Costume Design
Em 1935, sete mulheres missionárias estão na fronteira da China com a Mongólia, tentando se proteger contra o avanço dos guerreiros mongolianos liderados por Tunga Khan.
Costume Design
Ad-agency president Dan Edwards goes to Mexico to celebrate his nineteenth wedding anniversary and winds up getting divorced by mistake, whereupon his wife Valerie marries his best friend Ernie Brewer by mistake.
Costume Design
Um western panorâmico, técnica e tematicamente, que acompanha a viagem de uma família de pioneiros do Oeste, a família Prescott. É, na verdade, um belo, heroico e grandioso épico que descreve a gênese da América em sua expansão até às últimas fronteiras.
Costume Design
After spending three years in an asylum, a washed-up actor views a minor assignment from his old director in Rome as a chance for personal and professional redemption.
Costume Design
Conto de fadas de Damon Runyon, carinhoso e engraçado, contado pelo diretor Frank Capra. A preciosa Annie das Maçãs, uma mendiga com uma cesta de maçãs, é tão parte do centro de Nova York quanto a própria Broadway. O contrabandista Dave Dude é um fã das suas maçãs, ele acha que elas dão sorte. Mas Dave e sua namorada Queenie Martin precisam de muito mais do que sorte quando se descobre que Annie está em uma enrascada e só eles podem ajudar: a filha de Annie, Louise, que viveu toda sua vida em um convento espanhol pago pela pobre Annie, está vindo para a América com um Conde e seu filho. O filho do conde quer se casar com Louise, que acha que sua mãe faz parte da alta sociedade de Nova York. Cabe a Dave e Queenie e seus peculiares companheiros transformar Annie em uma dama e convencer o conde e seu filho que eles estão se unindo a elite de Nova York.
Costume Design
O Oklahoma Land Run de abril de 1889 define o cenário para uma saga épica de um aventureiro de fronteira, sua esposa, sua família e seus amigos. A saga épica de uma família de fronteira, Cimarron começa com o Oklahoma Land Rush em 22 de abril de 1889. A família Cravet transforma seu jornal Oklahoma Wigwam em um império comercial e Yancey Cravet é o idealista aventureiro que, para a raiva de sua esposa, desperdiça a oportunidade de se tornar governador, pois isso significa ajudar a espoliar os nativos americanos de suas terras e recursos.
Costume Design
Ella Peterson é uma operadora de serviço de atendimento telefônico do Brooklyn, uma espécie de "Secretária Eletrônica" analógica, que tenta melhorar a vida de seus clientes, passando algumas dicas de informação que ela ouve de outros clientes. Ela se apaixona por um de seus clientes, o dramaturgo Jeffrey Moss, e está determinada a conhecê-lo. O problema é que, ao telefone com ele, ela sempre finge ser uma mulher velha que ele chama de "mãe". e Livre (estimado Livre)
Costume Designer
Numa pequena cidade do interior americano vive a jovem Pollyana, uma pequena órfã que ilumina a vida de todos que a conhecem. Sua tia Polly, preocupada com aparências, política e posses, tem problemas em aceitar a alegria da sobrinha. Somente quando a cidade quase perde a sua habitante mais querida é que tia Polly entende a importância do amor e da esperança.
Costume Design
História dramática de influente família Texana, os Hunnicutt, ambientada no final dos anos 50.
O capitão Wade Hunnicutt é o cidadão mais rico e poderoso de sua cidade texana; Ele também é um notório mulherengo, que transformou sua esposa Hannah contra ele. Ela criou o filho Theron para ser dependente dela; mas quando ele atinge a idade adulta, Hunnicutt insiste em assumir sua educação, iniciando-o na caça e em outras atividades masculinas, sob o olhar atento de Rafe, o funcionário leal de Hunnicutt. Mas o novo estilo de vida de Theron o leva a um caso de amor com uma garota local e, daí, ao aprendizado de coisas sobre os pais que antes estavam escondidos dele. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Costume Design
Em 1948, o escritor Dave Hirsh retorna à sua cidade natal de Parkman, Indiana. Ele deixou o exército e não tem certeza do que vai fazer para o resto de sua vida, embora não deseje ser um escritor. Não tem certeza do por que está voltado para casa. Não se dá bem com seu irmão mais velho Frank e nem com sua cunhada Agnes, que o odeia. Logo se encontra com um jogador profissional Bama Dillert e se tornam grandes amigos. Também tem que lidar com Ginnie Moorehead, uma garota que conheceu em Chicago na noite da sua partida e ela decidiu ir junto. Não planeja ficar na cidade por muito tempo até que conhece Dawn French uma professora de redação criativa na universidade local e uma fervorosa admiradora de suas obras anteriores. Ele se apaixona por ela, mas ela não é tão rápida em se apaixonar por ele.
Costume Design
Jason Sweet, que ganhara um rebanho de ovelhas numa partida de pôquer, vai instalar-se numa região do Oeste exclusivamente vocacionada para a criação de gado bovino; região de onde os indesejados ovelheiros são sistematicamente corridos a tiro. Mas Jason é um homem que não se deixa intimidar. E vai lutar para impor os seus direitos; mesmo se estes se opõem às leis dos potentados locais e contrariam as tradições da terra, estabelecidas à revelia do mais elementar bom senso. Enquanto vai cuidando de sua vida, o criador de ovelhas empreende a conquista da rebelde Dell Payton, uma rica rancheira que acabará por sucumbir ao charme daquele valente e irresistível forasteiro.
Costume Design
Ryevsk, Russia, 1870. Tensions abound in the Karamazov family. Fyodor is a wealthy libertine who holds his purse strings tightly. His four grown sons include Dmitri, the eldest, an elegant officer, always broke and at odds with his father, betrothed to Katya, herself lovely and rich. The other brothers include a sterile aesthete, a factotum who is a bastard, and a monk. Family tensions erupt when Dmitri falls in love with one of his father's mistresses, the coquette Grushenka. Two brothers see Dmitri's jealousy of their father as an opportunity to inherit sooner. Acts of violence lead to the story's conclusion: trials of honor, conscience, forgiveness, and redemption.
