Simina Siminie


Dampyr: O Filho do Vampiro
Old Vivien
Assombrado por pesadelos, o vigarista Harlan Draka vaga pelo campo devastado pela guerra dos Bálcãs, ganhando dinheiro livrando aldeões supersticiosos de monstros imaginários. Mas depois de ser contratado por soldados que estão sob ataque de vampiros reais, Harlan descobre a verdade: ele é um Dampyr, meio humano e meio vampiro. Enquanto tenta parar um Mestre da Noite e seu exército de mortos-vivos, Harlan terá que aprender a gerenciar seus novos poderes e descobrir suas origens.
The babysitter
While on his way for a business meeting, Tudor is having an unexpected 30 minutes break, because of the impossible traffic. He’s got enough time to have a coffee, to talk a little about his beloved little girl and to take a picture.
Break of Dawn
Pharmacy Cashier
An ex-con suffering from terminal cancer and a suicidal ex-legionnaire are hired to participate in a staged assassination attempt on a Romanian politician. As part of the plan, the two must themselves be murdered in order to make their target appear more powerful. But while their circumstances make them perfect fall guys, their lives are initially spared when the attack descends into chaos. Staying alive thereafter involves the two strangers working together to dodge both fellow conspirators and the police.