Edgar Pêra

Edgar Pêra

Nascimento : 1960-11-19,


Edgar Pêra


Não Sou Nada
Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.
Não Sou Nada
Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.
CINEKOMIX!!! José Carlos Fernandes
José Carlos Fernandes is one of the most original Portuguese comic book authors. He has published more than 30 books, particularly the award-wining series A Pior Banda do Mundo. Some of these books have been translated in several languages, and his works have been exhibited at international comic book festivals.
CINEKOMIX!!! Neil Gaiman
Edgar Pêra interviews writer and comic book author Neil Gaiman at BD Forum Lisbon in 2003. A conversation about Gaiman’s work, which combines elements of terror with phantasy and political remarks on contemporary world, blending narrative genres. His most famous book series, Sandman, was adapted for television this year. It is a phantasy epic with humanistic contours on the world of dreams, and one of the comics that most appealed to a female audience.
CINEKOMIX!!! Tommi Musturi
Tommi Musturi is one of today’s most complex comic book authors. Much like a chameleon, this artist employs different illustration styles to create comics without ever losing his creative identity. Same as Pessoa, who granted his heteronyms different styles, Musturi makes use of a variety of languages according to the issue at stake.
Fitas Cirúrgykas
Fitas Cirúrgykas é um filme montado por Edgar Pêra (com música e sonoplastia de Artur Cyaneto), a partir de imagens Super 8 de Portugal na segunda metade do século XX, captadas por Domingos Oliveira Santos, cirurgião emérito e cineasta por revelar. Pêra realizou vários filmes com material de arquivo alheio, como Arquitectura de Peso, Movimentos Perpétuos, 25 de Abril — Uma Aventura para a Demokracya, mas este é o seu primeiro filme feito exclusivamente a partir de imagens que não são suas.
Arquivos Kino-Pop
Cine-diaries about rock bands and personalities from the eighties from the archives of Edgar Pêra.
Kinorama - Cinema Fora de Órbita
In 2016, Edgar Pêra released The Amazing Spectator, a playful investigation into cinema’s disquieting essence that had everything from negative film images of boobs and positively splendid interviews to a donkey hand puppet. The film and an accompanying book formed his PhD thesis. But as so often with him, projects turn into obsessions – especially when there are masses of notions not pondered, thoughts not elaborated upon. And so KINORAMA - Beyond the Walls of Cinema was born, a stand-alone continuation of The Amazing Spectator that looks at cinema’s future in cyberspace and, accordingly, perhaps the end of its enslavement to figurative representation, the 'stupid sacred in narrative cinema' (to use a Pêra’ism), realism and artificiality in 3D cinema, and many other aspects.
Caminhos Magnétykos
During a night of humiliation, Raymond lives an inner revolt and a kaleidoscopic journey in a country that is about to collapse.
O Homem Pykante - Diálogos com Pimenta
Um filme poético em celebração de Alberto Pimenta, autor de uma vasta obra poética e performática, insubmissa e desafiante. O ponto de partida do longa são os arquivos, filmados por Edgar Pêra entre 1994 e 2018, de performances, conversas e leituras de Pimenta, fruto de uma amizade e cumplicidade mantidas ao longo dos últimos 24 anos.
O Homem Pykante - Diálogos com Pimenta
Director of Photography
Um filme poético em celebração de Alberto Pimenta, autor de uma vasta obra poética e performática, insubmissa e desafiante. O ponto de partida do longa são os arquivos, filmados por Edgar Pêra entre 1994 e 2018, de performances, conversas e leituras de Pimenta, fruto de uma amizade e cumplicidade mantidas ao longo dos últimos 24 anos.
O Homem Pykante - Diálogos com Pimenta
Um filme poético em celebração de Alberto Pimenta, autor de uma vasta obra poética e performática, insubmissa e desafiante. O ponto de partida do longa são os arquivos, filmados por Edgar Pêra entre 1994 e 2018, de performances, conversas e leituras de Pimenta, fruto de uma amizade e cumplicidade mantidas ao longo dos últimos 24 anos.
O Homem Pykante - Diálogos com Pimenta
Um filme poético em celebração de Alberto Pimenta, autor de uma vasta obra poética e performática, insubmissa e desafiante. O ponto de partida do longa são os arquivos, filmados por Edgar Pêra entre 1994 e 2018, de performances, conversas e leituras de Pimenta, fruto de uma amizade e cumplicidade mantidas ao longo dos últimos 24 anos.