Costume Design
Em Raintree, Indiana, 1959, John Wickliff Shawnessy (Montgomery Clift) é um jovem que sonha ser escritor. Ele está apaixonado por Nell Gaither (Eva Marie Saint), que conhece há vários anos e é correspondido. Influenciado por seu professor, Jerusalem Webster Stiles (Nigel Patrick), John sonha em encontrar a mítica árvore da vida. Mas sua vida muda ao conhecer Susanna Drake (Elizabeth Taylor), uma bela e rica moça de Nova Orleans, com quem se envolve. Shawnessy ignorava que ela tinha um desequilíbrio emocional e era ardilosa, tanto que mente para John dizendo que estava grávida, para afastar de vez Nell e se casar com ele, o que acaba acontecendo. Quando eclode a Guerra da Secessão, ele que era contra a escravidão, ao contrário de Susanna, se alista no exército da União. Paralelamente sua mulher entra em depressão e, como a mãe dela morreu louca em um hospício, parece que ela herdou pelo menos parte desta loucura.
Costume Designer
Pistoleiro quer a redenção e volta para sua cidade depois de alguns anos longe de casa. Sua esposa morreu e seu filho de 17 anos o culpa por essa perda. Com sua fazenda a beira falência, Tom Early (Stewart Granger) tenta reerguer sua vida e reconquistar a confiança de seu filho, com a ajuda de um novo amor, a bela Jo (Rhonda Fleming). Mas seu passado o condena e inescrupuloso e poderoso empresário local tenta tomar seu rancho. Tom sabe que terá que usar seus recursos de pistoleiro para superar essa crise.
Wardrobe Master
Um oficial da marinha obcecado por aviação, Frank W. Wead (John Wayne), vê seu casamento ruir pois Min (Maureen O'Hara), sua mulher, se sente só. Ao cair da escada ele fica paralítico e isto sacramenta a separação, mas parcialmente se recupera e se torna um roteirista de cinema e teatrólogo de sucesso. Frank quer reatar com Min e eles decidem tentar de novo, mas enquanto espera que ela chegue a viver com ele fica sabendo que os japoneses atacaram Pearl Harbor. Frank decide então ir a Washington, para poder ajudar seu país da melhor maneira que puder.
Costume Designer
O filme retrata fielmente a vida do mestre da pintura: Van Gogh. Dividido entre a genialidade e sua mente atormentada, Van Gogh é interpretado pelo aclamado ator Kirk Douglas. Sede de Viver captura todo o êxtase da arte e a agonia da vida de um gênio da pintura.
Costume Design
Jeremy Rodock é um rancheiro durão que arrasa ladrões assim que olha para eles. Recém-saído da Pensilvânia, Steve Miller acha difícil se acostumar com os costumes de Rodock, embora tenha um brilho imediato em sua garota grega Jocasta.
Costume Design
Uma expedição liderada pelo Comandante John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) viaja rumo a um planeta distante para descobrir o que aconteceu com os cientistas que foram para lá iniciar uma colônia. Apenas um é encontrado: O arrogante Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), que vive em companhia da filha, Altaira (Anne Francis) e de um prestativo robô.
Costume Design
Asked by Francis I to tutor his son, Diane de Poitiers becomes the future King Henry II's mistress in 1500s France.
Costume Design
An ex-soldier turned highwayman uncovers a plot to take control of England from King Charles II.
Costume Design
John Mohune, um menino de dez anos, é deixado pela mãe moribunda aos cuidados do mulherengo Jeremy Fox, chefe de um bando de contrabandistas. Juntos, eles vivem várias aventuras na caça a um tesouro.
Costume Designer
Rome is on the verge of being conquered by Hannibal. While Rome's ruler, Fabius Maximus, plots a defense against Hannibal's armies, Fabius' fiancée, Amytis, is curious about the fearless conqueror. Amytis travels to Hannibal's camp just to get a look at him, but she ends up being captured. However, she is instantly smitten by the Carthaginian commander, so she tries to shift his attentions away from Rome -- and to her instead.
Costume Design
Packaged and sold as an outdoor actioner, Many Rivers to Cross is as much a comedy as anything else. Robert Taylor stars as 18th century trapper Bushrod Gentry, who is himself entrapped into marriage by the spunky Mary Stuart Cherne (Eleanor Parker). Escaping his marital responsibilities (which were impressed upon him on threat of death), Gentry heads into the North Country, with Mary in hot pursuit. Hero and heroine spend the rest of the picture taking turns rescuing each other from hostile Indians. Some of the humor is predicated upon the wholesale slaughter of the "redskins", and as such is a bit hard to take when seen today. Supporting Taylor and Parker are Victor McLaglen as the heroine's burly father, and TV-stars-to be James Arness (Gunsmoke) and Russell Johnson and Alan Hale Jr. (Gilligan's Island).
Costume Design
Musical adaptation of the story of Cinderella and her magical trip to the prince's ball.
Costume Design
Um filme biográfico sobre o compositor musical e autor Sigmund Romberg, que escreveu obras como 'The Student Prince', 'The Desert Song' e 'The New Moon', entre outras. O título 'Bem no Meu Coração, querido' vem da música 'The student Prince' e é interpretada por artistas e cantores de todas as produções da MGM. Dentre eles estão Cyd Charisse, Rosemary Clooney, Vic Damone e muitos outros. Uma revisão da vida e obra de um dos maiores e mais importantes compositores musicais do cinema. Muitos dos filmes que podemos ver hoje têm alguns de seus temas entre as trilhas sonoras. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Costume Designer
A stuffy young lawyer's outlook on life drastically changes when he meets a perky health food enthusiast and her wacky family.
Costume Design
Depois que Adam (Howard Keel), o irmão mais velho de uma família de caipiras, volta para sua fazenda com uma noiva, seus outros seis irmãos solteirões decidem ir para a cidade e arrumar seis noivas para morarem com eles na fazenda também.
