Rodrigo Soto

Rodrigo Soto


Rodrigo Soto


A Taça Partida
Dealer Friend
Rodrigo já teve uma namorada, um filho e uma casa. Mas hoje um homem diferente tomou o seu lugar. Certo dia, ao amanhecer, ele aparece em sua antiga casa na intenção de reconquistar, no decorrer de um único dia, tudo o que perdeu. Mesmo que isso signifique machucar as pessoas que ama. A jornada de teimosia, ego e mágoa de um homem.
Messi and Maud
Maud and Frank are on holiday in Chile. Their relationship is fragile and so is Maud. After many years of trying, it is now time to face the fact that they will never have children. However, Maud is in denial. After a huge fight with Frank she runs off and sets out on a road trip through Chile to get her life back on track.
La salamandra
The Other Man
In a violent city where a man succumbs to the loneliness and delirium of his unfulfilled desires. He wishes to belong somewhere. And the only way to achieve this goal is projecting in his own mind another version of himself, a "second man", someone -who will be accepted.
Spider Thieves
Municipal Guard
Three teenage girls from a Santiago shanty town set in motion a plan to climb buildings and break into the apartments of the wealthy side of the town.
El hombre aficionado
A struggles to understand himself and the world he is trapped in.
El nombre
Santiago leaves a small town jail and, finding no job, gets involved in a robbery that goes wrong, ending up committing a crime. Desperate, runs away and hides in a big city using a random fake name, in search for a second chance. However, that name is the same of another man also hiding a dark secret. Completely made with still photos, The Name explores memory, individual responsibility and the chance to start over.
Inside the Mind of a Psychopath
Defense Attorney
A police story from the mind of a murderer.
Exequiel is a physical education teacher who lives with his father in San Antonio at the same house in which he was born and raised. His life hasn't advanced much ever since, but the re-encounter with an old love and other struggles of life will make him reconsider his future and, especially, his past.
El lenguaje del tiempo
The Third Man
A Man and a Woman who get together after several months of absence in an attempt to reconcile their differences. They had once been a couple and share an immensely painful past; a past that became the cause of their separation. But it seems that a tragic ending is the doomed destiny for these characters that seem incapable of achieving happiness
Angel Negro
In 1990, a teenager called Angel Cruz disappears tragically. Ten years later, her classmates that were involved with this accident start to investigate the mysterious causes of the vanishing.