Noémie, an experienced screenwriter, meets up with Vincent, her first childhood love, at the film school where he is now the director. Through an extraordinary masterclass where intimacy rubs shoulders with the universal and reality flirts with fiction, Noémie will teach Vincent and his students that the art of writing a screenplay is the art of living passionately.
Who has never heard of pregnancy denial? This condition, often caused by miscellaneous circumstances, escapes our understanding and even science. How can the mind of a pregnant woman hide a child growing in her body?
For the first time, Marie spends her holidays alone with her kids, without her husband. One evening, she is seduced by a strange and fascinating young man, who slowly set a trap for her. Then the night turns into a nightmare...
La Duchesse d'Aquitaine
Após o fim da aclamada série de TV, o Rei Arthur se oporá ao exército de Lancelot para obter o trono de volta após sua fuga para Roma.
Vali e Mina são duas irmãs com personalidades completamente opostas, separadas pelas dificuldades e provações da vida. Vali é uma cantora sonhadora e emotiva, enquanto Mina é uma terapeuta distante e racional. Quando Vali decide fazer um teste para um coral de músicas de Céline Dion, Léon, o amoroso pai das duas irmãs, encontra a oportunidade perfeita para reuni-las, mesmo que apenas por um fim de semana.
Vali e Mina são duas irmãs com personalidades completamente opostas, separadas pelas dificuldades e provações da vida. Vali é uma cantora sonhadora e emotiva, enquanto Mina é uma terapeuta distante e racional. Quando Vali decide fazer um teste para um coral de músicas de Céline Dion, Léon, o amoroso pai das duas irmãs, encontra a oportunidade perfeita para reuni-las, mesmo que apenas por um fim de semana.
Vali e Mina são duas irmãs com personalidades completamente opostas, separadas pelas dificuldades e provações da vida. Vali é uma cantora sonhadora e emotiva, enquanto Mina é uma terapeuta distante e racional. Quando Vali decide fazer um teste para um coral de músicas de Céline Dion, Léon, o amoroso pai das duas irmãs, encontra a oportunidade perfeita para reuni-las, mesmo que apenas por um fim de semana.
Spirou e Fantasio não têm nenhuma chance de se tornarem amigos. No entanto, quando o Conde de Champignac, um brilhante inventor excêntrico, é sequestrado pelos comparsas do infame Zorglub, os dois heróis embarcam imediatamente para a missão. Acompanhados pela jornalista Seccotine e por SPIP, esquilo travesso, eles partem para uma perseguição frenética entre a Europa e África. Spirou e Fantasio terão de se unir para salvar Champignac ... e, incidentalmente, o mundo!
Pierrick is still dealing with the recent disappearance of his brother. Then why not accept the invitation of Tessa, his best friend, at her family home in order to spend a week alone to meditate on his life?
Robin Hood tem uma ética muito clara: ele não rouba os pobres, as mulheres e os velhos. Mas quando ele planeja roubar o caixa dos impostos de Nottingham, ele vê seus planos frustrados por um bando de justiceiros que roubam os ricos para dar aos pobres...
In October 1995 three French sisters gather in Atlit, Israel to sell the family home. Tensions arise between elders Darel and Cali when Darel proves unwilling to sell. That's when the sisters start seeing apparitions of their dead parents.
Dulcia (voice)
O imperador romano Júlio César sempre quis derrotar os irredutíveis gauleses, mas jamais teve sucesso em seus planos de conquista. Até que, um dia, ele resolve mudar de estratégia. Ao invés de atacá-los, passa a oferecer os prazeres da civilização aos gauleses. Desta forma, Júlio César ordena a construção da Terra dos Deuses ao redor da vila gaulesa, de forma a impressioná-los e, assim, convencê-los a se unir ao império romano. Só que a dupla Asterix e Obelix não está nem um pouco disposta a cooperar com os planos de César.
