Fernando Bolaños


The 8-year-old son of Ignacio and Sara is dead, Sara wants a divorce and goes into a deep depression, but she soon discovers that she is pregnant again and must rethink the separation from her husband.
The Sound of Things
A young and dedicated nurse is trying to avoid the pain left by her dear cousin's suicide.
Red Princesses
The Nicaraguan border in the eighties. Eleven-year-old Claudia and her younger sister experience the street fighting at first hand outside their car window. Their parents are Sandinista activists and, although the family is now escaping to neighbouring Costa Rica, the struggle continues. Their parents fire off terse commands and the girls are packed off to their relatives. The film focuses on the point of view of the two sisters, who are very close, as they learn more than they are able to cope with, but too little really to understand. A revolutionary struggle, seen through the eyes of children.