Costume Design
Hard-boiled archeologist Mark Brandon is searching for ancient tombs in Egypt when he is approached by beautiful Ann Mercedes, who convinces him to help her fulfill her deceased father's life's ambition - to provide solid proof of the biblical Joseph's travels in ancient Egypt. As an ex-pupil of Ann's father, Mark accepts and the two embark on a search for the tomb of the Pharoah Ra Hotep, said to have had some connection with Joseph. The trail to the tomb is fraught with intrigue, betrayal, murder, and the possibility that the tomb itself has been emptied of all its artifacts by ancient looters.
Costume Design
Fred and Lilli are a divorced pair of actors who are brought together by Cole Porter who has written a musical version of The Taming of the Shrew. Of course, the couple seem to act a great deal like the characters they play. A fight on the opening night threatens the production, as well as two thugs who have the mistaken idea that Fred owes their boss money and insist on staying next to him all night.
Costume Design
Sailor Joel Shore (Robert Taylor) vai à procura de seu irmão caçador de baleias, Mark (Stewart Granger), que está perdido durante uma missão desastrosa no mar. Joel e sua esposa Priscilla (Ann Blyth), acabam encontrando Mark em uma ilha tropical, mas, para sua surpresa, o infortúnio e a tragédia o transformaram em um homem perturbado e desesperado. Em pouco tempo, Mark começa a buscar um relacionamento romântico com Priscila, levando a uma rivalidade feroz e um motim violento.
Costume Design
The true story of Ruth Gordon's early struggles on the road to stage stardom.
Costume Design
The mother died under the executioner's axe; the daughter rose to become England's greatest monarch -- the brilliant and cunning Queen Elizabeth I. Jean Simmons portrays young Bess in this rich tapestry of a film that traces the tumultuous, danger-fraught years from Elizabeth's birth to her unexpected ascension to the throne at a mere 25. Charles Laughton reprises his Academy Award®-winning* role as her formidable father Henry VIII. Deborah Kerr plays her last stepmother (and Henry's last of six wives), gentle Catherine Parr. And Simmons' then real-life husband, Stewart Granger, adds heroics as Lord Admiral Thomas Seymour. In a resplendent world of adventure, romance and court intrigue, Young Bess reigns.
Costume Design
Filme biográfico da campeã australiana de natação e artista Annette Kellerman. Depois de superar a pólio Kellerman alcança a fama e cria um escândalo quando seu maiô de uma peça é considerado indecente.
Conta a história da sensação da natação australiana Annette Kellerman, que superou a pólio infantil para continuar e conquistar a fama como nadadora profissional e estrela de cinema nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Ao mesmo tempo, ela escandalizou o mundo vestindo uma roupa de banho de uma peça só, em praias públicas, muito antes desse modelo ser aceito pela sociedade educada, e causou outras polêmicas também. A história foi um veículo perfeito, décadas depois, para mostrar o talento da estrela Esther Williams na década de 1950, e o apelido de Kellerman foi usado pela revista Life para a Sra. Williams quando a chamou de "Sereia de Milhões de Dólares". (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Costume Design
Christopher Jones é o turrão, tenaz capitão cujo objetivo é levar um punhado de calvinistas de Plymouth, na Inglaterra, até as terras da América, do outro lado do Atlântico. Entre perigos variados, tempestades e diversos obstáculos, nasce um romance entre John Alden e Priscilla Mullins. Outra passageira importante é Dorothy Bradford, a noiva do futuro governador William Bradford. O capitão se apaixona por ela, que não lhe é indiferente.
Costume Design
An Englishman vacationing in Ruritania is recruited to impersonate his cousin, the soon-to-be-crowned king after the monarch is drugged and kidnapped.
Costume Design
David Marshall Williams is sent to a prison farm where he works in the tool shop and eventually develops the precursor of the famous M-1 Carbine automatic rifle used in World War II.
Costume Design
Em 1927, Hollywood, está um verdadeiro rebuliço com a transição do cinema mudo para o falado. Don Lockwood e Lina Lamont, o casal mais querido do cinema mudo, se prepara para rodar um musical. Mas, infelizmente, Lina não só não sabe cantar como tem uma voz horrível. A estreante, Kathy Selden, é chamada a emprestar sua voz à estrela. As gravações são uma confusão, mas tudo piora quando Don se apaixona pela doce Kathy. Ao lado de seu inseparável amigo, o compositor Cosmo Brown, ele tenta mostrar ao mundo o talento de Kathy.
Costume Design
No tempo em que o “Oeste” dos EUA se estendia somente até o Texas e a Califórnia, a região começava a receber os primeiros colonos brancos. Havia uma severa carência de mulheres entre os trabalhadores da fazenda de Roy Whitman, no vale da Califórnia. Assim, Whitman vai até Chicago, no leste, para recrutar 150 mulheres que desejassem se tornar esposas de seus empregados.
Costume Design
Set in 19th-century New York, this mystery begins when a Frenchwoman shows up at the home of one of Napoleon's former marshals. The alcoholic man is badly crippled and slowly dying, but this doesn't stop the forthright lady from pushing him to change his will to include his estranged grandson so that he can help out the struggling French Republic. Unfortunately, the dying man's conniving housekeeper and butler, already planning murder to get the money themselves, overhear her and begin plotting her demise.
Costume Design
A former housemaid (Garson) now works as a confidence trickster, but her plans for a big job in California go awry.
Costume Design
Magnolia Hawks vive no Cotton Blossom, barco de shows de seu pai, o Capitão Andy. Ela conhece o jogador Gaylord Ravenal na cidade à beira do rio, e se apaixona por ele. Na mesma tarde, durante o ensaio para o show daquele dia, a estrela Julie e seu marido e co-estrela Steve são forçados a deixar a companhia. Gaylord é contratado para ocupar o lugar de Steve, enquanto Magnolia ocupa o lugar de Julie. Eles se apaixonam e casam. Deixando o barco de shows, 'Nola, Gay e sua pequena filha, Kim, se mudam para Chicago, onde sua fortuna cresce ou mingua dependendo da sorte de Gay. Enfim, ele abandona sua esposa e filha, e ela é forçada a retornar aos palcos, onde ela se torna uma estrela.
