Fritzi Horstman


The Wisdom of Trauma
One in five Americans are diagnosed with mental illness every year. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the US for youth aged 15-24, and kills over 800,000 people globally per year. Drug overdose kills 81,000 in the US annually. The autoimmune disorder epidemic affects 24 million people in the US alone. What is going on? The interconnected epidemics of anxiety, chronic illness and substance abuse are, according to Dr. Gabor Maté, normal - but not in the way you might think.
Cúmplices de um Segredo
As inseparáveis irmãs Beth (Georgie Henley) e Sandra (Abigail Breslin) são filhas da alcoólatra Linda (Mira Sorvino) e não aceitam bem a decisão da mãe de trazer seu abusivo novo namorado para morar com a família. Determinadas a agir, elas contam aos amigos que pretendem assassinar Linda.
Justiça para Natalee Holloway
Associate Producer
O Lifetime Movie é uma continuação de seu filme de 2009, NATALEE HOLLOWAY, e começa em 2010, no aniversário de cinco anos de sua morte. Beth Holloway (Tracy Pollan) ainda está tentando descobrir o que aconteceu com sua filha quando o caso já estranho toma outro rumo quando Joran Van Der Sloot (Stephen Amell) é preso por assassinar outra garota. Se você seguiu esse caso como o meu, então não haverá mais reviravoltas neste filme, mas novamente isso foi bem verdade para o primeiro. Fiquei um pouco surpreso ao ver o quão bem feito isso era e não há dúvida de que é um filme melhor do que o de 2009, mas ao mesmo tempo há algumas falhas demais para realmente chamar isso de uma boa foto.
An Unexpected Love
Associate Producer
An unhappily married housewife and mother of two children seperates from her husband and gets a new job where she developes a mutual attraction to her female boss.
Our America
Associate Producer
The true story of two African-American teen radio reporters and their documentary investigation of a notorious child murder.
The Last Debate
Associate Producer
A presidential debate, unconfirmed rumors and four reporters who take the political process into their own hands. With the election only a week away, the two candidates square off in a final debate. The televised event takes a dramatic turn when the moderator and three panelists confront one of the candidates with unconfirmed rumors and allegations. The debate quickly turns into a witch hunt and destroys one politician's career. They also give Tom Chapman, the up-and-coming reporter investigating the panel's ambush, the story of a lifetime: What went on behind the last debate.
The Thin Blue Lie
Associate Producer
Philadelphia, 1976. The city of Brotherly Love is waging a successful war against crime led by its tough-talking mayor, Frank Rizzo. But a maverick investigative reporter, Jonathan Neumann, has heard some troubling rumors: stories of innocent people victimized by a "goon squad" of law enforcement officers.
Code Name: Phoenix
A Hong Kong martial artist joins forces with a U.S. marshal in 2020 to stop the release of a virus that halts the aging process.
Strange Justice
Associate Producer
"Fact-based story about the sexual harassment suit filed by Anita Hill during the appointment trials of Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court during the George Bush Presidential administration. The film gives both parties a fairly even presentation and does not try to assess blame. It does, however, show a lot of background political maneuvering that took place, particularly on the part of Kenneth Duberstein, an administrative spin doctor."