A documentary about the Danish writer and poet Michael Strunge's life.
Kvinde i terapi
A série acontece na enfermaria de neurocirurgia do hospital "Rigshospitalet" de Copenhagen, o principal hospital da cidade e do país, apelidado de "Riget". "Riget" significa "o reino" ou "o reino" e leva alguém a pensar em "dødsriget", o reino dos mortos.
Three friends, Steffen, Thomas and Mogens spend a lot of time together in Julies apartment while they talk about soccer and how to get enough money for tickets to the big game next week. At the same time Julie is trying to get in contact with her boyfriend René who she thinks is having an affair. They all talk a lot about whats on their mind during this week.
Martin arranja trabalho como vigia noturno de um necrotério para poder dedicar-se aos estudos. Porém, ao aceitar uma brincadeira de seu amigo Jens para um novo e perigoso jogo, ele acaba se tornando suspeito de série de crimes que estão ocorrendo na cidade, e que envolvem assassinatos de prostitutas e necrofilia.
Frederikke Uldahl-Ege
Family drama set in the Danish countryside in the turn of the century. A wealthy landowner is an evil and corrupt womaniser with several illegitimate offspring in addition to his beautiful family. Nobody stands up to him except his feisty 17-year-old daughter.