Wardrobe Designer
Mary Herries has a passion for art and fine furniture. Even though she is getting on in years, she enjoys being around these priceless articles. One day she meets a strange young painter named Elcott, who uses his painting skill to enter into her life. Little does she expect that his only interest in Mary is to covet everything she has.
Costume Design
A pretty singer/dancer is becoming an actress whereas the playboy crown prince is becoming a monarch. The both will have their clandestine romance interfered with by their changing circumstances.
Costume Design
David gives his wife, Joyce, an unexpected—and unpleasant—surprise when he suddenly demands a divorce. When she then learns that David has taken up with a younger woman, Joyce decides to make the most of this separation by taking a solo trip to the Caribbean. However, just before diving into a vacation fling, she runs into Emily, an old chum whose own divorce has left her embittered. Joyce then debates giving married life one last chance.
Costume Design
Biography of celebrated American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Costume Design
The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Costume Design
Allan Quatermain é um caçador de tesouros que é convencido por Jesse Huston a ajudá-la a procurar o pai.
Costume Design
Como favor a sua irmã Abigail, a fazendeira de Nova Inglaterra, Jane Falbury, permite que um grupo de atores use seu celeiro como teatro para sua peça. Em troca, o elenco e a equipe precisam ajudá-la nas tarefas da fazenda. Durante os ensaios, Jane se vê apaixonada pelo diretor do programa, Joe Ross, que também se envolve com a atriz principal da peça, Abigail.
Costume Design
Snooty opera singer meets a rough-and-tumble fisherman in the Louisiana bayous, but this fisherman can sing! Her agent lures him away to New Orleans to teach him to sing opera but comes to regret this rash decision when the singers fall in love.
Costume Design
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
Costume Design
Stanley Banks, um orgulhoso pai, lembra o dia em que sua filha, Kay, se casou. Desde quando ela anuncia seu noivado até o dia do casamento propriamente. Veremos todas as surpresas e desastres que podem ocorrer ao longo desse sinuoso caminho.
Costume Design
The story of a young pastor coming to a small town in the United States to set up his ministry. The movie tells of the various relationships and struggles he goes through as he goes about raising his family and preaching to the community.
Costume Coordinator
Uma moça caipira que desde criança foi criada para fazer tudo o que um homem pode fazer. Annie rivaliza com Frank Butler, também uma pessoa segura e corajosa. Entre disputas e muitas brigas, evidentemente nasce o amor.
Costume Design
Uma moça caipira que desde criança foi criada para fazer tudo o que um homem pode fazer. Annie rivaliza com Frank Butler, também uma pessoa segura e corajosa. Entre disputas e muitas brigas, evidentemente nasce o amor.
Costume Design
Late in the Civil War, three Confederate soldiers escape from a Union prison camp in Missouri. They soon fall into the hands of pro-Confederate raiders, who force them to act as "outriders" (escorts) for a civilian wagon train that will be secretly transporting Union gold from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to St. Louis, Missouri. The three men are to lead the wagons into a raider trap in Missouri, but one of them starts to have misgivings....
Costume Design
Casal de advogados se vê em lados opostos em um caso no qual a ré disparou contra o marido, ao encontrá-lo com a amante. No início marido e mulher mantêm as discussões durante o julgamento, mas em virtude da cobertura dada pela imprensa o casal não expõe suas posições apenas no tribunal e isto gera algumas confusões.
Costume Design
Soames and Irene Forsyte have a marriage of convenience. Young Jolyon Forsyte is a black sheep who ran away with the maid after his wife's death. Teenager June Forsyte has found love with an artist, Phillip Bosinny. The interactions between the Forsytes and the people and society around them is the truss for this love story set in the rigid and strict times of the Victorian age.
Costume Designer
Based on the French literary classic, this drama presents author Gustave Flaubert narrating his tale of infidelity and narcissism. After marrying small-town doctor Charles Bovary, Emma becomes tired of her limited social status and begins to have affairs, first with the young Leon Dupuis and later with the wealthy Rodolphe Boulanger. Eventually, however, her self-involved behavior catches up with her.
Costume Design
When Cholera takes the parents of Mary Lennox, she is shipped from India to England to live with her Uncle Craven. Mary changes the lives of those she encounters at her Uncle's remote estate.
Costume Design
Durante a Guerra Civil Americana, quatro irmãs e a mãe sobrevivem com dificuldades enquanto o pai delas serve com o exército confederado. A história narra como as irmãs cresceram, superaram tragédias, se apaixonaram e descobriram seu lugar no mundo.
Costume Designer
Ricardo (Frank Sinatra) é filho de um bandido mexicano que sempre "deixa a sua marca" beijando a menina mais bonita em qualquer grupo que ele rouba. Ele estuda gerenciamento hoteleiro em Boston e, com a morte de seu pai, logo é chamado de volta à sua cidade natal sem saber que a finalidade da viagem é assumir o lugar do "bandido beijoqueiro". Quando descobre quem fora seu pai, decepciona-se e reluta, em vão, a assumir o cargo, mas acaba seguindo os passos de seu pai. Logo em seu primeiro assalto, o bando aborda a diligência de Teresa (Kathryn Grayson), filha do governador, mas Ricardo ainda é tímido demais para deixar a marca do bandido.
Costume Design
D'Artagnan, um jovem provinciano, chega à Paris com o intuito de se tornar um mosqueteiro. Ele encontrará muitos obstáculos, ação, amor, ódio, o rei e a rainha. E ainda Richelieu e sua impetuosidade, que deixará D'Artagnan envolvido em tramas políticas. Mas contra tudo e todos ele se junta a Athos, Porthos e Aramis. D'Artagnan terá, além do mais, que se desdobrar para manter seguro o seu amor pela encantadora Constance Bonacieux sem com isso indispor a apaixonada Milady De Winter, uma agente secreta do Cardeal.
Costume Design
Danville, Connecticut at the turn of the century. Young Richard Miller lives in a middle-class neighborhood with his family. He is in love with the girl next-door, Muriel, but her father isn't too happy with their puppy-love, since Richard always share his revolutionary ideas with her.
Costume Design
Composer Robert Schumann struggles to compose his symphonies while his loving wife Clara offers her support. Also helping the Schumanns is their lifelong friend, composer Johannes Brahms.
