Lotti Pharriss Knowles
Nascimento : 1970-08-28, Santa Clara, California, USA
Quatro viajantes encontram fenômenos ameaçadores enquanto acampam em um trecho remoto do deserto de Mojave.
Emergency Broadcast Announcer
Broken up with on the eve of a global lockdown, a man is pushed to the brink of madness by his isolation... only to discover he may not be as alone as he initially thought.
News Anchor
When Hunter thinks he's found...and lost...the love of his life on a sketchy video chat site, he scours the net to reunite with his missed connection...only to find something far worse in the process.
Sound Recordist
Becky is an intelligent and sociable high school senior that flies heavily under the radar when it comes to receiving attention from the boys of her school. However, this is the year it all flips around when she tries out and earns a uniform on the cheerleader squad lead by Ms. Flynn. Becky’s life is heading in the right direction when she catches the eye of the charming and handsome new student, Rob. Rob seems like the ideal boy, until his affection turns into obsession and he stops at nothing to keep Becky all to himself.
O príncipe Patrick e a família real são reconhecidos por seu trabalho de caridade. Todos os anos durante o Natal, eles realizam um desfile de moda para arrecadar fundos para a comunidade. Desta vez, o rei Fredrick decide que Patrick participará do evento em seu lugar. Durante o processo, o príncipe conhece a organizadora Kristin e um laço forte nasce entre eles.
Associate Producer
Armed with a limitless Rolodex and a Benedict Canyon enclave with its own disco, Allan Carr threw the Hollywood parties that defined the 1970s. A producer, manager, and marketing genius, Carr built his bombastic reputation amid a series of successes including the mega-hit musical film "Grease," until it all came crashing down after he produced the 1989 Academy Awards, a notorious debacle.
Mrs. Bertinerny / Fiancée
Dez homens gays confessam seus segredos, alguns engraçados, outros chocantes, ou terríveis, todos fascinantes.
Serial killer Countess Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. Still alive today, she's found a perfect hunting ground for her "botox" as an abstinence educator in conservative America...but will she finally be stopped by a brave young blogger and reporter for the high school paper?
Serial killer Countess Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. Still alive today, she's found a perfect hunting ground for her "botox" as an abstinence educator in conservative America...but will she finally be stopped by a brave young blogger and reporter for the high school paper?
Este documentário retrata parte da vida e carreira do excêntrico artista americano Divine (Harris Glenn Mistead, 1945- 1988). Como drag queen, ator e cantor, ele se destacou no universo do espetáculo graças às suas versáteis performances.
Gladys the Homeless Showgirl
Em Las Vegas, Penny Slot (Rena Riffel), viaja com o desejo de se tornar uma estrela de dança num programa de TV. Penny parte em busca do seu tão ambicionado sonho mas ao invés de encontrar um mundo de sonho e de magia vai encontrar uma série de perigos numa cidade mais perversa que Sin City. No entanto, Penny vai viver um romance que a vai fazer sentir-se mais perto de alcançar o seu sonho de estrelato, fama e sucesso. Mas o perigo espreita em cada canto e em cada esquina. E tudo se complica quando Penny se vê envolvida num perigoso triângulo amoroso cheio de tentação e sedução. James “Jimmy” Smith (Glenn Plummer), noivo de Penny aconselha-a que se ela quer ser uma verdadeira bailarina tem de ter formação na área da dança. Penny aceita o seu conselho e começa a ter aulas de ballet. Mas ela vai ter de pagar um preço para ter sucesso, vai ter de fazer uma série de sacrificios inimagináveis e tudo se vai resumir a: O que estará disposta a fazer para ter fama e sucesso?
Classmates Steve and George are part of a frightening food chain. For Steve, high school is a game. Seducing his classmates gives him his sense of purpose and fuels his art and poetry. When Steve sets his sights on the school star athlete, he starts a cat and mouse chase which could ruin him and his idol. George, the school recluse, copes with the stress of his mother's cancer and strained relationship with his father by cutting class and using drugs. Hooking up with a stranger in an effort to lose himself, George finds himself in a life or death situation. At odds with each other, George and Steve have more in common than they realize. As their paths spiral downward, they could save each other - or continue on their way to self-destruction.
An ambitious member of a movie-piracy ring attempts to steal a hot new film and winds up with much more than he bargained for.
Tragedy sends a young woman on a voyage through the wilderness of death and time.