Marcin Czarnik

Marcin Czarnik

Nascimento : 1976-03-23, Oświęcim, Poland


Marcin Czarnik was born in 1976 in Oswiecim, Malopolskie, Poland. He is an actor, known for El hijo de Saúl (2015), Z daleka widok jest piekny (2011) and Drogówka (2013).


Marcin Czarnik


White Courage
The film tells the story of two Highlander brothers – Maciek and Andrzej. After the death of their father, which Andrzej contributed to, and the loss of his beloved Bronka, Andrzej leaves the family home. On his way, he meets the mysterious Wolfram, an anthropologist and climber. He shares with him his mountaineering technique and knowledge about the Prague origins of the highlanders. Andrzej returns to Zakopane, war breaks out. To protect the Highlanders from wartime destruction, he wants to persuade them to cooperate with the Germans. Andrzej and Maciek are standing on opposite sides of the barricade. The brothers' confrontation is bloody and painful.
The Same Storm
12 Step Member
Snapshots of the tumults of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Broad Peak
Depois de escalar a montanha Broad Peak, Maciej Berbeka descobre que a sua viagem até ao cume ainda não terminou. 25 anos mais tarde, ele vai acabar o que começou.
Illusion é um filme sobre a força do espírito humano, sobre a busca do equilíbrio entre aceitação e harmonia contra probabilidades trágicas. Meses após o desaparecimento, a mãe de uma filha desaparecida começa sua própria investigação cada vez mais irracional. Às vezes ela joga junto com a realidade, outras vezes ela a questiona. Essas experiências fortalecem sua capacidade de observação, o que acaba levando a um momento de pura percepção que vai além do milagre.
I'll Find You
O jovem casal, um cantor de ópera católico e uma violinista judia, sonham em se apresentar juntos no Carnegie Hall. Quando os dois são separados pela invasão alemã na Polônia, Robert promete encontrá-la a qualquer custo; até se ver no coração da Alemanha nazista numa busca que parece mostrar, cada vez mais, que o rapaz perdeu para sempre o amor de sua vida.
Como Me Apaixonei por um Gângster
Uma mulher misteriosa fala sobre a ascensão e queda de Nikodem "Nikoś" Skotarczak, um dos maiores gângsteres da história da Polônia. Inspirado em uma história real.
Nikodem serves his sentence under a new penitentiary programme involving work at the house of Maja and Łukasz, who have full power over him. The household members are surprised when Nikodem's appeal is successful and he regains his freedom. Despite the fact that they could have parted ways and never met again, they stay together for one more day.
O Lutador De Auschwitz
Acompanhe um olhar sobre a vida do campeão de boxe Tadeusz Teddy Pietrzykowski, que em 1940 chega no primeiro transporte de prisioneiros ao recém-criado campo de concentração de Auschwitz.
Longing for sun, breath and exotic thrills, Kasia and Tomek set off on a dream trip to the island of Bali in Indonesia. Lying on a paradise beach, their thoughts are very far from their duties resulting from working for large corporations. They both want to have a baby very much, but they also know that before that happens, they must deal with each other and work through their conflicts. One day they decide to go on a trip towards the volcano on the island and the jungle around it. There they meet by chance a mysterious man who invites them to his home. The couple decide to follow in the footsteps of the stranger. The atmosphere thickens minute by minute, and the disturbing aura becomes more and more infiltrated by the Polish couple. Soon there will be events that will lead Kasia and Tomek to a huge internal transformation. Nothing will ever be the way it was. They will both remember this trip to Bali forever.
Hurrah, We Are Still Alive!
A group of actors centered around one charismatic director are getting ready to compete for work on a new film. They all want to get closer to him and wil do anything to make it work.
Home Sweet Home
Ten-year-old Olaf lives in a world where hiring family members and friends is common practice. For the right money, anyone can create the illusion of ideal happiness for themselves. When the Rent A Life company holds auditions at Olaf’s school, he doesn’t hesitate for a moment. He has every intention of being cast as a friend at a birthday party for a little girl from a rich family. It quickly turns out that the cost of taking part in the illusion is a high one.
Sem Piedade
Em um mundo distópico, duas garotas buscam vingança cruel quando o irmão de uma delas é assassinado em uma rixa entre dois clãs familiares.
Solid Gold
Leon Smoczyński "Smok"
Kaja Miller é um policial que é sequestrado e abusado em uma de suas missões. Oito anos depois, ela conhece seu ex-chefe Nowicki, que a leva a Gdynia com a tarefa de expor um grande circuito criminal.
A Sombra de Stalin
Paul Kleb
A extraordinária história não contada de Gareth Jones, um ambicioso e jovem jornalista galês que viajou para a União Soviética em 1933 e descobriu a chocante verdade por trás da “utopia” soviética e do regime de Josef Stalin.
Playing Hard
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
ofiara pedofilii, dziennikarz
A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate their survival. On an everyday basis they have their ups and downs. Lisowski works at the curia in a big city, has a career and is dreaming of the Vatican. Problem is, archbishop Mordowicz, an opulent church official who uses his political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland, gets in his way. The second priest, Trybus, is a village parson. He ministers to a poor community and gives in to human weaknesses more and more often. Kukuła is not faring well either. Despite his fervent faith, he loses the trust of his parishioners actually overnight. Soon the stories of the three clergymen are going to join once again.
Em 1913, durante o declínio do Império Austro-Húngaro, uma jovem mulher (Juli Jakab) retorna à Budapeste, cidade em que nasceu, depois de anos vivendo em um orfanato. Ela começa a trabalhar na loja de chapéus comandada por parentes distantes sem que eles saibam dos laços que compartilham com a jovem.
Filho de Saul
Feigenbaum (Polish Foreman)
1944, campo de concentração de Auschwitz, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Saul (Géza Röhrig) é um judeu obrigado a trabalhar para os nazistas, sendo um dos responsáveis em limpar as câmaras de gás após dezenas de outros judeus serem mortos. Em meio à tensão do momento e às dificuldades inerentes desta tarefa, ele reconhece entre os mortos o corpo de seu próprio filho.
The Traffic Department
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets.
It Looks Pretty from a Distance
Paweł Muraw
Unfolding in a secluded Polish village 'Z daleka widok jest piekny' (It looks pretty from a distance) is a love story between a scrapper and a young woman. Seen through the monotony of everyday life the film depicts the hardships of a rural community in present-day Poland. The bucolic landscape becomes the seemingly idyllic backdrop from which a sudden disappearance disrupts their once quiet community.
Made in Poland
Krzysztof Krawczyk
Bogus Kowalski is such a radical 17-year-old rebel that he even decides to have a "Fuck Off" tattoo on his forehead. His anger and frustration cannot be diminished by anyone, including his mother, Polish teacher and priest.
ubek u generała
Uma história sobre 3 mulheres, ambientada nos dias presente e na Varsóvia dos anos 1950. Sabina, uma mulher quieta e tímida que acaba de completar trinta anos, deseja um homem em sua vida. Sua mãe tem conhecimento e tenta, a todo custo, encontrar para a filha um bom candidato a marido. Toda a situação é controlada pela avó, uma senhora excêntrica e de língua afiada de quem não se pode guardar segredos.
O Rei dos Ladrões
Aos 77 anos, Brian Reader é um criminoso prestes a juntar um grupo de veteranos notáveis para realizar um roubo. Juntos, colocam em prática a ação que ficou conhecida como o maior assalto da história da Grã-Bretanha.
A Winter's Journey
The Poet
Bavaria, 1812. A lovelorn young poet banished from society is forced to wander across mountains, ice and snow, on a dangerous journey which will either lead him to death or to a new life.