Costume Design
A St. Louis woman marries a New Mexico cattleman who is seen as a tyrant by the locals.
Costume Design
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in love. Marguerite's sister, Marianne, also loves William. Timothy, a lowly carpenter, secretly loves Marianne. He kills a man in a fight, and Edmund helps him flee to New Zealand. William deserts inadvertently from the navy, and also flees in disgrace to New Zealand, where he and Timothy start a profitable business. One night, drunk, William writes Octavius, demanding his daughter's hand; but, being drunk, he asks for the wrong sister.
Costume Design
Quando seu pai é enforcado por atirar em sua esposa e seu amante, a linda mestiça Pérola Chavez vai morar com parentes distantes no Texas. Acolhida por Laura Belle e seu filho mais velho advogado Jesse, ela se choca com a hostilidade do proprietário do rancho o senador Jackson McCanles, que vive em uma cadeira de rodas, e com o interesse lascivo do mulherengo e rebelde de seu filho mais novo Lewt. Quase imediatamente as tensões familiares já existentes são exacerbadas pela sua presença e pela forma como ela está fisicamente atraída por Lewt.
Costume Design
An easy-going cowboy is mistaken by the townsfolk for a notorious gunman. The cowboy decides it would be best to leave town, until he meets the gunman's girlfriend.
Costume Design
Prof. Joseph Elsner guides his protégé Frydryk Chopin through his formative years to early adulthood in Poland. The professor takes him to Paris, where he eventually comes under the wing and influence of novelist George Sand and rises to prominence in the music world, to the exclusion of his old friends and patriotic feelings towards Poland.
Costume Design
The wild and woolly early days of New York -- when it was still known as New Amsterdam -- provide the backdrop for this period musical-comedy. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant (Charles Coburn) arrives in New Amsterdam to assume his duties as governor. Stuyvesant is hardly the fun-loving type, and one of his first official acts is to call for the death of Brom Broeck (Nelson Eddy), a newspaper publisher well-known for his fearless exposes of police and government corruption. However, Broeck hasn't done anything that would justify the death penalty, so Stuyvesant waits (without much patience) for Broeck to step out of line. Broeck is romancing a beautiful woman named Tina Tienhoven (Constance Dowling), whose sister Ulda (Shelley Winters) happens to be dating his best friend, Ten Pin (Johnnie "Scat" Davis). After Stuyvesant's men toss Broeck in jail on a trumped-up charge, Stuyvesant sets his sights on winning Tina's affections.
Costume Design
A operadora de barcos Jenny Blake manipula seu namorado Jack Morgan para se casar com a alta sociedade. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
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Cultured Mario and outlaw Lucien, twins separated at birth, join forces to avenge their parents' death at the hands of evil Colonna. Because each feels all the same sensations experienced by the other, swordplay is difficult for them. Worse yet, raised very differently, they struggle to find common ground between their conflicting personalities. But to defeat their enemy, the two will have to overcome the obstacles and work as a team.
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Lydia MacMillan, a wealthy woman who has never married, invites several men her own age to her home to reminisce about the times when they were young and courted her. In memory, each romance seemed splendid and destined for happiness, but in each case, Lydia realizes, the truth was less romantic, and ill-starred.
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Ellen Creed is a housekeeper who looks after Leonora Fiske, a retired actress living in the English countryside. When Ellen's eccentric sisters visit their sibling at Leonora's home, tensions soon lead to murder.
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A good nurse ruins her career by covering up for her sister's careless mistake.
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Esta produção estrelada por Charles Laughton, que estava no auge de sua carreira quando personificou Quasímodo (o Corcunda), recebeu duas indicações ao Oscar, em 1939. É provavelmente, a melhor interpretação dada ao triste personagem, morador da Catedral de Notre Dame, que perambula pelos impressionantes cenários de Paris, criados especialmente para o filme, em Hollywood. Maureen O'Hara está perfeita como a linda cigana Esmeralda, pela qual Quasímodo se apaixona desesperadamente, a ponto de romper a paz da imponente e secular Catedral, aterrorizando a população.
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Scarlett O'Hara é uma jovem mimada que consegue tudo o que quer. No entanto, algo falta em sua vida: o amor de Ashley Wilkes, um nobre sulista que deve se casar com a sua prima Melanie. Tudo muda quando a Guerra Civil americana explode e Scarlett precisa lutar para sobreviver e manter a fazenda da família.
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Vernon Castle é um ator cômico se segunda categoria. Ele conhece Irene Castle em uma praia de Nova Jersey. Os dois logo se apaixonam e se casam. Após muito insistir, Irene convence Vernon a desistir da comédia para começarem uma nova carreira como bailarinos. A agente Maggie Sutton descobre o talento do casal e Vernon e Irene atingem o sucesso. Mas quando estão no auge da fama, inicia-se a 1ª Guerra Mundial.
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Uma diligência atravessa o Monument Valley, entre Tonto e Lordsburg, com cinco passageiros, aos quais se junta Ringo Kid, que viaja para acertar as contas com os irmãos Plummer mas, a meio caminho, ocorre um violento ataque de apaches. Um clássico de John Ford, sempre citado entre os melhores filmes de todos os tempos e que serviu de modelo a muitos outros faroestes. O filme é impecável em todos os níveis: direção, elenco, fotografia (de Bert Glennon) e história (baseada no conto Stage to Lordsburg de Ernest Haycox e roteirizada por Dudley Nichols).
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O pequeno Tom Sawyer (Tommy Kelly) vive com sua tia Polly (May Ribson) numa pequena cidade do Mississipi. Ele e seu inseparável amigo Huckleberry Finn (Jackie Moran) adoram pescar, sonham com piratas e grandes tesouros e vivem pensando em Becky Thatcher (Ann Gillis), uma linda garota do colégio. Os dois vivem se metendo em aventuras e confusões até que um dia presenciam um assassinato, e juntos conseguem provar a inocência do homem injustamente acusado, esse fato faz com que Injun Joe (Victor Jory), o verdadeiro assassino, passe a caçá-los. Ao tentarem escapar de Joe, os dois vivem uma fantástica aventura nas águas do Rio Mississipi que os leva até cavernas misteriosas e ao esconderijo em que Injun Joe havia enterrado uma fortuna.
