Ryland Davies


The Makropulos Affair
The Christoph Marthaler production of Leoš Janáček's "Věc Makropulos", recorded live at the Salzburger Festspiele on 8 & 30 August 2011. Angela Denoke stars as Emilia Marty, with Raymond Very as Albert Gregor, Peter Hoare as Vitek, Jurgita Adamonyté as Krista, and Johan Reuter as Jaroslav Prus. Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts the Wiener Philharmoniker.
Tristan und Isolde
The legendary Patrice Chéreau (Bayreuth Jahrhundertring, Queen Margot, Intimacy) directed this production of Richard Wagner's psychological music drama Tristan und Isolde at the Teatro alla Scala in 2007. It stars Ian Storey, Waltraud Meier, Matti Salminen, Gerd Grochowski and Michelle DeYoung; the Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Alla Scala provide musical support, under the baton of Daniel Barenboim.
Eugene Onegin
The Wiener Philharmoniker mounts, and Andrea Breth stages, this 2007 production of Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin, starring Peter Mattei, Joseph Kaiser, Anna Samuil and Renée Morloc. The Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor lends added musical accompaniment, under the baton of Daniel Barenboim.
Trial By Jury
The Defendant
In a breach of promise case, the Learned Judge and Jury are somewhat smitten by the pretty Plaintiff's charms, and the Defendant is hard pressed to explain that indeed he loved this girl once, but fell in love with another. Despite his suggestion that he marry both women, the Learned Judge has his own solution... he will marry the Plaintiff himself!
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Glyndebourne Opera's 1981 production of the Benjamin Britten opera, based on Shakespeare's play.
A Christmas Carol
Bob Crachett
Opera version of the classic Dickens tale.