Fukue Yumiko is a struggling actress who isn't afraid to lie, cheat, or exploit her own sexuality if it means her own success. But as she becomes a big star, one TV reporter decides that it's time someone uncovered her dark past and reveal just how far she was prepared to go for her own fame.
Deep-sea archeologist Hiroshi Ibuki is the member of the digging team working at the bottom of the sea hoping to uncover the origins of Earth's existence but instead uncovers a mysterious colony of bacteria which gives off light similar to the Aurora Borealis. The ancient bacteria, once revived, attempt to make the world habitable for themselves - a process that would bring Earth back to its early primal form, killing all current life in the process.
Producer's Assistant
After a storm hits their island, Yusuke (driving his jet-ski) finds a baby dinosaur. He show it to his dad, they keep it and call it Coo. But there are other parties interested in a 65 million year old creature...
Após o divórcio dos pais de Rikako Muto, uma estudante de Tóquio, ela é transferida para um colégio de Kochi, uma cidade litorânea remota da capital. Além de linda e inteligente, se dedica muito aos estudos e aos esportes. Mas sem saber porquê, não consegue se adaptar à vida social da escola. No mesmo colégio chegam Taku Morisaki e Yutaka Matsuno, que sempre foram melhores amigos, e logo o trio começa a viver um triângulo amoroso.