Mar Portuguez
"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt / Are tears of Portugal! / To get across you, how many mothers cried, / How many sons prayed in vain! // How many brides were never to marry / In order to make you ours, oh sea! / Was it worth it? Everything is worthy / If the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa)
Mar Portuguez
"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt / Are tears of Portugal! / To get across you, how many mothers cried, / How many sons prayed in vain! // How many brides were never to marry / In order to make you ours, oh sea! / Was it worth it? Everything is worthy / If the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa)
Mar Portuguez
"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt / Are tears of Portugal! / To get across you, how many mothers cried, / How many sons prayed in vain! // How many brides were never to marry / In order to make you ours, oh sea! / Was it worth it? Everything is worthy / If the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa)
Mar Portuguez
"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt / Are tears of Portugal! / To get across you, how many mothers cried, / How many sons prayed in vain! // How many brides were never to marry / In order to make you ours, oh sea! / Was it worth it? Everything is worthy / If the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa)
Delírio em Las Vedras
New film directed by Edgar Pêra.
Delírio em Las Vedras
Director of Photography
New film directed by Edgar Pêra.
Delírio em Las Vedras
New film directed by Edgar Pêra.
Nos Interstícios da Realidade, ou O Cinema de António de Macedo
Feature documentary about ex-maverick filmmaker António de Macedo.
The Amazed Spectator
A kino-investigation about spectatorship, a continuous conversation between different kinds of spectators: which one is more cinema: Citizen Kane on a mobile phone or a football game projected in a cinema theatre? What is the cinema of uncertainty? How many kinds of amazement exist? Does fear and belief precede amazement? What are the rights and duties of the spectator? Is the essay film a manifesto against voyeurism? Should spectators be paid? What amazes the spectator of this day and age?
The Amazed Spectator
A kino-investigation about spectatorship, a continuous conversation between different kinds of spectators: which one is more cinema: Citizen Kane on a mobile phone or a football game projected in a cinema theatre? What is the cinema of uncertainty? How many kinds of amazement exist? Does fear and belief precede amazement? What are the rights and duties of the spectator? Is the essay film a manifesto against voyeurism? Should spectators be paid? What amazes the spectator of this day and age?
Ornamento e Crime
Realizador Assassinado
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
O Retrato
Abel Salazar, a scientist and an artist persecuted by the Fascist regime in the 40ies, is trying to finish a portrait, obsessed by the face of a woman. Ana, a young researcher in the present days, is dreaming about him. Or is it the other way round?
A Caverna
Um grupo de espectadores preso numa sala de cinema.
A Caverna
Um grupo de espectadores preso numa sala de cinema.
A Caverna
Um grupo de espectadores preso numa sala de cinema.
Virados do Avesso
João é um célebre escritor a atravessar uma enorme crise de criatividade. Também a sua vida afectiva vive momentos de dúvida. Um acontecimento muito invulgar fez com que João acordasse um dia sem saber se a pessoa que tem a seu lado na cama é aquela com quem quer continuar a partilhar a vida. João decide afastar-se e, livre de compromissos, assume-se como um verdadeiro solteiro folião. Quem vai aproveitar este desvio é Isabel, a escritora rival de João. Isabel só precisava dum deslize para, com a sua falta de escrúpulos, pisar João e ficar em vantagem. Conseguirá João recuperar a inspiração para terminar o seu livro? E se a única forma de o acabar for com a ajuda da sua família e do amor que deixou em standby?
Virados do Avesso
João é um célebre escritor a atravessar uma enorme crise de criatividade. Também a sua vida afectiva vive momentos de dúvida. Um acontecimento muito invulgar fez com que João acordasse um dia sem saber se a pessoa que tem a seu lado na cama é aquela com quem quer continuar a partilhar a vida. João decide afastar-se e, livre de compromissos, assume-se como um verdadeiro solteiro folião. Quem vai aproveitar este desvio é Isabel, a escritora rival de João. Isabel só precisava dum deslize para, com a sua falta de escrúpulos, pisar João e ficar em vantagem. Conseguirá João recuperar a inspiração para terminar o seu livro? E se a única forma de o acabar for com a ajuda da sua família e do amor que deixou em standby?
