Jon Campling

Jon Campling

Nascimento : 1966-11-18, Hull, England, UK


Since his appearance in Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows (2010) as a handraising, trainstopping, carriageboarding, kidscaring Deatheater! Jon has been pursuing much darker film roles. Born In Yorkshire and originally an Aerospace engineer Jon has developed a compelling, unique and very striking look, and a style that has brought a string of excitingly unusual and very challenging roles. From the violently iconic Diggs in the soon to be released 'Hard Shoulder' to the Drunken desperation of Father Lawrence in 'The Zombie King' working with Corey Feldman and Edward Furlong. Jon has also been very fortunate to be involved with several ground breaking projects like 'The Underwater Realm', 'Bloody Cuts' and 'Sleeping Dogs'. During early 2012 Jon worked with Former 2 times WBO world champion Steve Collins, playing the lead in the highly anticipated 'Tax City' a no holds barred tale of life in London's notorious cardboard City. may 2012 saw splitting his time between London and Pisa where he filming on 'Zombie Massacre' playing Doug Mulligan an up-in-your-face trailer trash/hippy yank trying to save the his dog, his girl, and the world. Jon's easy going nature, striking appearance, on-screen intensity and eagerness to embrace the unusual and the demanding make him a top choice for directors, writers and producers and he looks forwards to the challenges to come. If you can work with him... do!


