Aldo Pini


A Vingança dos Vikings
Viking chief Thorvald dies from a mortal combat wound. He realizes his son Erloff is not a worthy successor, but his will divides his property equally between him and Erik, the valiant son of his sister, who also gets his weapons and the mission to lead a sea-faring expedition to find new land for a settlement, crucial as their Scandinavian home village won't be able to resist the might of the Danish kingdom.
Seven Rebel Gladiators
The ruthless Roman tribune, Vadio, joins forces with the evil Morakeb to take over the throne of Aristea, usurping King Krontal and stealing away his lovely daughter in the process. Meanwhile, Marco Aulo, now a Roman centurion, comes to Aristea to learn where his legions war funds have gone. Vadio has him framed for treason and is thrown into the arena to fight a group of six formidable gladiators. During the fights, Marco refuses to kill those he defeats until finally, he himself loses after exhaustion takes its toll. Admiring this man, the six warriors join him and together they escape Vadio's clutches and plot to free the kingdom from the two conspiring killers.
Seven Slaves Against the World
Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
Hércules, Sansão e Ulisses
Épico de Fantasia, rodado na Itália, que reúne os três homens mais fortes do mundo, os musculosos Hércules, Sansão e Ulisses, heróis bíblicos e mitológicos, unindo forças para salvar a Grécia das mãos dos filisteus, lutarem contra um monstro do mar e assim salvar a nação grega.
The Tyrant of Lydia Against the Son of Hercules
High Priest
Italian sword & sandal thrills as the son of Hercules is pitted against an evil king and his wretched followers.
Caesar The Conqueror
Quintus Cicero
In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar seeks to solidify his position in Rome by putting down a rebellion in Gaul led by a tribal chieftain named Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix has rallied many tribes to his cause, including one led by the beautiful Queen Asterix and others who'd once pledged allegiance to Rome.
Pontius Pilate
The events that culminated with the Passion of Christ seen from the perspective of Pontius Pilate, the Procurator of Judea who unwillingly condemned Christ to death. Based on the biblical Gospel of John.
O Conquistador do Oriente
Chief of Prison Guards
Centuries ago in the Orient, the fiscal exactions on the people lead to a revolt against the usurper of the throne, and the empowerment of a new leader.
A Espada do Conquistador
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.
Assignment: Outer Space
Interplanetary News reporter Ray Peterson is assigned aboard a space station in the 21st Century.
Signori si nasce
Baron Zazà, always broke due his dissolute lifestyle, decides to con a hefty sum of money out of his wealthy but greedy brother.
Cinco Mulheres Marcadas
Five Yugoslav women who consorted with the German occupiers are publicly humiliated and banished by the Yugoslav partisans but they take up arms to fend for themselves.
Bad Thief on Cross (uncredited)
Na Judéia invadida pelos conquistadores romanos, o príncipe Ben-Hur tenta conduzir seu povo rumo à liberdade. Mas isso gera um conflito de interesses com o seu amigo de infância, Messala, agora um severo comandante dos exércitos de Roma. Preso, o príncipe é enviado para trabalhar como escravo, longe de suas terras, família e sua amada Esther (Haya Harareet). O pacífico Ben-Hur transforma-se em um guerreiro forte e corajoso, disposto a enfrentar seus inimigos e restabelecer a paz.
Hércules e a Rainha da Lídia
En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
A Cruz e a Espada
Gaius Marcellus é enviado à Judéia para contrlar o comportamente do governador Poncius Pilatus contra os Maria Madalena. Eles logo se apaixonam, mas Madalena pertence à Anan, sobrinho do sacerdote Caiphas, que vive para proteger o ladrão Barrabás.Gaius e Anan competem pelo amor de Madalena, e enquanto isso, ela toma cada vez mais conhecimentos. A sua fé no Messias aumenta ainda mais quando ele traz seu irmão Lázaro de volta à vida.Gaius não consegue entender a mudança no comportamento da moça, que passa a dedicar seu tempo aos ensinamentos de Jesus. Tomado pelo ciúme, ele o apriosiona, e Madalena fica devastada. A emoçõa de todos culminará na morte do Messias, onde se arrependerão de seus pecados e chorarão aos pés da cruz...
