Toni Antoni

Toni Antoni


Toni Antoni


Πόντιοι: New Generation = Νέων Γενεάν
Η Μαντόνα απ' τη Δραπετσώνα
Χάρρυ Κλυνν Και Πάσης Ελλάδος
A super revue of Harry Klynn with a lot of humor.
Το συνδικάτο των μπατήριδων
Two streetwise childhood friends and powerful financial tycoons who never quite managed to graduate from high school
Άμεση Δράση Παπάδων
Κούνελοι και κουνελάκια
υπαστυνόμος Σγούρος
I Loved a Pontian
The feelings of a young lady for a Pontian Greek, whom his fellow countrymen call "the disgrace of Pontus", is obvious to everyone. Kostikas, however, doesn't notice her feelings because his mind is elsewhere. He is trying to become the president of the football team of New Pontus, in order to take the place of Giorikas, who happens to be in love with the lady in question.
Η μεγάλη των κερατάδων σχολή
Επάγγελμα: Γυναίκα
Marika is an ordinary Greek housewife living with her family in Athens. Her everyday is a living hell.
Ο ιππότης της λακούβας
Ο Δυναστείας
The adventurous life of a man who wandered around the world, spent a few years playing "Tarzan" in the jungle, became rich and eventually returned back in his birth-place.
Εις μνήμην Χάρρυ Κλυνν ... και κλάμα
As known probably only to Greek people ,Harry Klynn, a famous comedian in his Country (Greece) suddenly dies.In the movie we see what would some people say about him (including some politicians) when they go to pay their respect at his funeral.In the meantime ,Harry since already dead and guided always by his personal angel,tries to enter heaven or hell,find's out by surprise that nobody wants to let him in. The back story: Harry Klynn , is a famous mastermind comedian in real life.Harry has a unique gift to present the various political situations and happenings in Greece at the time and his is not afraid to disturb powerful people and make fun of them when find it necessary.He has a smart way to show people what's going on in his own country, and convince them by making everyone blow up from laughter.Harry makes excellent imitations of politicians and creates also some fiction characters which represent the everyday Greek.