Lisbon Revisited
Director of Photography
A dreamlike journey seen through the eyes of a trans-human as well as a kino-symphony of voices from the multiple personas of Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon Revisited shows alternative ways of looking at and hearing the city. Celebrating its greatest phantom and confronting his ambiguous and pervasive sexuality, the film is spoken in the three languages in which Pessoa wrote, Portuguese, English and French.
Lisbon Revisited
A dreamlike journey seen through the eyes of a trans-human as well as a kino-symphony of voices from the multiple personas of Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon Revisited shows alternative ways of looking at and hearing the city. Celebrating its greatest phantom and confronting his ambiguous and pervasive sexuality, the film is spoken in the three languages in which Pessoa wrote, Portuguese, English and French.
Lisbon Revisited
A dreamlike journey seen through the eyes of a trans-human as well as a kino-symphony of voices from the multiple personas of Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon Revisited shows alternative ways of looking at and hearing the city. Celebrating its greatest phantom and confronting his ambiguous and pervasive sexuality, the film is spoken in the three languages in which Pessoa wrote, Portuguese, English and French.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
One Way or Another, Reflections of a Psycho Killer
Director of Photography
Um serial killer vagueia pelas ruas de Busan à procura das suas vitimas
One Way or Another, Reflections of a Psycho Killer
Um serial killer vagueia pelas ruas de Busan à procura das suas vitimas
O Barão
A história de um vampiro marialva que aterrorizava os habitantes duma região montanhosa. O Barão é um camaleão emocional. Ora se apresenta dócil, ou irascível, um homem-javali, “uma pura besta”. Vive um amor aprisionado, dentro e fora de si. Um amor inatingível. Um ideal corrompido. Idalina, criada aristocrata paira pelo castelo...
Crime Abismo Azul Remorso Físico
Crime Blue Abyss Physical Remorse is inspired by the life and works of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. This controversial 20th century painter defied the world avant-garde of his time: “I don’t follow schools. I am an impressionist, cubist, futurist, abstractionist. A melting pot. The real tradition is not to try and relive the past – which is impossible to achieve – but rather something that sets up a follow-through, as happens with parents and children. A child and his father are never alike.” The film follows Amadeo’s motto. It crosses pictorial fiction – suggested by the emblematic picture “The Procession”, painted in Paris in 1913 – with Portuguese contemporary reality.
Rio Turvo
Próximo de um neo-realismo onírico, Rio Turvo parte do conto homónimo de Branquinho da Fonseca, onde se acompanha a história de um amor impossível entre um topógrafo anónimo, recém-chegado ao terreno pantanoso onde deverá construir-se um aeroporto – provavelmente, passe o anacronismo ficcional, sublinhando-se o sincronismo histórico, o tão discutido aeroporto da Ota –, e a bela flor do pântano. As intervenções musicais dos operários de construção (os fados de Ricardo Ribeiro e de Manuel João Vieira, as guitarras dos Dead Combo e de José Pracana, a bossa nova do JP Simões e a voz de Teresa Salgueiro) pontuam, socraticamente, esta história de amor e acompanham narrativas paralelas de conspiração e suspeita. O pano de fundo são os medos e uma indiferença trespassante do presente, em que o protagonista tem de decidir se é homem ou macaco, cínico ou cobarde, avançando ao ritmo de um progressivo desprendimento da realidade até um final abrupto, irónico e amargo.
Punk Is Not Daddy
A journey through the 80’s music scene in Portugal, gathering archive material shot and edited by Pêra, showing the filming process of music videos, concerts, band rehearsals and the last concert presented at the Rock Rendez Vous. Echoing the revolution, art is, at last, in its free form.
Arquitectura de Peso
Documentary about 4 large architectural landmarks that projected Portugal abroad.
Movimentos Perpétuos: Cine-Tributo a Carlos Paredes
The unconventional biography Perpetual Movements: A Cine Tribute to Carlos Paredes uses snippets of the guitarist's work as well as archival performance footage alongside a series of images created specifically for the movie in order to tell the tale of this multi-faceted artist
Impending Doom
Death is the great equalizer, if only due to the rites celebrated by the living. And thus, after their earthly existences ended, Ioannes Paulus PP. II. and Communist revolutionary-turned-politician Álvaro Barreirinhas Cunhal suddenly had a lot in common. Two funerals, one soundtrack. Lots of questions.
