Philippe Mora

Philippe Mora

Nascimento : 1949-01-01, Paris, France


Philippe Mora is an Australian film writer, director, actor and artist. He was born in France to a German Jewish father and an Australian mother.


Philippe Mora


John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows
John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows is the first documentary ever made about one of Hollywood’s most prolific yet forgotten filmmakers, John Villiers Farrow (1904 -1963). Part mystery, part biography, part film noir – the documentary follows the stranger than fiction story of this Australian born, Oscar-winning filmmaker. As one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic f igures, Farrow was the director of some 50 films; a sailor, a poet, a war hero, best-selling author, a religious scholar, a family man and a philanderer – a man who lived many lives – yet who left behind no memoirs, no interviews and no archival footage – and who today is only a shadow in the pages of film history.
High Strangeness
Executive Producer
When world renown, troubled playwright Abigail White's parents die, she is left guardian of her younger sister and moves back to the farmhouse where she grew up as a child. The siblings attempt to deal with their new life on the isolated property, things start to go haywire when Abbie begins to be haunted by horrifying visions and long forgotten memories. Soon Abbie is confronted by her neighbour, a newly released psychiatric patient who informs her that both she and her younger sister are participants in a government/extra-terrestrial ran program of drugs, MK-ULTRA, kidnapping and abuse. Thing's soon spiral murderously out of control as Abigail's memories reveal more and more about her traumatized childhood and the future of the entire planet.
Along for the Ride
A documentary chronicling the filmmaking career of Dennis Hopper.
Monsieur Mayonnaise
Artist and filmmaker Philippe Mora (Mad Dog Morgan; The Howling II; Swastika) is producing a graphic novel about his late father, Georges, widely known in Melbourne as a beloved contemporary art patron and owner of bohemian eateries Mirka Café, Café Balzac and the Tolarno Restaurant and Galleries. Less known, however, is Georges' astonishing history as part of the French resistance during World War II, his friendship with renowned mime Marcel Marceau (Philippe's godfather), and how together they saved thousands of Jewish lives with a fiendishly simple trick involving baguettes and mayonnaise.
The 50 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen
Fifty lesser-known horror flicks hailed by critics and genre fans as "absolute must-sees" are given the spotlight with fun, engaging commentary from journalists, directors, actors and critics in a countdown like no other. Stalkers, monsters, slashers, evil dolls, terrorized babysitters, holiday maniacs, mannequins, eerie motels, even giant rats... they're ALL featured in "The 50 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen!"
Absolutely Modern
This comedy about Modernism, muses and the role of sexuality in art, is told by famed art critic Lord Steinway. When a soccer player, 29, confronts Steinway as his son, the story takes a modernist twist itself.
Absolutely Modern
This comedy about Modernism, muses and the role of sexuality in art, is told by famed art critic Lord Steinway. When a soccer player, 29, confronts Steinway as his son, the story takes a modernist twist itself.
Além de Hollywood
Quando o cinema australiano alcançou o público internacional na década de 1970 por meio de filmes de arte respeitados como Picnic na Montanha Misteriosa (1975), de Peter Weir, um novo underground de cineastas de exploração de baixo orçamento estava produzindo consideravelmente menos filmes intelectuais. O documentarista Mark Hartley explora esta era desenfreada de sexo e violência, completa com clipes de alguns dos filmes mais ultrajantes e entrevistas com os próprios cineastas renegados.
Burning Down the House
A down-on-his-luck film director sets fire to his home so he can collect the insurance money and fund his new movie. But crime apparently does pay, because once the rumor mill gets wind of his plans, everyone suddenly wants a slice of his new project's pie.
Mercenary II: Thick & Thin
Mercenary Captain "Hawk" is in Acion again to save a hostage. But he and his team are betrayed. Nothing is as it seems...
According to Occam's Razor
A mockumentary look at the myths and realities surrounding aliens and UFOs. A hybrid of genres on the UFO subject.
According to Occam's Razor
A mockumentary look at the myths and realities surrounding aliens and UFOs. A hybrid of genres on the UFO subject.
Joseph's Gift