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Os jornais informam que Hazel Flagg (Carole Lombard) sofre de uma doença incurável. Wally Cook (Fredric March), um jornalista de Nova York passa a investigar o caso e acaba se apaixonando pela moça.
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In World War I France, a pilot falls in love with the wife of his friend and superior officer.
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In the face of rebellion in Russia, Czar Alexander II sends soldier Michael Strogoff 2,000 miles away, with a critical message for Grand Duke Vladimir. On the train journey, Michael befriends a traveler and comes into contact with a mysterious spy, who both unexpectedly aid him in his quest. Once behind enemy lines, Michael is near his hometown and his mother, whom he must avoid in order to fulfill his mission.
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In the 1810s, an old maid poses as her own niece in order to teach her onetime beau a lesson.
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A husband clashes with his wife over his membership to the Irish citizen army during the Easter rebellion.
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A Victorian-era woman struggles to break free of the moral codes established by society and enforced by her father.
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The recently widowed Mary Stuart returns to Scotland to reclaim her throne but is opposed by her half-brother and her own Scottish lords.
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Teenage orphan Jenny Yates becomes starstruck when a revival of an old Victorian melodrama passes through her small New England town, to the disapproval of her stern grandfather, Uriah. Stowing away in the car of Philip Greene, a wealthy young man working with the theater troupe, Jenny talks her way into the play's lead role. But director Archie Fisher doesn't tell her that the new version of the play is meant as a spoof.
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The surgeon who did the job was dead. Only the nurse knew what this gangster looked like in his new face. He learned about women from her!
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An eccentric heir must marry a widow in order to collect the millions left to him in his aunt's will, so a suicidal neighbor agrees to marry the man's young fiancée before offing himself.
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Awkward Annie (Barbara Stanwyck) loves her sharpshooting rival (Preston Foster) in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
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The young Gascon D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
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Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
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A father leaves his native Ireland and travels to America to visit the son he hasn't heard from in many years.
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The ghost of a recently deceased family patriarch tries to help his surviving relatives, in part by preventing a marriage that he knows will go wrong.
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In the lower-middle-class Adams family, father and son are happy to work in a drugstore, but mother and daughter Alice try every possible social-climbing stratagem despite snubs and embarrassment. When Alice finally meets her dream man Arthur, mother nags father into a risky business venture and plans to impress Alice's beau with an "upscale" family dinner. Will the excruciating results drive Arthur away?
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An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
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A young poet, accompanied by his new bride, returns home to his large family at their Canadian farm.
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Clay Tallant comes to Silver City, Arizona in the 1880s and encounters wide-spread lawlessness and disorder, unscrupulous politicians, outlaws galore and brow-beaten citizens. He accepts the position of town marshal and, with his brother and a reformed outlaw , Tex Randolph, who comes over to his side, sets out to bring law-and-order where none exists. He also wins the hand of the singer appearing at the Opera House.
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The insidious typical talk of a small town makes a young man and the married woman he is in love very unhappy.
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A wealthy young man falls hard for a beautiful showgirl, and her wily father quickly realizes the naïve boy would make the perfect investor for his daughter's new show. Comedy with music.
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Gypo Nolan is a former Irish Republican Army man who drowns his sorrows in the bottle. He's desperate to escape his bleak Dublin life and start over in America with his girlfriend. So when British authorities advertise a reward for information about his best friend, current IRA member Frankie, Gypo cooperates. Now Gypo can buy two tickets on a boat bound for the States, but can he escape the overwhelming guilt he feels for betraying his buddy?
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An elderly bachelor, feeling nostalgic for his youth, seeks out his late sweetheart's teenage daughter, now an orphan forced to attend a strict boarding school.
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Zenas Brewster is a seafaring man with a bad reputation. Notorious for his tempestuous nature, Brewster has earned the nickname of "Captain Hurricane." Brewster is smitten with neighbor Abbie Howland, but she doesn't like his temperament. After a period of retirement, a bad investment puts Brewster back at work on the sea. And when fire overtakes his ship, Hurricane proves heroic, selflessly rescuing his crew from a grisly and deadly fate.
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Mrs. Lotty Wilkins is an unhappily wife whom's life husband and romance have departed. In order to possibly salvage some of the missing elements in her life she rents an old Italian mansion and sharing it with three women. Here the four women plan to spend the month of April away from the cares of home, husbands and the everyday monotony.
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Karel Novak is an incredibly naive Czech immigrant who is taken under the wing of streetwise New York chorus girl Sylvia. With the help of lovable cop-on-the-beat Murphy, Sylvia hides Karel from the immigration authorities and ultimately falls in love with him. In addition to Karel's illegal-alien status, the plot is complicated by a crooked lawyer and a group of well-meaning welfare workers who endeavor to place Sylvia's kid brother Frank in a foster home.
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The stoic, proper Rev. Gavin Dishart, newly assigned to a church in the small Scottish village of Thrums, finds himself unexpectedly falling for one of his parishioners, the hot-blooded Gypsy girl Babbie. A village-wide scandal soon erupts over the minister's relationship with this feisty, passionate young woman, who holds a secret about the village's nobleman, Lord Milford Rintoul, and his role in an increasingly fractious labor dispute.
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Richard Dix stars as Pecos Smith, a strong, silent Westerner suspected of cattle rustling.
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A high-speed train becomes the star of the film as it rushes from Chicago to Hoover Dam to transport an iron lung to a needy patient.
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An actress goes up to a dude ranch for relaxation, when she falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of his wife's murder.
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Friends uncover a dark secret when they compare notes about a theft and suicide.
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Anne Shirley, an orphan, is fostered by farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla, who were expecting a boy to be sent them to help with their farm work. They accept Anne, who quickly endears herself to them and to the local villagers.
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A bored couple facing middle-age succumbs to wandering eyes.
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A recently released prisoner lives alone in his cabin so that his bad temper won't get him back in any more trouble, but his peaceful existence is disrupted when a mysterious woman arrives.
