tale of Ubu who comes to power in a bloody way. When his absurd reforms fail and the treasury gets empty, Ubu and his flatterers start implementing terror across the country.
O Pianista
Woman with Soup
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Sto minut wakacji
Taxi driver
A reporter and his son film a popular actress spending vacation with her daughter.
Deserter's Gold
garbuska w hotelu
"Deserter's Gold", the sequel to the very popular "The Deserters", is a rich war comedy, skipping humorously around the more serious dangers of a war. Deserters Gold takes place during World War II, while the first film happened during WWI. The heroes' mission is to rob a Nazi-run bank in Poland for gold that will buy military supplies for the Polish Underground.
Straszny sen Dzidziusia Górkiewicza
Lola - Zosia "Jagódka"
The Great Give-Away
dozorczyni w domu na Lampego
Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.
Szwedzi w Warszawie
Sprzątaczka w kościele
Just Beyond This Forest
Woman on the Train
Set in 1942, The Jewish wife she worked for before the war hires her to take her young daughter to the countryside until the war is over.
Oh, Karol!
Matka Karola
Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it for his benefits.
uczestniczka zjazdu
Two old friends meet at a mountain shelter and remember their teenage years. Midroń and Świdrycki are mature, intelligent men, experiencing a crisis of faith in the meaning of life, in their abilities, as well as fear of death. The next day, their wives join them. Although they have not had the opportunity to get to know each other so far, they become friends very quickly.
The Window
Polish psychological drama
Jeśli się odnajdziemy
Teddy Bear
Candidate for Irena Ochódzka
The main character, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances, is a manager of a sports club in Poland. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament. It appears that somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done it in order to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is taking part in a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for another actor is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play the dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
Babcia klozetowa
The film is set in a terrorizing world of the future, where technology commands the movements of individuals, supervised by the doctors, carrying out a program to improve the human race. Thus, instead of doctors creating a monster, the monsters are already there as the species of the future - but one of them is suspected by the doctors of being a human being. That is Golem in reverse.
The Gorgon Case
Kobieta na sali sądowej we Lwowie (niewymieniony w czołówce)
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
Brunet Will Call
Jola, kobieta do której pomyłkowo zadzwonił Roman
Modest editor, has shipped his wife and kids for the weekend, and is trying to relax in his house at the outskirts of Warsaw. His quiet evening is only disturbed by the accidental forecast made by a Gypsy woman, that at evening time he will murder a mysterious brunet.
I'm a Butterfly
Zosia Nowosielska
Funny adventures of Engineer Stefan Karwowski. One day he meet the famous star Irena Orska and fall in love. But there are three problems: his wife and two children. He must choice what is more importent for him - family or Irena.
Man - Woman Wanted
sublokatorka Karpielów, ich była gosposia
Falsely accused Warsaw art museum assistant goes into hiding as a woman.
A Slip-Up
[obsada aktorska] (uncredited)
The main character has quit school, makes a living by taking pictures. He seduces a nurse who treated his head wound which he earned in a fight. They witness a hit-and-run driver killing a little girl on a sled. He builds up an elaborate trap by putting a doll dressed as a child down the hill in the path of a car. The man hits it and thinking that he hit a child - runs. Marek takes pictures of him and tries to blackmail him to use his car for a week. He wants to use the car to win back the nurse, who could not cope with his humors...
Złote koło
kierowniczka hotelu robotniczego
kasjerka w barze mlecznym
The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
Apolonia M. (witness)
A retired police captain, Siwy, tells a reporter about his latest action, carrying on his own investigation into the mysterious death of a Eve Salm, a.k.a. Princess. She was a witness in a case where the defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Siwy doubts the defendant's guilt and risks his life to apprehend the real killer.
Dancing at Hitler's Headquarters
Big Beat
Asystentka na konkursie piosenki
Christmas Eve
A man's surreal search for a woman named Eva on Christmas Eve.
Trzy kroki po ziemi
Waitress (segment 1)
The Law and the Fist
At the end of World War Two, Polish people move to the western lands vacated by Germans. But some ruthless profiteers pose as government representatives and intend to make off with loot from a deserted town they took over. One honest man stands up against them because he believes these goods belong to the people.
Cinzas e Diamantes
Barmanka Lili
Última parte da trilogia não planejada de Andrzej Wajda, que segue Geração e Kanal, sobre acontecimentos passados durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Polônia, Cinzas e Diamantes é considerado uma das maiores obras-primas do cinema mundial. Em 1945, no último dia da guerra, um jovem mercenário é contratado por uma organização de direita para matar um líder comunista em uma aldeia. Interpretado por Zbigniew Cybulski, considerado o James Dean do cinema polonês, o guerrilheiro cai de amores por uma garçonete e começa e pensar em desistir de sua vida de combatente.
Jogodka (segment "Scherzo alla Polacca")
Tells two tales set during WWII: A seemingly feckless and selfish finally takes up arms in the national struggle against the Nazis. Set in a POW camp, Polish inmates cling to their hopes for an eventual escape, encouraged by the legendary escape of one of their own.
Barmanka Lola
1942. A cidade de Varsóvia sofre a ocupação alemã. Os jovens poloneses começam a participar do movimento de resistência. O herói desta saga entra na luta, a pedido da jovem por quem se apaixonara. Junto a essa história de amor, Wajda mostra a coragem e o sacrifício dos conterrâneos, num dos mais difíceis períodos da história de seu país. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)