Stadium (Phantas-Mix)
Braga’s Estádio Municipal was erected for the EURO 2004 championships. So can it be a surprise that the first association this all-seater arena provokes is a Roman circus, with a disconcerting Estado Novo-finish? Is FIFA therefore the Quinto Império realized, and its former president Sepp Blatter The Hidden One having an identity crisis?
Kiss Me
Pedro (Adult)
Anos 50. Numa vila portuguesa, Laura foge do marido que a maltrata, deixando para trás o filho. Vai viver com a tia, uma viúva que regressou há pouco tempo dos Estados Unidos. Laura entrega-se aos sonhos...e julga-se Marilyn Monroe.
És a Nossa Fé
Short documentary about football (soccer) supporters in Portugal
A 14-year-old kid, addicted to videogames, goes with his parents to a shopping mall and separates from them to go to a game store called UTOPYA. He doesn't come back. His parents get in despair, and his father tries everything he can to bring him back.
A Janela (Maryalva Mix)
An experimental and surreal film, a mix of weird and unusual "avant-gard" cinematography with some traditional icons of the Portuguese culture, like Fado or the typical neighbourhoods of Lisbon, in this case the "Bica" is a typical neighbourhood which is used as setting to the plot.
A Janela (Maryalva Mix)
An experimental and surreal film, a mix of weird and unusual "avant-gard" cinematography with some traditional icons of the Portuguese culture, like Fado or the typical neighbourhoods of Lisbon, in this case the "Bica" is a typical neighbourhood which is used as setting to the plot.
25 de Abril - Uma Aventura Para a Demokracya
Some years ago, the Palácio de São Bento suddenly shook from visitors singing Zeca Afonso’s 1972 Grândola, Vila Morena in protest against Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho’s neo-liberal politics. Do the Carnation Revolution’s dreams live on in verses such as "On each corner there's a friend / In each face there's equality / Grândola, brown town / Land of fraternity"?
25 de Abril - Uma Aventura Para a Demokracya
Some years ago, the Palácio de São Bento suddenly shook from visitors singing Zeca Afonso’s 1972 Grândola, Vila Morena in protest against Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho’s neo-liberal politics. Do the Carnation Revolution’s dreams live on in verses such as "On each corner there's a friend / In each face there's equality / Grândola, brown town / Land of fraternity"?
25 de Abril - Uma Aventura Para a Demokracya
Some years ago, the Palácio de São Bento suddenly shook from visitors singing Zeca Afonso’s 1972 Grândola, Vila Morena in protest against Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho’s neo-liberal politics. Do the Carnation Revolution’s dreams live on in verses such as "On each corner there's a friend / In each face there's equality / Grândola, brown town / Land of fraternity"?
Lisboa-boa 345 D.T.
On All Saint’s Day 1755, around 09:40 hours, Lisbon was hit by an earthquake which eradicated almost the entire city. 345 years later (D.T. = depois de terramoto) means 2100 AD. Will Portugal’s capital be a Garden of Earthly Delights when we reach the year 2100? Pêra’s animation classic provides unexpected (in)sights about it.
Zombietown 23
Terrence McKenna: "What is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears." Aleister Crowley: "I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union." Pessoa: "We never love anyone. What we love is the idea we have of someone." A music-text-collage-trance.
As desventuras du homem-kâmara – Epizohdyus 111, 113 & 115
Animated experimental short-film by Edgar Pêra with Akademya Luzoh-Galaktika students. A cinematic homage to Max Ernst, Dziga Vertov, Jan Lenica, Terry Gilliam & Aurélio Paz dos Reis.
Os túneis da realidade
Edmund Husserl observed: "All perception is a gamble", which Robert Anton Wilson expands upon when he suggests that "[others] just have a different reality tunnel, and every reality tunnel might tell us something interesting about our world, if we are willing to listen." All seen through the mirror of João Queiroz’s art.
Os túneis da realidade
Edmund Husserl observed: "All perception is a gamble", which Robert Anton Wilson expands upon when he suggests that "[others] just have a different reality tunnel, and every reality tunnel might tell us something interesting about our world, if we are willing to listen." All seen through the mirror of João Queiroz’s art.
Os túneis da realidade
Edmund Husserl observed: "All perception is a gamble", which Robert Anton Wilson expands upon when he suggests that "[others] just have a different reality tunnel, and every reality tunnel might tell us something interesting about our world, if we are willing to listen." All seen through the mirror of João Queiroz’s art.