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The Great Elmer and Company, two out-of-work magicians, help lovelorn Jerry Bronson adopt Spanky Milford, to distract him. When Bronson makes up and elopes, the pair are stuck with the little boy. But Spanky inherits a Kentucky fortune, so they head south to Banesville, where the Milfords and Wakefields are conducting a bitter feud.
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A 10-year-old's happy life is shattered when his parents are divorced.
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O filme conta a história de Guy Holden, um célebre bailarino estadunidense, que está viajando pela Europa com seu amigo, o advogado Egbert. No meio do caminho para a Inglaterra, conhece Mimi Glossop, que viaja com sua tia. Em Londres, os dois se encontram casualmente e Guy se apaixona por Mimi, mas sem saber que se trata de uma mulher casada em processo de divórcio. Mimi e sua tia voltam a se encontrar num hotel e começam os equívocos.
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A college football team recruits a tough convict.
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Millionairess Dorothy Hunter is tired of finding out that her boyfriends love her for her money, and equally weary of losing eligible beaus who don't want to be considered fortune-hunters. That's why she trades identities with her secretary Sylvia before embarking on her next romance with Tony Travers. This causes numerous complications not only for Dorothy and Tony but for Sylvia, whose own husband Philip is not the most patient of men.
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An engaged attorney and a divorcee fall for each other in 1870s Manhattan.
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Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.
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Set during the first World War in neutral, but pro-German, Holland, Lewis Allison, an interned British officer, is paroled to the castle of Baron Von Leyden and finds living there, but now married to German officer Rupert Von Narwitz, his childhood sweetheart Julie. Long discussions between Julie and Allison, centering on family conflicts that kept them apart, take place before the severely wounded Von Narwitz returns to the castle and more long discussions ensue.
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Early '30s comedy-mystery involving magicians, fake psychics and murder.
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A man escapes from jail in France to free his daughter from her mother's hold.
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After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
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A prominent New York attorney defends his estranged wife's lover, who's been charged with the murder of a model in Greenwich Village.
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A young man finds himself attracted to a cold and unfeeling waitress who may ultimately destroy them both.
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A polo-playing grandmother and her broke brood get back in the money with a Wall Street bet.
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To divorce, or not to divorce. That is the question pondered by a married couple of 10 years who miss their burning desire for each other (Clive Brook and Diana Wynyard) in this 1934 film directed by Worthington Miner.
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Two yokels try to crash royal society by posing as the King's physicians.
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There are plenty of guilty secrets at the school where Hildegarde Withers teaches. When she finds the body of the pretty music teacher, she calls in her old friend Inspector Piper, who promptly arrests the obvious suspect. Clues multiply and everyone looks suspicious as Piper and Miss Withers continue their battle of the sexes.
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A small town politician, kept from marrying the love of his life, eventually marries another woman and his career ascends, but he secretly continues the relationship with his true love.
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A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
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A pair of lovers are secreting away to Paris for a quick divorce and marriage when they find themselves trapped in a "hotel" where they are forced to get to know each other better and reconsider their plans. They learn a lot about each other, and themselves.
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A failed poet ends up becoming a gag writer for a bombastic comedian.
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Virginia, who studies at a boarding school for upper-class girls, falls in love with a medical intern who works as a waiter for a living. Both the director of the school and her mother oppose such a relationship.
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While breaking into a bank safe, a gangster overhears a bank employee singing and decides to put her in a Broadway revue
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The seemingly happy relationship between Tony and Jim is threatened when his manipulative, drama-queen ex-wife visits.
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A young man ruthlessly climbs the corporate ladder only to attempt suicide when the stock market crashes.
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When he finds out that his wife is having an affair, a criminologist commits the perfect murder--and pins the crime on his wife's boyfriend so well that the man is convicted of the murder.
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Dirt-poor mountain girl Trigger Hicks is a loner. Her faith-healing is mistaken for witchcraft by the community. She falls for an engineer building a dam, who protects her.
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World War I drama about a soldier and the wild horse he befriends.
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Hips, Hips, Hooray! is a 1934 slapstick comedy film starring Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, and Dorothy Lee.
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A long-absent father is reunited with his daughter, who still holds a grudge that he had deserted his family years earlier.
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A British explorer brings an Eskimo hunter to London, where he misreads a woman.
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A stranded actress turned manicurist affects the lives of people in a small American town.
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A história começa aproximadamente um mês após o dramático final de King Kong, no filme original de 1933. As aventuras do filmmaker Carl Denham (interpretado novamente por Robert Armstrong), agora com graves problemas jurídicos pela destruição feita por Kong. Denham sai de New York no navio Venture, do capitão Englehorn. Um marinheiro (Nils Helstrom) vendeu para Denham um mapa com a localização da Ilha da Caveira (Skull Island), onde acreditam existir um tesouro escondido. Também no navio viaja uma bela jovem (Hilda Peterson), que treinou macacos para um show de circo. Eles retornam a Ilha da Caveira, encontram um filhote albino de King Kong (Kiko - nome usado pela produção, mas não citado no filme), que os salva, tornando-se assim amigos. Foi produzido e lançado ainda em 1933, para aproveitar o sucesso estrondoso de King Kong. Porém, não alcançou o mesmo sucesso.
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Roger Bond e sua orquestra se apresentam em Miami; Honey Hale é a vocalista e Fred Ayres é um dos instrumentistas. Roger vê a bela Belinha entre o público, encontro que provoca paixão à primeira vista no líder do grupo. Por isso, ele e sua orquestra a perseguem no Rio de Janeiro, onde vivem aventuras musicais.
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Little Women is a coming-of-age drama tracing the lives of four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. During the American Civil War, the girls father is away serving as a minister to the troops. The family, headed by their beloved Marmee, must struggle to make ends meet, with the help of their kind and wealthy neighbor, Mr. Laurence, and his high spirited grandson Laurie.
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Against her better judgment, a dedicated and hard-working plastic surgeon (Ann Harding) finds herself falling in love with a playboy (Robert Young). Drama.
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A young woman's ambitious boyfriend falls for a ditzy socialite.
