Executive Producer
Initially technology fails to track a Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 when it mysteriously disappears. Can new evidence help locate the plane and finally solve aviation’s greatest mystery?
Executive Producer
Taking you back inside the world-famous Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris in France. It’s three years since the inferno devastated the vast timber and lead roof and the 850-year-old Gothic masterpiece is now at a critical turning point. Work to rebuild the monument is being ramped up, with 200 scientists, historians, restorers and construction workers now on site. They’re racing to meet an ambitious deadline; to reopen Notre Dame to the public ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games to be held in Paris. 1,200 tons of scaffolding now fills the cathedral, giving the team unprecedented access to every inch of the structure. This not only allows them to restore Notre Dame, but also solve its architectural mysteries.
Executive Producer
Apresentamos uma impressionante exploração aérea dos Emirados Árabes, que revela seu rico legado e histórias modernas e que molda seu futuro, tudo de uma perspectiva totalmente nova.
Executive Producer
The collaboration between architects, scientists, archaeologists and engineers in their efforts to restore Notre Dame.
Executive Producer
Este especial conta a história do trágico colapso da ponte de Morandi, em Gênova, em que 43 pessoas perderam suas vidas. A história começa com uma reencenação cronológica do desastre, cortada em várias cenas mostrando momentos críticos do colapso. Através dos testemunhos dos sobreviventes, o programa "rebobina" as cenas para analisar as causas e os eventos que levaram à tragédia. Ele encerra com os últimos testemunhos dos atingidos pela catástrofe, seguidos de um debate sobre os avanços tecnológicos realizados para evitar que desastres semelhantes aconteçam novamente.
Executive Producer
O Eurotúnel, que liga o Reino Unido à França, é uma das sete maravilhas do mundo moderno. Descubra o que foi preciso para construir o maior túnel submerso do mundo. Um projeto que foi assolado por enchentes, incêndios, trágicas fatalidades e dificuldades financeiras. Hoje, ele é um triunfo da engenharia e prova do que pode ser alcançado quando duas nações deixam de lado suas diferenças históricas e trabalham juntas.
Executive Producer
A team of international scientists attempt to document the first-ever image of a black hole.
Delegated Producer
Executive Producer
Egypt's Great Pyramid may be humanity's greatest achievement: a skyscraper of stone built without computers or complex machinery. This super-sized tomb has fascinated historians and archaeologists for centuries, but exactly how the ancient Egyptians finished the monument and fitted its two and a half million blocks in a quarter of a century has long remained an enigma. Today the secrets of the pyramid are finally being revealed thanks to a series of new findings. At the foot of the monument, archaeologists are uncovering the last surviving relic of the pharaoh Khufu, whose tomb it is: a huge ceremonial boat buried in flat-pack form for more than 4500 years. It's a clue that points to the important role that ships and water could have played in the pyramids' construction. This documentary follows investigations that reveal how strong the link between pyramids and boats is. It's a story of more than how Egypt built a pyramid: it's about how the pyramid helped build the modern world.
Executive Producer
Associate Producer
Executive Producer
The ancient city of Petra, a city carved from desert rock, has baffled experts for decades. Now, new technologies resurrect the city and reveal why the spectacular civilization was suddenly abandoned.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Documentary which follows the construction of a trailblazing 36,000-tonne steel structure to entomb the ruins of the nuclear power plant destroyed in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
Este filme conta a história da corrida para levantar e desencalhar o navio Costa Concordia. O enorme navio de cruzeiro bateu nas pedras e virou na ilha de Giglio, na Itália, um desastre em que 32 pessoas morreram na tentativa de escapar.
Executive Producer
Drummond Money-Coutts nos apresenta a outros mestres e artistas ao que eles falam sobre métodos e analisam a psicologia de suas técnicas e, finalmente, desafia a si mesmo para chegar à sua manobra mais ambiciosa até agora.
Executive Producer
In July 2011, Space Shuttle Atlantis will blast-off from the Kennedy Space Center, marking the end of an era. After 34 flights into space, this iconic craft, along with the rest of the shuttle fleet, is entering retirement. The combined effort of thousands of people, from every corner of the globe, will be brought together in one place, for one awe-inspiring moment – the final space shuttle launch. This film winds back the clock and follows the shuttle as it is prepared for its last mission. It draws on personal testimonies of key characters - the engineers, astronauts and others who have spent their lives working on the Shuttle Program. For them, this flight is loaded with mixed emotions, immense pride and nostalgia for the program and great sadness that it is coming to an end.