Andreas Deinert


Bajazet - En considérant Le Théâtre et La Peste
Frank Castorf has adapted Racine and combined this material with texts by Artaud. His art of theatrical and vital immoderation explores how, when it comes to this classical French author, the tragedy of existence is born from collusions between private passions and power.
Bajazet - En considérant Le Théâtre et La Peste
Video Report
Frank Castorf has adapted Racine and combined this material with texts by Artaud. His art of theatrical and vital immoderation explores how, when it comes to this classical French author, the tragedy of existence is born from collusions between private passions and power.
DJ Punk: The Photographer Daniel Josefsohn
Director of Photography
Nobody captured the atmosphere of 1990s Berlin better than German photographer Daniel Josefsohn, who died in 2016 at the age of 54, leaving his mark in advertising with his irreverent aesthetic and punk sensibility. It was his spontaneous, imperfect images shot for an MTV campaign in 1994 that first made him famous.
Uma mulher deixa seu marido e filhos sem dizer adeus. Enquanto ela luta para construir uma nova vida, sua família fica completamente incerta de seu destino. A natureza radical de sua partida parece ser uma oportunidade e um trauma. O filme é estruturado em três episódios, cada um mostrando uma perspectiva diferente do assunto...
Steadicam Operator
In lots of myth, a hero must undergo a "Nachtmeerfahrt" in which he encounter mysterious creatures and dangerous events. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), himself made such an expedition to survey the world of symbols and archetypes, asking about their relevance for our lives. How do "Nachtmeerfahrten" appear today? Are they dangerous in some ways and which potential do they have? What are our spirits ("anima") and shadows telling us thereby? Does the imagines of our subconsciousness contain spiritual messages? This is a filmic journey to the biography of C. G. Jung and to the mighty world of myths, dreams and symbols.
Der Idiot
Unites grotesque elements, tempo, quiet dream sequences, the thrill of a detective story, but above all, he manages to capture the temperature of an actor ensemble that throws itself into the world of Dostoyevsky with immense pleasure and passion.
Nicht auf den Mund
When Tom first meets Daisy, she scandalizes him, but he is also drawn to her. Over time, Daisy tells Tom about her secret sexual fantasies, while he confides his inhibition to his video camera.