Ali Samadi Ahadi

Ali Samadi Ahadi

Nascimento : 1972-02-09,


Ali Samadi Ahadi


Die Mucklas - und wie sie zu Pettersson und Findus kamen
Once upon a time, the Mucklas could be found everywhere. But in an increasingly tidy world, the cheerful goblins have a hard time, since they love disorder more than anything. Soon the last tribe will have to leave their home. For generations, the little creatures have made themselves at home unnoticed in Hansson's old, chaotic grocer's store. In the wonderful mess, they find everything they need to live, tinker and make mischief. But Hansson's successor, Karl the exterminator, turns the paradise into a tiled and sterile nightmare. So Svunja, Tjorben and Smartö set off on a dangerous search for the promised land. The great adventure begins
Uma Aventura Lunática
A fim de salvar sua irmã Anne desaparecida das garras do sinistro Homem Lua, Peter tem que embarcar em uma fantástica jornada para a lua. Logo ele percebe que a história maluca de Anne de falar sobre June Bug Zoomzeman, os incríveis Espíritos da Natureza e o Palácio da Fada da Noite, são mais do que apenas um sonho!
Uma Aventura Lunática
A fim de salvar sua irmã Anne desaparecida das garras do sinistro Homem Lua, Peter tem que embarcar em uma fantástica jornada para a lua. Logo ele percebe que a história maluca de Anne de falar sobre June Bug Zoomzeman, os incríveis Espíritos da Natureza e o Palácio da Fada da Noite, são mais do que apenas um sonho!
Uma Aventura Lunática
A fim de salvar sua irmã Anne desaparecida das garras do sinistro Homem Lua, Peter tem que embarcar em uma fantástica jornada para a lua. Logo ele percebe que a história maluca de Anne de falar sobre June Bug Zoomzeman, os incríveis Espíritos da Natureza e o Palácio da Fada da Noite, são mais do que apenas um sonho!
Pettson and Findus: Findus Moves House
The old man Petterson is trying to sleep but his cat Findus is keeping him awake, so they both agree that Findus shall have his own house.
Tehran Taboo
The lives of three strong-willed women and a young musician cross paths in Tehran’s schizophrenic society where sex, adultery, corruption, prostitution and drugs coexist with strict religious law. In this bustling modern metropolis, avoiding prohibition has become an everyday sport and breaking taboos can be a means of personal emancipation.
Pettersson e Findus: O Melhor Natal de Sempre
O Natal está a chegar, mas Pettersson e Findus temem que a neve (e a falta de uma árvore) possa impedi-los de celebrar a época.
300 Worte Deutsch
Culture-Clash-Comedy about Turkish brides importet into Germany.
Die Mamba
Die Mamba
Pettson and Findus: A Little Nuisance, a Great Friendship
Old farmer Pesonen gets a kitten from his neighbour Mrs Kosonen and calls the cat Viiru. When Viiru starts to talk, the two become inseparable friends.
Pettson and Findus: A Little Nuisance, a Great Friendship
Muckla 1 (voice)
Old farmer Pesonen gets a kitten from his neighbour Mrs Kosonen and calls the cat Viiru. When Viiru starts to talk, the two become inseparable friends.
45 Minutes to Ramallah
Turbulent comedy about two Palestinian brothers who smuggle the dead body of their father from Jerusalem to Ramallah with the Israeli Police, a bunch of terrorists and the Russian Mafia breathing down their necks.
The Green Wave
Green was the symbol of recognition among the supporters of Iranian presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. This documentary-collage illustrates with animated blogs and tweets the story of democracy under fire and the dramatic events before and after the 2009 presidential elections in Iran.
The Green Wave
Green was the symbol of recognition among the supporters of Iranian presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. This documentary-collage illustrates with animated blogs and tweets the story of democracy under fire and the dramatic events before and after the 2009 presidential elections in Iran.
The Green Wave
Green was the symbol of recognition among the supporters of Iranian presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. This documentary-collage illustrates with animated blogs and tweets the story of democracy under fire and the dramatic events before and after the 2009 presidential elections in Iran.
Salami Aleikum
Lost Children
For over 18 years a civil war in northern Uganda has dragged on almost completely unnoticed by the rest of the world. The rebels of the LRA ( Lord's Resistance Army) are waging a bloody guerilla campaign. They abduct children and conscript them as soldiers, forcing them to kill their own people. The film Lost Children documents the lives of four children, from 8 to 14 years old, who successfully escaped the LRA. They return home to be branded as killers. Will they ever forget? Will they be forgiven? Can you ever be a child again after being a soldier?
Lost Children
For over 18 years a civil war in northern Uganda has dragged on almost completely unnoticed by the rest of the world. The rebels of the LRA ( Lord's Resistance Army) are waging a bloody guerilla campaign. They abduct children and conscript them as soldiers, forcing them to kill their own people. The film Lost Children documents the lives of four children, from 8 to 14 years old, who successfully escaped the LRA. They return home to be branded as killers. Will they ever forget? Will they be forgiven? Can you ever be a child again after being a soldier?
Felix the Brave
Felix the Brave