Jon Campling


Pursued by a dangerous criminal after a failed theft, con artists Nina and Yaz get more than they bargained for when they target a seemingly innocent elderly widow.
O Homem do Norte
Standard Bearer
Baseado na obra de Shakespeare, Hamlet, e na lenda viking de Amelth. No ano de 914, o príncipe Amleth (Alexander Skarsgård) testemunha o brutal assassinato de seu pai, Horvendill (Ethan Hawke) por seu tio, Fjölnir (Claes Bang). O menino foge mas jura que voltará para vingar seu pai, salvar sua mãe e matar seu tio. Vinte anos depois conhece uma vidente que o lembra que é chegada a hora de cumprir sua promessa.
Old Man Salt
When a humanoid sea creature washes up in Terry's bleak life they quickly develop feelings for each other - But can Man love Fish, and will Terry's older criminal brother get his hands on the creature before Terry can decide how he feels?
The Lockdown Hauntings
Doctor Clarke
Cenário e filmado durante o 'Lockdown' global da Covid 19 pelo premiado diretor Howard J Ford. Com as ruas vazias, livres da atividade de humanos e máquinas, não é apenas a natureza que aproveita esse tempo sem precedentes - Os espíritos são livres para vagar - Alguns inofensivos, outros com más intenções - Um espírito em particular, um notório serial killer está de volta dos mortos, com mais vítimas potenciais do que nunca - Os detetives e especialistas em paranormalidade podem descobrir como evitar que mais mulheres jovens, isoladas e sozinhas durante o bloqueio, se tornem outra vítima das assombrações do bloqueio?
Redwood Massacre: Annihilation
Tom Dempsey
A stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders, convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in hope of proving the existence of the infamous killer. Their quest for truth sees a sinister turn of events, as the hunters become the hunted. A blood-soaked fight for survival ensues when they find that the tales told of the axe-wielding manic is very real.
Incidental Characters
Mike H. Betts
In the picturesque English market town of Lewes: Josie is a dreamer. Tony is a hapless romantic. Alf finds other people difficult to read. Alison is lost in alcohol and isolation. Four individuals looking for answers but asking all the wrong questions. Optimistic, funny and heart-warming in equal measure - INCIDENTAL CHARACTERS celebrates the magic of moments and the influence we have on each other, often without knowing it.
Invasion: Planet Earth
Após a morte da filha, Thomas Dunn é um homem amargurado e sem fé. No dia em que a mulher volta a engravidar, extraterrestres invadem a Terra. Cedo Thomas descobre que o bebê detém a chave para o futuro da humanidade.
Aventura em Duas Rodas
Vladislav, The Boss
Quando o maior castelo da Inglaterra é roubado por um notório chefe do crime, a última coisa que ele e sua gangue esperam é ter que enfrentar Sam e Jake, dois garotos em suas bicicletas. Depois que Michael, o pai dos meninos, é preso injustamente pelo crime, Sam e Jake embarcam em uma aventura em duas rodas para pegar os ladrões e salvar sua família.
Black Smoke Rising
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only downside, Rafe has made a real treasure hunt that takes him on the roads... And the spirit of his brother is traveling with him.
Descobrindo a Vida
Quando a namorada de Nick o deixa na formatura, ele tem um colapso colossal na frente de toda a universidade. Ele está convencido de que sua vida acabou, mas seu melhor amigo Shane tem a solução perfeita: três dias em um festival de música épico. Com a ajuda de Amy, Shane tenta convencer Nick a abraçar a música, o caos e a lama.
Welcome to Curiosity
Um assalto seguido de traição, um serial killer à solta, um lunático fora do asilo, uma garota saindo com um homem muito mau e um vendedor com uma imaginação vívida. Quatro contos acompanhando cinco pessoas cujos destinos estão todos interconectados sem que eles saibam, mas todos compartilhando uma coisa em comum: a curiosidade mata.
Dark Beacon
Dr. Deater
An abandoned paramour tracks her lover down to a distant lighthouse. When she finds her beyond hope, she must find a way to save a child from the malignant spirit of her deceased father and the madness of her mother.
A Room to Die For
Gary the Tramp
When a broke young couple rent a room in an elderly couples London house it becomes apparent no one is what they really seem.
The Phantom
The Kingpin
An enigmatic stranger, a couple who no longer exist, danger in the shadows and the key to it all - The new Ford Edge. Mads Mikkelsen and screen legend Barbara Steele star alongside the new Ford Edge in LE FANTÔME.
To Dream
Mr. Soso
Two dysfunctional London teens rely heavily upon their friendship, but their rough family dynamics lead them to making a life-changing decision.
Tear Me Apart
River Man
In the wastelands of post-apocalyptic England, two young brothers turn to cannibalism to survive, only to fall for their prey, a teenage girl... and possibly the last female left alive.
In Circles
Electromagnetic Man
The clandestine world of crop circles is threatened when an ambitious TV journalist plans to expose the truth drawing her into the enigma of lights, Celtic mythology and UFOs to discover both the beauty and danger in the mystery she seeks.
Mob Handed
The Sex Offender
A beautiful journalist will stop at nothing to get revenge for her daughter's murder. With no help from corrupt cops she decides to take the law into her own hands and joins a vigilante gang of gangsters and football hooligans to track down the sick, sadistic killers and get her justice....
The London Firm
Player number 1
Two hitmen wake up in the back of a truck to discover they have been drugged and their employer brutally murdered. Their attempts to escape bring about a bloody confrontation with a shocking twist in the tale.
Predator: Dark Ages
Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.
A Maldição da Bruxa da Árvore
Father Flanagan
An innocent woman, accused of murdering her son and hanged as a witch, curses a tree and the children who play around it. The effects of this act of revenge echo through the years .....
The Leap