Os túneis da realidade
Edmund Husserl observed: "All perception is a gamble", which Robert Anton Wilson expands upon when he suggests that "[others] just have a different reality tunnel, and every reality tunnel might tell us something interesting about our world, if we are willing to listen." All seen through the mirror of João Queiroz’s art.
O Dia do Músico
Film made with Lisbon Theatre & Cinema students of 1995
Lisboa no Cinema, Um Ponto de Vista
The city during the beginning of cinema. The typical city at the time of the dictatorship. The New Lisbon of the New Cinema. Lisbon after the Revolution. The white city of foreigners. A geographical and moviegoer screenplay of Lisbon through the images of films and testimonies of several filmmakers who filmed in Lisbon.
Manual de evasão LX 94
“Manual of Evasion LX94” is a thought-provoking Dadaist film about time by the Portuguese director Edgar Pêra. It was shot in Lisbon in 1994 and stars Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker. Time is explored from many unusual angles, while Pêra fills the screen with a wide variety of bizarre and mind-warping imagery.
Manual de evasão LX 94
“Manual of Evasion LX94” is a thought-provoking Dadaist film about time by the Portuguese director Edgar Pêra. It was shot in Lisbon in 1994 and stars Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker. Time is explored from many unusual angles, while Pêra fills the screen with a wide variety of bizarre and mind-warping imagery.
O trabalho liberta?
Since the Nazis infamously used Manchester Liberalism-apologist Heinrich Beta’s dictum Labour Liberates at the gates of several concentration and extermination camps, work has lost all positive values and connotations. What now? Hewers, loaders, hurriers, etc., in the Neves-Corvo mine see this matter differently from, say, priest António Vaz Pinto or critic/historian Paulo Varela Gomes.
O trabalho liberta?
Since the Nazis infamously used Manchester Liberalism-apologist Heinrich Beta’s dictum Labour Liberates at the gates of several concentration and extermination camps, work has lost all positive values and connotations. What now? Hewers, loaders, hurriers, etc., in the Neves-Corvo mine see this matter differently from, say, priest António Vaz Pinto or critic/historian Paulo Varela Gomes.
A portrayal of Futurist artist José de Almada Negreiros, who said: "I wanted others to say of me: 'Look, a man!' The same way they say: 'Look, a dog!' when a dog passes by; or how you say: 'Look, a tree!', when there is a tree. Which means as an entity, without the use of adjectives, only as one whole: A man!"
A portrayal of Futurist artist José de Almada Negreiros, who said: "I wanted others to say of me: 'Look, a man!' The same way they say: 'Look, a dog!' when a dog passes by; or how you say: 'Look, a tree!', when there is a tree. Which means as an entity, without the use of adjectives, only as one whole: A man!"
Guerra ou paz?
What happens when the testimonies of maimed Colonial War veterans meet the visual universe of Marvel comics? Would an alien life form, confronted with the evidence shown here, be able to say what war and peace mean to the members of the race we call human?
Guerra ou paz?
What happens when the testimonies of maimed Colonial War veterans meet the visual universe of Marvel comics? Would an alien life form, confronted with the evidence shown here, be able to say what war and peace mean to the members of the race we call human?
The City of Cassiano
A short documentary about the works of Cassiano Branco, a modernist architect from Portugal
The City of Cassiano
A short documentary about the works of Cassiano Branco, a modernist architect from Portugal
The City of Cassiano
A short documentary about the works of Cassiano Branco, a modernist architect from Portugal
Reproduta interdita
In 1988, Lisbon’s Chiado was ravaged by a fire; now, some of the highest real estate property prices in Portugal are paid for a piece of this Álvaro Siza Vieira-renovated area. Reproduta interdita was one of Pêra’s first (and certainly weirdest) works to deal with the aftermath of this disaster.
Reproduta interdita
In 1988, Lisbon’s Chiado was ravaged by a fire; now, some of the highest real estate property prices in Portugal are paid for a piece of this Álvaro Siza Vieira-renovated area. Reproduta interdita was one of Pêra’s first (and certainly weirdest) works to deal with the aftermath of this disaster.
Reproduta interdita
In 1988, Lisbon’s Chiado was ravaged by a fire; now, some of the highest real estate property prices in Portugal are paid for a piece of this Álvaro Siza Vieira-renovated area. Reproduta interdita was one of Pêra’s first (and certainly weirdest) works to deal with the aftermath of this disaster.
Repórter X
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Repórter X
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.