Dmitriy Bykovskiy-Romashov

Dmitriy Bykovskiy-Romashov

Nascimento : 1969-01-29, Фрунзе, СССР (Бишкек, Кыргызстан)


Dmitriy Bykovskiy-Romashov


Год рождения
The dreamer Philip is full of wild and utopian ideas. But the pregnancy of his girlfriend Marina forces him to "grow up" dramatically: to find a stupid job, to give up ridiculous fantasies. However, in this form, he is unloved and no one needs. As a result, difficult childbirth makes it clear: one cannot do without his imagination.
Horse Julius on the throne and Three Heroes
Ilya Muromets (voice)
As always, our beloved horse, Julius, is steeped in history. And at the same time he helped the Prince - they accidentally exchanged bodies, of course, not without the help of an old acquaintance - Baba Yaga and a little witchcraft. Now Julius is sitting in the palace and landscaping Kiev, and the Prince plows the field. These are the games of thrones. But this cannot go on for long, the fatherland is in danger! And as always, three heroes get down to business.
Outono de 1941. A estudante Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya de ontem se ofereceu para uma escola de sabotagem. O destacamento de guerrilheiros, no qual Zoya estava localizada, é emboscada, e Zoya é capturada pelos alemães, enquanto tentava incendiar o celeiro. Interrogatórios e torturas não levaram a lugar nenhum. Ela não disse nada que pudesse atrapalhar a atribuição de outros grupos. Os nazistas não conseguiram nem mesmo alcançar seu nome verdadeiro - seu sacrifício não foi em vão. Seu feito inflamou milhões de corações, ajudando nossos soldados a chegar a Berlim.
Horse Julius And Big Horse Racing
Wait: the talking horse Julius fell in love! And this time everything is serious - he asks for a hand, that is, the hooves of a royal mare named the Star of the East from Sultan Rashid. But only a person of royal blood can woo a mare of royal blood.Julius turns to the prince of Kiev for help, but is refused. But our groom does not intend to give up love. He kidnaps the prince and forcibly takes him to the sultan for matchmaking. And the heroes also have a business in the eastern side. All will converge on the big races where the winner takes it all.
Juventude Perdida
Kira is a teenager who is left disabled after a car accident. Her father is a boxing coach and he refuses to accept her situation. He believes that it could be overcome with a special training simulator to rehabilitate her. During this difficult period, Kira meets Andrey. With falling in love her life is changed in an unexpected way. They both face new and daunting challenges, and only the irrepressible desire to live and love can lead them to overcome the mistakes of their youth.
The Three Heroes: The Heiress to the Throne
Ilya Muromets, voice acting
The Prince of Kiev decided to appoint an heir to the throne, only bad luck - who could it be? A relative, friend of the family or maybe an overseas princess? Without thinking twice, the Prince-Father chooses almost a princess, and most importantly a relative - his niece Zabava. Today, she and her husband, Elisha (do you remember the faithful student of Dobryni Nikitich?), Receive her education in faraway Constantinople, where the treacherous Vasileus rules. In order to return the heiress to her native lands, three heroes are sent in a hurry, and, of course, the main court horse, Julius.
Três Heróis e a Princesa do Egito
Ilya Muromets (voice)
As novas aventuras dos três heróis e, claro, da égua Yuliya!!!!. Para onde irá o destino dos heróis dos contos de fadas, que ainda se apaixonaram por eles, que desafios eles terão que enfrentar?
Gogol. The Beginning
Solopiy Cherevik
The year 1829. Nikolay Gogol, a young Third Section clerk, is desperate: his own books seem shallow and mediocre, so he keeps buying entire print runs just to burn them all. He is suffering from violent epileptic seizures and struggles to keep on working. Investigator Yakov Guro accidentally witnesses one such fit and realizes that Gogol's visions contain clues that could help solve actual crimes. Together, Gogol and Guro take on a particularly weird and baffling case that brings them to a small village of Dikanka, where everyone has a huge secret to hide.
Fantastic Journey to Oz
The cunning and wicked Urfin wants to become ruler of Magic Land. With an army of wooden soldiers, he captures the Emerald City and renames it ti Urfinville. He is all but ready to celebrate victory, when his plans are ruined by an ordinary girl named Dorothy, who arrives in Magic Land just at the right time. She must return home, but not before she helps her friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and new-brave Lion - defeat Urfin. And in order to do that, they need to find out who he really is.
Three Heroes and the King of the Sea
Ilya Muromets (voice)
There is family trouble for the knights. To get out of trouble’s way, they decide to whizz off to China for a dragon tooth, the symbol of wisdom and power. At that time the Prince of Kiev is on a journey with his horse Julius; he is after the treasures of the Sea tsar to fill his coffers and “patch up the budget”. And the Sea tsar has decided to marry – and therefore drown Kiev. What is to be done? What will help our heroes? Friendship, boldness and, of course, love.
Three Heroes and Julius Caesar
The court horse Gaius Julius Caesar to his misfortune overhears boyars and learns about a conspiracy against the prince. What to do? Protect a prince no one! Heroes away - catch a robber Potanyu, Dragon on vacation, the army on maneuvers ... But if the bad guys are going to take over the world, to someone it is necessary to save him? Who is he, a hero who will come to the rescue? Of course, the horse Julius! This Strategy and the "grand strategist". He would save all, but if you do not save, then at least try. Most importantly, to the rescue of the world did not turn a complete disaster.
Police Chief
Numa península do Mar de Barents, no Ártico, um pai de família (Aleksey Serebryakov) luta contra os desmandos de um prefeito corrupto. Para enfrentar o político que tenta desalojá-lo, ele recorre a um colega de Moscou.
Просто Джексон
Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen
Ilya Muromets (voice)
A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.
Minha Felicidade
O caminhoneiro Georgy apanha uma carga e segue para seu destino. Forçado a pegar um atalho, se perde, mas gradualmente, e contra a sua vontade, é atraído pelo dia a dia de uma pequena aldeia.
Expresso da Morte
A ação se passa logo após o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, no interior da Sibéria, onde os russos e alemães, tem de conviver lado a lado, em uma terra desolada e doente, depois de terem suas vidas transformadas após a guerra.
Ментовские войны – Эпилог
Happy Ending
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
Alexander: The Neva Battle
Birger Magnusson
Young prince Aleksandr has to hold out against two enemies - the Horde in the east and the Teutonic order and Sweden in the west. He discovers that some boyars are plotting against him and are ready to betray Novgorod to the Swedes and the Germans to boost their trade. Meanwhile, his best friend falls under suspicion, as somebody tries to poison the young prince at his own wedding feast. Aleksandr has no way out - to defend his people against the invaders and to find the true poisoner.
Agitprop Team 'Kill the enemy!'
World War II is raging on the Eastern front but the soldier Nikanor has been sent to Siberia: bot as a prisoner, but as the leader of a motley group of entertainers who travel from village to village giving concerts. Still, Big Brother is watching and when the entertainers encounter a strange man in the woods there is trouble brewing. One of the performers falls in love with the mysterious backwoodsman, but the secret service is after him, too.
Simple Things
A dying actor asks a doctor to help him commit suicide in return for a masterpiece.
A Queda! As Últimas Horas de Hitler
Soldat 2
Em 1942, o jovem Traudl Junge tem o que parece ser a melhor profissão do mundo: ele é secretário de Hitler. Três anos depois, o império se resume a um abrigo subterrâneo e, de lá, Traudl narra os últimos dias da vida de do ditador.