Quando o cinema australiano alcançou o público internacional na década de 1970 por meio de filmes de arte respeitados como Picnic na Montanha Misteriosa (1975), de Peter Weir, um novo underground de cineastas de exploração de baixo orçamento estava produzindo consideravelmente menos filmes intelectuais. O documentarista Mark Hartley explora esta era desenfreada de sexo e violência, completa com clipes de alguns dos filmes mais ultrajantes e entrevistas com os próprios cineastas renegados.
The story of a pair of Australian pilots working for a small South Pacific airline. Paul, a wildly successful womanizer, leaving conquests at every port and Martin, sad and lonely in his search for a true love. Together, they... well, they don't do much of anything besides chase girls on various Polynesian islands.
Best-selling author and practicing witch Deborah Gray presents a beginner's guide to witchcraft in this how-to documentary, providing intriguing lessons on casting spells, using charms, blending potions, reading the phases of the moon and more. With her soothing presence and easy-to-follow instruction, Gray recounts the history of witchcraft in Egypt, Europe and Britain and shows how the ancient art can be put into modern practice.