Randall Meyers


The Crossing
Andreas has everything a man can wish for. A wonderful wife, a big house on the country and a great job. But a sudden car accident puts him in a wheelchair. He is paralysed in his legs and he is also now impotent. Will his marriage work?
Geração Prozac
Sound Designer
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Christina Ricci) é uma brilhante estudante, que tem planos de estudar Jornalismo na conceituada universidade de Harvard. Entretanto problemas familiares fazem com que Elizabeth entre em profunda depressão, o que coloca seus planos em risco. Aos poucos suas noites de trabalho, sempre regadas a drogas, e sua instabilidade emocional a afastam de Ruby (Michelle Williams), sua melhor amiga, e também de seu namorado. Decidida a procurar ajuda profissional, Elizabeth marca uma consulta com a Dra. Diana Sterling (Anne Heche), que lhe receita o antidepressivo Prozac.
During the final days of WWII, chaos ruled. The German submarine U-461 went down along with its entire crew just off the coast of Denmark. U-461 however, was no ordinary submarine. 50 years after the war ended, two brothers go scuba diving for fun and discover that their every move is being watched and that some things should just be left alone.
Odd Little Man
Original Music Composer
Little Oddemann uses every means available to find Jesus, including his slingshot. The film takes us to Norway in the late '30s, where we meet a series of burlesque and humorous characters, whose antics convince Oddemann that growing up may be a bad idea. Yet Oddemann finds there are certain rewards to being grown-up, such as partying and chasing women, that merit closer examination.
The Diver
Original Music Composer
A thriller about deceit and the struggle for power within Eastern European mafia gangs living in exile in Sweden. Swedish fisherman Arne rescues a young Polish woman, Irena, after a mysterious incident at sea. Two people, both with a past, both determined never to fall in love again, are slowly drawn to each other. Irena has to learn to distinguish friend from foe. Arne must confront his nightmares to save the woman he loves.
Kongen som ville ha mer enn en krone
A modern fable about a king who disappears from his castle.
Kongen som ville ha mer enn en krone
A modern fable about a king who disappears from his castle.
Kongen som ville ha mer enn en krone
A modern fable about a king who disappears from his castle.
O Mundo de Sofia
Às vésperas de completar 15 anos, Sofia Amundsen recebe mensagens anônimas com perguntas intrigantes, como "quem é você?" e "de onde vem o mundo?". A partir dessas mensagens, ela se torna aluna do misterioso Alberto Knox, que a acompanha em uma fascinante jornada pela história da Filosofia, de Sócrates até os dias de hoje, passando pela Idade Média, o Iluminismo, a Revolução Francesa e a Revolução Russa.
One Day a Man Bought a House
A man buys a house on a hill. A rat was there first, and proves to be unusually difficult to remove; it seems to think all the man's attempts to kill it are actually gifts. It loves the taste of the poison, thinks the trap is a sculpture, and so forth.
Sound Designer
No norte da Noruega uma jovem de 15 anos, Tanja Lorentzen (Maria Mathiesen), é assassinada. Dois detetives suecos rumam para lá, para tentar elucidar o crime. Eles vêem um suspeito na névoa perto do mar mas, na ânsia de pegar o possível assassino, Jonas Engström (Stellan Skarsgard), um dos detetives, dá um tiro e acidentalmente mata seu parceiro. Desesperado, Engström tenta encobrir seu crime. Por vários dias o insone Jonas manipula as provas relacionadas com a morte do seu parceiro, ao mesmo tempo em que procura o assassino de Tanja. Jonas então ouve do criminoso que o viu atirando no seu parceiro, fazendo que ele fique numa situação que nunca passou, pois é manipulado pelo assassino.
The Telegraphist
Set against the beautiful backdrop of northern Norway, this film tells the story of a telegraphist in a very small community at the turn of the century.
The Last Lieutenant
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
Hvitsymre i utslåtten
Gjertrud has an affair with an engaged priest's son.
"Herman", based on Lars Saabye Christensen's novel of the same name, tells the story of the young boy Herman who suddenly loses his hair and becomes bald at the age of eleven. It follows him through what is a very difficult period in his life, through big mood swings and irrational behaviour until he finally learns to accept himself for who he is.
Den nye kapellanen
The people at Vassendgården are very curious, and one day a stranger walks by up in the mountains. He does not stop when they shout, but moves on.
A frozen country road. A young woman picks up male hikers in her car, but will not let them utter a word of communication.