Lead Merc
After a long interstellar search, man has found a second home: New Earth. After the scientists, the governments, the military and the wealthy, the hopeless masses of Earth too want their chance at a new life on this emerging world of wonder and opportunity. 'Taking the Leap' in whatever way, lawfully or not, has become the dream of millions. In order to deal with illegal stowaways and human trafficking on a Biblical scale, specialized police cadres have been activated. In 22nd century London, this is the Inter-Planetary Migration Administration. Confrontations between IPMA units and the smuggling rings are merciless, if not most for those caught in the middle. Jacob Reiss is a conscientious but disillusioned IPMA detective, a veteran with 15 years of service. An encounter with a Cartel prostitute presents him with an opportunity he had given up on, a chance to save himself from a crushing secret in his past, as well as an empty future on Earth.
Tales of the Supernatural
The Demon
This film consists of six supernatural tales linked together by a demon that is intent on collecting human souls. The Demon banished to Earth by The Devil performs unholy rituals that releases the souls of the damned.
The Herd
Male Captor
A number of kidnapped and trafficked women find themselves imprisoned in a squalid medical facility. For Paula her continued survival relies on her basic human function. Escape, on any level, is seemingly impossible as the women are condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their captors; for one reason only – their milk.
Os Mistérios de Jesus
Este programa analisa os elementos importantes da história de Jesus Cristo e questiona suposições básicas modernas para revelar alguns detalhes surpreendentes sobre Sua vida e Seu ministério.
Shortcuts to Hell: Volume 1
An anthology film featuring 26 short horror tales by up-and-coming UK filmmakers.
Zombie Massacre
Doug Mulligan
Uma arma bacteriológica, desenvolvida pelo Governo dos Estados Unidos para criar um super soldado, espalha uma epidemia numa pequena cidade do Leste Europeu, Roznov, na Roménia. Todos foram transformados em zombies. A cidade está em quarentena, mas o governo quer evitar a propagação da epidemia. O resto do mundo não sabe disso. O plano é: fazer explodir uma bomba atómica na cidade e fingir que houve um acidente terrível. Ninguém nunca saberá a verdade. Um grupo de mercenários é contratado para realizar essa missão. O líder é Jack Stone, um ex-soldado que está na cadeia por ter assassinado os seus irmãos durante uma missão. Se ele cumprir a missão estará livre. A batalha começa. Hordas de monstros contra um grupo de homens. Não há esperança. Quem vai sobreviver?
O Rei dos Mortos Vivos
Father Lawrence
Samuel Peters (Edward Furlong), once an ordinary man, dabbles in the laws of voodoo to bring his wife back from the grave. He soon encounters the God of malevolence ‘Kalfu’ (Corey Feldman), and makes a pact with him to destroy the underworld and bring chaos to earth. In return, he will become ‘The Zombie King’ and walk the earth for eternity with his late wife. But, as the ever growing horde of zombies begins to completely wipe out a countryside town, the Government set-up a perimeter around the town and employ a shoot-on-sight policy. Trapped within the town, the locals, an unlikely bunch of misfits, must fight for their lives and unite in order to survive. Can our heroes unravel the clues in time and survive or will The Zombie King and his horde of zombies rise on the night of the dark moon?
Jack the Giant Killer
Jess Walters
Estamos no início do século 20. Jack (the Giant Killer) tem de aniversário e recebe um saco de feijões mágicos. Mal no mundo dos pequenos grãos são os brotos extremamente altas no céu a pé de feijão gigante. Arrastado pela videira desperta Jack em um mundo novo e estranho. Mas os habitantes deste mundo não são animado sobre a sua chegada.
The Underwater Realm - Part IV - 1208
Lord Conant
A medieval girl stands at the edge of a clifftop. Behind her, a gaunt castle, the Lord who has claimed her for his wife, and the cruel execution of her lover. Before her, cold dark waves. She leaps. As she falls through the waters, her long dress blooms out around her. She lets out her last breath. Even as her vision blurs, she catches a glimpse of his face…
Dead Man's Lake
Wildman / Will
Born from a passion for the golden age of slasher films, "Dead Man's Lake" is a story drawn from the brain of Bloody creator Ben Franklin, who takes Directing duties for the first time. Armed with a script from Joel Morgan, the team set about creating an 80's period horror that would capture the spirit of that era whilst giving it a unique Bloody Cuts killer twist.
Dead End
Carl Foster takes off on a well-deserved weekend break with his family knowing only too well that focus on work has impacted his relationship with his wife, young son, and teenage step-daughter. But after a short but restful break in the journey Carl awakens to find himself tied and bound in an old roadside diner, his family trussed and gagged next to him, and a disparate group of dirty, disheveled, vagrant-like undesirables keeping them captive. Only time will reveal who they are and what they want, but things are not everything they might seem.
A Águia da Legião Perdida
Traveller #2
Após o desaparecimento da legião de seu pai, um jovem centurião tenta solucionar o mistério. Acompanhado do escravo Esca, ele enfrenta tribos selvagens para encontrar a águia de ouro, símbolo daquele exército.
Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte - Parte 1
Death Eater
Harry, Ron e Hermione estão determinados em sua missão de descobrir e acabar com o segredo da imortalidade e do poder de destruição de Voldemort – os Horcruxes. Fugitivos e sozinhos, os três amigos devem apenas contar uns com os outros, agora mas do que nunca... Mas as Forças das Trevas no caminho ameaçam separá-los para sempre.
Love Freely But Pay for Sex
Robert Henson
89% of people in England have adopted a pay for sex lifestyle exchanging money for sex and the British Government now want a piece of the action.