Joseph is the youngest member of a large family that owns a successful garment business in Los Angeles. His father, Jacob, makes no attempt at hiding the fact that Joseph is his favorite son, resulting in the constant envy and resentment of his brothers. Eventually, in their bitterness, they plot revenge against this favored son. When Joseph accompanies his brothers on a trip to New York, they commit the ultimate betrayal, stranding him there, a virtual prisoner in a corrupt, modern-day sweat shop.
Pterodactyl Woman from Beverly Hills
Pixie is cursed with turning into a Pterodactyl when her husband is caught messing with bones on an ancient burial ground. Her husband, children, friends, and neighbours must come to terms with Pixie's new "look". Her only chance to return to her normal state is to find the shaman who inflicted the curse on her.
Pterodactyl Woman from Beverly Hills
Pixie is cursed with turning into a Pterodactyl when her husband is caught messing with bones on an ancient burial ground. Her husband, children, friends, and neighbours must come to terms with Pixie's new "look". Her only chance to return to her normal state is to find the shaman who inflicted the curse on her.
Pterodactyl Woman from Beverly Hills
Pixie is cursed with turning into a Pterodactyl when her husband is caught messing with bones on an ancient burial ground. Her husband, children, friends, and neighbours must come to terms with Pixie's new "look". Her only chance to return to her normal state is to find the shaman who inflicted the curse on her.
Back in Business
An ex-cop gets pulled back in an undercover mission for the FBI by his former partner. The mission is to catch drug runners, but it is also sting operation against dirty cops, some of whom set up the ex-cops' dismissal from the force.
Snide and Prejudice
At a mental institution, the resident physician, Dr Cohen, encourages his patients who believe they are important Nazi figures to act out their fantasies. The therapy sessions show Hitler consolidating his power by assembling his gang of supporters; however, they are interrupted at times, once because Davidson's uniform is at the dry cleaners, and another time because a patient who believes he is Picasso interrupts a session.
Snide and Prejudice
At a mental institution, the resident physician, Dr Cohen, encourages his patients who believe they are important Nazi figures to act out their fantasies. The therapy sessions show Hitler consolidating his power by assembling his gang of supporters; however, they are interrupted at times, once because Davidson's uniform is at the dry cleaners, and another time because a patient who believes he is Picasso interrupts a session.
Snide and Prejudice
At a mental institution, the resident physician, Dr Cohen, encourages his patients who believe they are important Nazi figures to act out their fantasies. The therapy sessions show Hitler consolidating his power by assembling his gang of supporters; however, they are interrupted at times, once because Davidson's uniform is at the dry cleaners, and another time because a patient who believes he is Picasso interrupts a session.
2049 - A Caminho do Inferno
The year is 2049. 200 years after the great Californian goldrush. The new generation of gold diggers are just as full of gold fever as their ancestors.
2049 - A Caminho do Inferno
The year is 2049. 200 years after the great Californian goldrush. The new generation of gold diggers are just as full of gold fever as their ancestors.
Art Deco Detective
While investigating the murder of a movie star, a detective finds that he himself is being set up for the crime.
Art Deco Detective
While investigating the murder of a movie star, a detective finds that he himself is being set up for the crime.
Art Deco Detective
While investigating the murder of a movie star, a detective finds that he himself is being set up for the crime.
Estranhos Visitantes
No dia 26 de dezembro de 1985, Strieber, sua mulher Anne, o filho Andrew e os amigos Alex e Sara vão para o seu chalé, isolado nas montanhas ao norte do Estado de Nova York. Quando chegam presenciam o aparecimento de uma série de fenômenos (como luzes brancas brilhantes) e ouvem estranhos ruídos. Strieber tem um sonho e na manhã seguinte, descobre que sua esposa, filho e amigos tiveram o mesmo sonho. Assustados decidem, rapidamente, retornar à cidade. O escritor está deprimido pois não consegue dar início ao seu próximo livro. A família acredita que ele está sofrendo alucinações e o convence a procurar um psicanalista para tentar esclarecer as confusões em sua mente. Com a ajuda de sessões de hipnose, descobre que as experiências que o vem assombrando possivelmente são causadas por encontros com seres de outros planetas, dando forma a algum tipo de conexão espiritual. Baseado no bestseller "Communion", de 1986 e narra uma das mais impressionantes histórias já relatadas.