The Law Is the Law
Assola is an imaginary village on the border between Italy and France and the borderline crosses the village itself. The French customs agent Ferdinand is always trying to catch the Italian smuggler Giuseppe. Giuseppe discovers that Ferdinand was actually born in Italy and therefore he can't be a French customs agent.
As Façanhas de Hércules
O musculoso Hércules realiza seus trabalhos, navega com os Argonautas e vive um romance com a bela Iole. Inspirado na Mitologia Grega, o filme enfoca a figura de Hércules, o filho de Zeus que se tornou famoso graças à sua força descomunal e que, até sua morte trágica, protagonizou inúmeras façanhas, várias delas por exigência dos deuses. O roteiro do filme se vale da lenda dos Doze Trabalhos, fundindo-a com a de Jasão e os Argonautas.
The Mine
Elsa Martinelli plays a resident of a seaside village who falls in love with rootless stranger Antonio Ciffariello. The stranger soon learns that he'll have to fight over Elsa's affections with hotheaded villager Luis Pena. Meanwhile, a fisherman who illegally uses dynamite nearly causes tragedy to the entire community.
The Sword and the Cross
‎Vendidas como escravas de um romano rico, Lea e Ester, duas irmãs cartaginesas, são oferecidas como presentes à ambiciosa filha de um proconsul e acabam envolvidas apesar de si mesmas em um perigoso jogo de poder.‎
The Bigamist
The Police Officer at the Park (uncredited)
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
L'ultimo amante
Nello, il complice (uncredited)
Maria, a prostitute, meets Cesare in a police station, a drunkard reporter. Cesare falls in love with her and wants to save her from her bleak life but the girl refuses any help.
Don Paolo, a young parson troubled by his love for Agnese, tries to make peace in a little village in Sardinia where two families are at war.
Átila, o líder dos hunos bárbaros e chamado pelos romanos de "O Flagelo de Deus", varre a península italiana, derrotando todos os exércitos de Roma, até que ele e seus homens alcançam os portões da própria cidade.
Dennis O'Keefe plays a GI who falls in love with Mara Lane in postwar Rome. Lane kills her boss, forcing her to flee the law. O'Keefe goes along for the ride so that he won't be knocked off by Lane's husband. Just when it looks as though O'Keefe is willing to go to any lengths to protect the woman he loves, he discovers that she frankly isn't worth it.
It Happened at the Police Station
Everyday all kind of people pass through a Police Station, especially if it is downtown. Today, however, the chief of police has bought his first car and he has decided to test it with his wife going to Ostia. But first a theatrical company sent out of the theatre, last Alfredo Todini arrested while walking wearing a gown and in the mean a series of human cases, ranging from the pathetic to the funny one, get in the way of his wish.
Quo Vadis
Headkeeper (uncredited)
Após três anos em campanha, o general Marcus Vinicius (Robert Taylor) retorna à Roma e encontra Lygia (Deborah Kerr), por quem se apaixona. Ela é uma cristã e não quer nenhum envolvimento com um guerreiro. Mas, apesar de ter sido criada como romana, Lygia é a filha adotiva de um general aposentado e, teoricamente, uma refém de Roma. Marcus procura o imperador Nero (Peter Ustinov), para que ela lhe seja dada pelos serviços que ele fez. Lygia se ressente, mas de alguma forma se apaixona por Marcus. Enquanto isso, as atrocidades de Nero são cada vez mais ultrajantes e, quando ele queima Roma e culpa os cristãos, Marcus salva Lygia e a família dela. Nero captura todos os cristãos e os atira aos leões mas, no final, Marcus, Lygia e o cristianismo prevalecerão. Na filmagem da obra de Sienkiewicz, foram utilizados cerca de 32 mil figurinos e milhares de figurantes, dentre eles então os 'desconhecidos' Bud Spencer, Sophia Loren (então com 17 anos) e Elizabeth Taylor.
Cuori sul mare
Capitano del'Hidalgo
Two young men from the Navy fall in love with an actress.
I pirati della Malesia
Il conte di Bréchard