Uniformed Police Officer
DI Walter Gambon is a self-styled “Yoda of the force”, whose workload suddenly increases when he’s handed the cases of an officer who committed suicide by throwing himself under a Tube train. Or was he pushed? Gambon must work out whether his former colleague was murdered, while tracking down another officer who has gone so far undercover that nobody knows where he (or she) is.
Um empresário convida os Muppets para uma turnê mundial. Kermit desconfia de suas intenções, hesita, mas o grupo acaba aceitando a proposta. Entretanto, tudo não passa de uma armadilha e eles se veem envolvidos em uma trama criminosa internacional chefiada pelo perigoso sósia de Kermit, o sapo Constantine. Kermit acaba preso na Sibéria e, enquanto tenta provar sua verdadeira identidade, Constantine está livre para realizar um grande roubo.
Guy Harlin
'More Sex,Lies & Depravity' is the follow on film to 2012's Brutal Independent shocker 'Sex,Lies & Depravity'. This stand alone sequel produces a pounding punch to the franchise, and follows the characters 8 months on from the last film. Controversial, shocking, insightful, beautiful, and a spit in the eye to a deprived society.