Michael Falch

Michael Falch


Michael Falch


With the climate crisis raging, a young scientist tries to maintain her moral standards within the cynical research company she works for. Forced to rush the development of a new biological artificial intelligence, she makes a choice that will change her - and the world - forever.
Christian Barfoed
Quando aclamada atriz Thea Barfoed, pessoa difícil e já com certa idade, termina sua reabilitação defronta-se com uma dura escolha. Durante seu período de pesadas bebedeiras ela se divorciou e perdeu a guarda dos dois filhos. Agora ela quer que eles façam parte de sua vida, novamente. Christian, seu ex- marido é rapidamente envolvido por sua personalidade firme e manipuladora e concorda. Ela tem que provar a si mesma, e a ele, que vale a tentativa. Mas a dura vida nos palcos, e os fantasmas do passado lentamente voltam a pressioná-la. Thea é forçada a encarar suas vozes interiores. Ela é levada a testar suas crenças, e fazer a escolha.
Tarzan Mama Mia
Rikkes far
Eleven-year old Rikke lives alone with her father, whose only interest in life seems to be the soccer matches which appear on his television. Not surprisingly, Rikke is somewhat bored. She enters a contest put on by a cereal company which has as its grand prize a horse. Since she lives in the city in a second floor apartment, it never occurred to her that she might win, but win she does. The horse ("Mama-Mia") duly appears, and she and the members of her slum neighborhood come together to cope with the situation in a delightful way.
Murder in Paradise
Murder in Paradise
Murder in the Dark
A womanizing journalist is on the outs with the cops who want him in jail and a mysterious "thin man" who wants him dead.
Murder in the Dark
A womanizing journalist is on the outs with the cops who want him in jail and a mysterious "thin man" who wants him dead.
John and René are in their twenties, close friends but different enough for René to be nicknamed Thunderbird, while John remains just plain John. John feels irresistibly drawn into Thunderbird's orbit, but René isn't all flash. He actually longs to share John's plainness and quiet calm.