The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius, Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Theory"), who revolutionized the world, but never lost his childlike curiosity.
In this modern-day vision of Mother Mary's pilgrimage, a woman crosses the American Southwest playfully deconstructing the woman’s role in a world of roles.
Home Is Where Your Heart Aches is the story of Kat, a beautiful, spirited New Yorker. Her only trouble is that she falls in love quickly - way too quickly. It's as if in matters of love, she never studied the boundaries, the games, the rules. Every encounter turns into a break-up scene. As her situation deteriorates, Kat recourses to extreme measures...
In a world that has almost killed it, love turns into an act of revolt.
Asha é uma estudante indiana que vive em Praga e Hank é um jovem solitário que vive em Nova York. Eles são dois estranhos que mantém contato online há pouco tempo e agora seus sentimentos os farão decidir se o próximo passo será se encontrar.