Cindy Vela

Cindy Vela

Nascimento : 1979-01-04, Brownsville, Texas, USA


Cindy Vela


Detective Somers
A group of teenagers dare each other to touch a cursed oak tree which leads to the disappearing of one of the group and another gets a rash on her palm leading to a battle for survival.
Sobreviva ou Morra Tentando
Ms Nunez
Zoe é uma jovem de 17 anos cheia de raiva, lidando com a morte de sua mãe. Quando sua escola é invadida por estudantes armados, ela fará tudo para enfrentar os agressores e salvar seus colegas.
It's Gawd!
Amid the threat of nuclear proliferation, global warming and terrorism, the earth's creator tries to reconnect with mankind by returning to the planet and hosting his own variety show.
Nuclear Family
Nuclear Family begins the story of a young couple, John and Lynn, who are trying to survive in the woods after what appears to be a nuclear holocaust. They stay on the move with their 11-year-old daughter, Pauline... all the while searching for their missing 8-year-old son, Grant. Meanwhile, present society has disintegrated, and the family must stay one step ahead of the Berserkers: lawless, wild, brutal men who rape,pillage and destroy as a way of life. Shot as a pilot presentation for a TV series the story will take this family, and the others they meet along the way in their search for Grant and to avoid the Berserkers, to discoveries beyond the existing reality. Written by Clay Keeley Executive Producer
Desdemona: A Love Story
Gil Garcia is at the end of his life. Wounded and bleeding in a church confessional, he tells an unsuspecting Father Wade his tragic story. At a young age, Gil's father takes him to America in search of a better life, forcing him to leave the girl he loves in Mexico. Orphaned shortly after arriving, Gil is taken in by his father's only friend, Dustin, who raises Gil along with his own son, Rod. Fifteen years later, Gil & Rod have yet to find their way in life, still living at home and playing basketball on the streets for money. When cancer overtakes Dustin, they are faced with a funeral bill they cannot afford. Desperately searching for a solution, Rod suggests kidnapping for ransom. Gil knows of the perfect person: a woman married to a wealthy man who would never risk the life of his loved one for the relatively small amount of money in question. But Rod doesn't know the whole truth - the woman is Desdemona, Gil's childhood love from Mexico.
Ready or Not
Quatro amigos da faculdade encontram-se na aventura de suas vidas, quando, na manhã depois de uma despedida de solteiro em Las Vegas, eles acabam encalhados no fundo do México sem um tostão, sendo perseguido, se apaixonar, e lutando para torná-lo para o outro lado da fronteira, em tempo para o casamento.
Punhos Rosas
La Gritona
Jimmy é um boxeador que ajuda na funerária familiar frequentada por mafiosos. Eles presencia um assassinato e, ao encontrar o bandido na cadeia, sua vida muda para sempre.