Ariane, a young French violinist, accepts the marriage proposal of Christen, an irresistible conductor. Only problem: she's a little bit ... married! Separated for two years with Nino, an Italian teacher with a strong character, she manages to convince him to follow her to Paris to divorce in 8 days flat. But their trip in the city of love looks much more eventful than expected...
Esta comédia se passa no primeiro mês de primavera, acompanhando as histórias amorosas de onze mulheres diferentes. Umas são esposas, outras são as melhores amigas, as amantes, as empresárias… Cada uma se envolve em um novo caso, com os homens de suas vidas, ou simplesmente com algum desconhecido encontrado por acaso.
Various Characters
Noémie Desfontaines
Um ex-ator arranja um emprego para interpretar as vítimas em uma encenação de homicídio, onde brilha com o oficial civil que investiga o crime na vida real.
Is there such a thing as strictly feminine cinema? Is it more difficult for a woman than for a man to direct a film? Is gender parity necessary in the industry? Actress and producer Julie GAYET and actor and director Mathieu BUSSON ask these questions to twenty French woman filmmakers, who face a camera together for the first time. After over an hour of lively, informal, spontaneous and funny interviews, it becomes obvious that these issues are still problematic and definitely worthy of a documentary. As Mia HANSEN-LØVE remarks, “In the eyes of the people, a woman’s film is always a woman’s film, while a man’s movie is simply… a movie”.
Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.
Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.
Quando o repórter Dan Geraldo chega em Palombia para explorar o local, ele não suspeita que vai fazer as descobertas mais surpreendentes... Ao lado de Pablito, um guia local cheio de recursos, ele vai embarcar numa aventura alucinante para revelar uma extraordinária notícia: o Marsupilami, animal mítico e brincalhão, realmente existe!
Homens engenhosos têm o objetivo de manter relações sexuais com mulheres atraentes que não são suas esposas. Aqui recriam inúmeras situações, onde uns conseguem facilmente, enquanto outros enfrentarão loucas dificuldades.
Dom Dhrey
Justine, struggles with commitment, listens to old David Bowie covers, and uses her employer’s private MRI machines to make “X-Ray Art” After a trail of boyfriends, Justine thinks she has found The One, a hunky shoe salesman, but her temporary happiness is thrown when her neurotic 60-year-old Jewish father (Michel Blanc) suffers a delayed midlife crisis and announces that his young second wife is expecting a baby. Justine and her half-sister Dom, who is trying to adopt, are rather annoyed at the news. Coupled with resentment about her father’s absence when she was growing up, causes her to spiral into self-doubt. Overflowing with French charm, Justine gets by with the help of her family, friends, and newly discovered muse.
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Djalil Boudaoud and Justine Lacroix are a surgeon and a television reporter who enter a romantic relationship despite the objections of their families to the cultural gap.
Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.
Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.
Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.
Sam é um motoboy, que como qualquer colega de profissão, não pode ser considerado exatamente como alguém que respeita o tráfego, para o desgosto do seu pai, que é policial de trânsito. Mas o problema de Sam começa quando ele recebe uma missão urgente, que o envolve com criminosos da pesada. Justamente no dia do casamento da irmã de Nadia, sua noiva, que o cobra por mais atenção no relacionamento. Mas ele não tem muita escolha... A corrida que ele vai fazer neste dia será o pior pesadelo de sua vida.
Muriel Serkine
When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.
Jack ganha uma viagem para Paris, depois de ser abandonado por sua namorada. No desembarque, ele perde sua mala, que vai parar nas mãos de Chloe. Ela, ao abrir a mala, fica encantada e sonha conhecer o dono da bagagem perdida.
Religieuse école
Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent
Isa, Alice, Léa and Nina, linked by their Sephardic families as much as by their friendship, share their lives between love affairs, a beauty institute under fiscal control, children to raise, an undocumented Moroccan nanny to marry, repeated diets, family and religious holidays to honor, but before being beautiful, their biggest challenge is to be themselves.