Estranhos Visitantes
No dia 26 de dezembro de 1985, Strieber, sua mulher Anne, o filho Andrew e os amigos Alex e Sara vão para o seu chalé, isolado nas montanhas ao norte do Estado de Nova York. Quando chegam presenciam o aparecimento de uma série de fenômenos (como luzes brancas brilhantes) e ouvem estranhos ruídos. Strieber tem um sonho e na manhã seguinte, descobre que sua esposa, filho e amigos tiveram o mesmo sonho. Assustados decidem, rapidamente, retornar à cidade. O escritor está deprimido pois não consegue dar início ao seu próximo livro. A família acredita que ele está sofrendo alucinações e o convence a procurar um psicanalista para tentar esclarecer as confusões em sua mente. Com a ajuda de sessões de hipnose, descobre que as experiências que o vem assombrando possivelmente são causadas por encontros com seres de outros planetas, dando forma a algum tipo de conexão espiritual. Baseado no bestseller "Communion", de 1986 e narra uma das mais impressionantes histórias já relatadas.
Grito de Horror 3: A Nova Raça
Uma estranha raça de seres meio-humanos, meio-marsupiais, que surge do nada na Austrália e um curioso sociólogo, que passa a estudá-la, se apaixona por uma das fêmeas. O que pode acontecer a partir dessa combinação?
Grito de Horror 3: A Nova Raça
Uma estranha raça de seres meio-humanos, meio-marsupiais, que surge do nada na Austrália e um curioso sociólogo, que passa a estudá-la, se apaixona por uma das fêmeas. O que pode acontecer a partir dessa combinação?
Grito de Horror 3: A Nova Raça
Uma estranha raça de seres meio-humanos, meio-marsupiais, que surge do nada na Austrália e um curioso sociólogo, que passa a estudá-la, se apaixona por uma das fêmeas. O que pode acontecer a partir dessa combinação?
Death of a Soldier
Based on a true story, James Coburn portrays a military lawyer assigned to defend a confessed psychotic killer. Set in the context of WWII and the uneasy US-Australian military alliance. The accused killer claims to have killed 3 women in order to possess their voices. Despite the defense lawyer's concerns that the killer is not fit to stand trial, the US military presses forward with the case and its desire to have the killer executed in order to strengthen the shaky alliance.
Grito de Horror 2
Ben white vai ao funeral de sua irmã e heroína do filme anterior, a jornalista Karen White, e encontra Jenny, uma de suas colegas, junto a um homem misterioso chamado Stefan Crosscoe, o qual convence-os de que Karen é um lobisomem através de uma gravação que mostra uma de suas transformações. Após destruir o corpo de Karen, Crosscoe convence Ben e Jenny a irem com ele e uma colega, Marianna, para a Transilvânia afim de destruir Stirba, a rainha dos lobisomens, numa batalha que misturará diversas criaturas e trará revelações surpreendentes.
O Senhor das Águias
Os ovos de uma espécie da águia recém descoberta provocam um confronto entre alpinista e conservadores.
O Retorno do Capitão Invisível
Alan Arkin interpreta o Captain Invincible do título, um super-herói que caiu em desgraça durante o McCarthysmo e foi viver para a Austrália. Trinta anos mais tarde, o governo dos EUA volta a chamá-lo para combater o seu arqui-inimigo, Mr. Midnight (Christopher Lee), que reapareceu. O problema é que, entretanto, o outrora paladino do bem só pensa na bebida.
The Beast Within
A young woman gets raped by a mysterious man-creature, and years later her son begins a horrific transformation into a similar beast.
Marcado Para Morrer
The true story of Irish outlaw Daniel Morgan, who is wanted, dead or alive, in Australia during the 1850s.
Marcado Para Morrer
The true story of Irish outlaw Daniel Morgan, who is wanted, dead or alive, in Australia during the 1850s.
To Shoot a Mad Dog
A documentary about the making of the Australian feature Mad Dog Morgan (1976).
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Swastika is a feature length documentary about the way in which the Nazi regime infiltrated the lives of the German population, during 1933-45.
Swastika is a feature length documentary about the way in which the Nazi regime infiltrated the lives of the German population, during 1933-45.
Double Headed Eagle: Hitler's Rise to Power 1918-1933
Presents a unique and disturbing look at the rise of the Nazi party. The documentary, directed by Lutz Becker, attempts to remain as objective as possible, serving as a neutral observer of the years 1918 through 1933 in Germany. Via newsreel footage and clips of features from the era, the film offers a kaleidoscopic view of the many elements that fueled the rise of the Socialist Nationalist Party, including post-WWI poverty. Hitler occupies a central place in the documentary.