Cengiz Çağatay

Nascimento : 1973-05-29,


Atatürk II 1881 – 1919
Executive Producer
A biopic centred on the military career of Turkish president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Boa Viagem
Um ex-capitão do exército viaja a Daylan para impedir um casamento. Mas o luto e o trauma de uma tragédia de guerra podem atrapalhar essa missão.
Táticas do Amor
Um publicitário e uma blogueira de moda não acreditam no amor, então apostam que vão fazer o outro se apaixonar perdidamente – com táticas nada comuns.
Milagre na Cela 7
Executive Producer
Separado de sua filha, um homem com deficiência intelectual precisa provar sua inocência ao ser preso pela morte da filha de um comandante.
Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire
Executive Producer
In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
Turks in Space
The year is 2055, and the universe is in a state of turmoil, awaiting the formation of a government that can establish universal peace. Until such a time, the Orion Union stands in its stead, an uneasy alliance made up not of planets, but of their individual states, overlorded by unruly gangs, short-sighted tyrants and hissing, domineering queens. In short, chaos reigns.
The Chaos Class Welcome