Gary Files

Gary Files

Nascimento : , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Gary Files


Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn
Additional Voices
The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in front of the camera - either making movies or filling the newsreels and gossip magazines. Tragically he was dead from the effects of drugs and alcohol by the time he was only 50 & the myths live on. But there is another side of Flynn that is less well known - his ambitions to be a serious writer and newspaper correspondent, his documentary films and his interest in the Spanish Civil War and Castro's Cuba
Um Grito no Escuro
Professor Chaikin
Michael e Lindy estão de férias com os filhos em um acampamento na Austrália. Subitamente, a recém-nascida desaparece do local onde dormia, dando início a uma investigação que ganha a atenção de todo o país. Com o passar do tempo, uma série de especulações aponta Lindy como possível culpada.
The Little Convict
Governor Lindsay (voice)
In old New South Wales a new bunch of convicts arrives including the little convict, young Toby Nelson. Consigned to a Government farm they are subjected to the cruelty of Sergeant Billy Langdon and Corporal Weazel Wesley. Toby escapes and flees into the Australian bush where he is saved from death by the aboriginal boy, Wahroonga. Together, with another escapee, the highwayman, Jack Doolan, and Wahroonga’s animal friends, they launch a spectacular mission to rescue the blacksmith, Big George, and Toby’s sister, Polly.
Money Movers
Ernest Sainsbury
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
Os Doze Condenados
Ambulance Driver (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um comandante do exército norte-americano tem a missão de treinar e liderar um grupo de doze condenados pela corte marcial em uma missão que envolve a morte de oficiais alemães. Se eles sobreviverem à missão suicida, terão suas penas relaxadas.