Delphine Théodore

Delphine Théodore


Delphine Théodore


Brasse coulée
This is the story of a woman who’s been looking cranky her whole life until the day she wakes up with a smile stuck on her face.
Ele tem mesmo seus Olhos
Prune, Sali's friend
Na França, um casal consegue a adoção de uma criança. Com um pequeno detalhe, enquanto eles são negros a criança é loira de olhos azuis. Juntos ele tem de vencer o preconceito do família dela e a desconfiança da assistente social que cuida do caso.
The Plumber
Tom, a Flemish comedian and cartoon voice actor, spontaneously fills in for a dubbing actor friend. He finds himself on a French porn movie shoot. Catherine, an experienced actress, will be his partner. Tom is supposed to play the plumber.
Dieumerci !
A 44 year old guy gets out of jail and wants to become an actor.
Un entretien
La femme
Holiday time, a Mediterranean island. Three wanderings at summer's end. The determination, no matter the cost, to make things change. Nostalgia for a past that never existed.
Tarim the Brave Against the Thousand and One Effects
La Princesse
As he is going to save a princess imprisoned in the dungeon of an evil sorcerer, Tarim understands that he is the main character of a movie, and decides to fight against the special effects.
Poor Richard!
It is in a small popular district that the pot of the Eurogagnant, 124 million euros, is won - But who is the lucky winner?
Le bonheur des Dupré
Someone I Loved
Um homem leva sua nora a um passeio ao campo porque seu marido acaba de deixá-la. Vendo a tristeza da jovem, o reservado sogro lhe revela sua secreta vida amorosa.