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A sculptor who doesn't want to have any part of World War I is shamed by his girlfriend into joining the army. He becomes a fighter pilot, and undergoes a complete personality change.
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Tough Aggie gives a street guy polish and a rich kid gumption.
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After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. She then falls for a controversial and married judge and scandal looms again.
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Wildly optimistic chatterbox Eva Lovelace is a would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage. She attracts the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom, or will she fade like a morning glory after its brief blooming?
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Richard Bruce, an American in fog bound London stumbles into the midst of international intrigue, with Rose Thorne, an innocent dupe. Together they try to unravel the mystery, enlisting the aid of a cat burglar named Holmes, who they bump into along the way.
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An unemployed reporter, fired because of his drinking, takes a job at an advertising agency. Drama.
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After tricking him into marriage, a woman tries to win the love of her philandering husband.
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A surgeon and an ambulance driver fight racketeers who take over their hospital.
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People in an old, dark mansion are menaced by a maniac called "The Black Ace.
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Tom and five older respected business men run the Sierra mine. When Tom leaves for Europe to fight in WW1, everything is OK. When he returns after the war he finds his former assistant not only in control of the mine but the whole town. His former partners have fled becoming outlaws and are now robbing the mine shipments of money they believe is really theirs.
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A domineering matriarch is less than happy when her son brings home his new bride. She immediately sets to work at sabotaging their marriage as well as the engagement of her younger and weaker son.
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Daniel Pardway, starting with almost nothing after the great Chicago fire, builds the biggest department store in town. He wants to pass on the business to his three sons and daughter, but has to deal with their lack of interest or aptitude.
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Em Nova York um famoso diretor de cinema não consegue uma atriz para sua próxima produção, pois ninguém quer ir filmar em um lugar não revelado. Assim ele mesmo começa a vagar pelas ruas até que encontra uma jovem pobre, mas muito bonita, a quem imediatamente dá o emprego. A equipe viaja e vai parar em uma ilha desconhecida, na qual os nativos oferecem "noivas" para Kong, um gigantesco macaco. Após muitos perigos a equipe de filmagens conseguem capturar o macaco, pois pretendem levá-lo para Nova York para ser exibido. Paralelamente o símio se apaixona pela atriz.
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Unable to find open range near Hollywood, western actor Tom Baxter and his troop head to Judy Blake's ranch to shoot their film.
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A romance develops between a happily married middle-aged British politician and an adventurous young aviatrix.
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Generational saga about a failed streetcar conductor, who finds success as an Atlantic City fortune teller, and his son. Drama.
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Two Hollywood stuntmen compete for the same pretty extra.
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Mary Holmes (MacKellar), once a famous opera star known as Maria di Nardi, now lives in a run-down shanty and suffers from alcoholism. Known for her eccentric behavior, Mary breeds geese, and is thus known in her neighborhood as 'The Goose Woman'. She blames her grown son Geoffrey (Linden) for the deterioration of her voice, and does everything to destroy his life. When Geoffrey, who works as a commercial artist, announces to her that he will marry Joan Hoyt (Arthur), an actress, she becomes torn with jealousy and threatens to reveal to Joan that he is an illegitimate birth.
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Tom Collier has had a great relationship with Daisy, but when he decides to marry, it is not Daisy whom he asks, it is Cecelia. After the marriage, Tom is bored with the social scene and the obligations of his life. He publishes books that will sell, not books that he wants to write. Even worse, he has his old friend working as a butler and Cecelia wants him fired. When Tom tries to get back together with Daisy to renew the feelings that he once felt, Daisy turns the tables on him and leaves to protect both of them.
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A former boxer purchases a classy speakeasy and falls in love with a wealthy society girl.
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Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
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When legendary hunter Bob Rainsford is shipwrecked on the perilous reefs surrounding a mysterious island, he finds himself the guest of the reclusive and eccentric Count Zaroff. While he is very gracious at first, Zaroff eventually forces Rainsford and two other shipwreck survivors, brother and sister Eve and Martin Towbridge, to participate in a sadistic game of cat and mouse in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.
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A circus performer falls in love with the son of a plantation owner in antebellum New Orleans. When the young man's stepmother objects to the wedding, the couple break apart and go their separate ways for a time. Also in the mix are two circus comics who feud over the heart of another Southern belle.
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A writer rents what he believes is a deserted lodge in order to complete his novel. But then six other people show up one-by-one, each for reasons of their own.
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Peggy and Bill are high society lovebirds, but their marriage plans are put on hold while Peggy spends most of her summer straightening out her wayward parents and her unlucky-in-love sister Janet. Mama and Papa are set to rights fairly quickly, but Janet's the one with real problems. It seems she sent some compromising love letters to a worthless cad, and now the bounder wants to use the letters for blackmail. Peggy's friend Roger and his flapper sweetheart Tootie hatch an elaborate plan to retrieve the incriminating letters and salvage Janet's reputation.
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Bobby Martin, a young middleweight champion boxer, is an honest and decent fighter. However, a dishonest but beautiful woman uses every trick to ensnare him.
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A young couple marries in secret. Judy's afraid her parents won't approve of Dick and she'll lose her generous allowance. Her parents bring her home from the city where she's been studying art and encourage the attentions of Tom, a persistent suitor. Judy and her jealous husband have an argument that leads her back to the city, a drunken, amorous Tom and a tragedy.
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A modern-day pirate vies with a society playboy for the love of a dancer.
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Zarah, a beautiful Arabian played by Olive Borden, saves irrigation engineer Bob Winslow (Hugh Trevor) from being abducted by bandit leader Abdullah (Noah Beery).
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Two American soldiers are on leave in Paris on Armistice Day and, due to a misunderstanding, believe that they've killed a man, although accidentally. When they discover that the police are looking for them, they're convinced that they're in big trouble and take off. Complications ensue.
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Silent cowboy western about a man on a mission to exact revenge on the gang who, he feels, are responsible for his mother's death, after their raid. Upon discovering that one of the gang members killed in the raid was the long-lost son of the Monroe family, so he decides to impersonate him to exact his revenge on the their family.