Peter Leeds

Peter Leeds

Nascimento : 1917-05-30, Bayonne, New Jersey, USA

Morte : 1996-11-12


Peter Leeds


Dragnet: Desafiando o Perigo
Roy Grest
Em Los Angeles Joe Friday (Dan Aykroyd), um detetive da polícia, cumpre a lei rigidamente, mas seu novo parceiro é Pep Streebeck (Tom Hanks), um tira honesto mas com um comportamento bem diferente. Eles são designados para investigar alguns roubos estranhos, que incluem uma cobra de nove metros, a juba de um leão, alguns produtos químicos que, se corretamente combinados, produzem um gás letal e todos os exemplares da última edição de BAIT, uma conhecida revista masculina. Nestes roubos os assaltantes deixam sempre a sua marca: um cartão com as iniciais P.A.G.A.N. Enquanto investigam o caso se infiltram em uma estranha cerimônia, na qual vêem Connie Swail (Alexandra Paul), uma virgem que será sacrificada. Eles conseguem salvá-la e Joe fica apaixonado por ela, que ajuda a dupla a desvendar o mistério por trás dos crimes.
Senior Trip
Mickey's Friend
A group of graduating students from a midwestern high school comes to New York City on a trip to celebrate the impending end of school. The students include: Roger Ellis, an ambitious teen aiming for success in big business; David, an aspiring rock star; Judy Matheson, a stagestruck coed actress wannabe; Denise, a free-spirited girl hoping to obtain a degree of sophistication; Fred, a lotharo looking for any Big City woman to be with; and Jon Lipton, a would-be artist hoping to make it big. Mickey Rooney also appears briefly as himself during the backstage scene at the play "Sugar Babies."
Blitzkrieg Bop!
Live punk rock and new wave from CBGB’s at 315 Bowery, NYC, a music club that opened Dec 10, 1973
Um Viúvo do Barulho
Bank teller and widower with seven kids, Bob Hope finds $10,000 in a parking lot.
Confidências de Hollywood
Stage Director
An amoral lowlife accidentally stumbles into an acting career that sets him on a trajectory to Hollywood stardom. But everyone on whom he steps on the way to the top remembers when he is nominated for an Oscar and he runs a dirty campaign in an attempt to win.
Harlow, A Venus Platinada
Hollywood drama loosely based on the life of film actress Jean Harlow, with Carroll Baker in the title role. One of two feature film biographies, both released in 1965 and both with the same title, about the '30s platinum blonde movie star.
Simpático, Rico e Feliz
Arthur Watkins
Henry J. Tyroone leaves Texas, where his oil wells are drying up, and arrives in New York with a lot of oil money to play with in the stock market. He meets stock analyst Molly Thatcher, who tries to ignore the lavish attention he spends on her but ...
The Facts of Life
Thompson, the Dry Cleaner
Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.
Já Fomos Tão Felizes
Mackay's Secretary (uncredited)
O crítico e professor de teatro Larry McKay (David Niven), sua esposa Kay (Doris Day), e seus quatro filhos se mudam de seu apertado apartamento em Manhattan para uma velha e grande casa de campo. Enquanto a dona de casa Kay se adapta a vida suburbana, Larry continua desfrutando do teatro e das festas de Nova York. Kay logo começa a questionar a fidelidade de Larry quando ele menciona um encontro com a estrela da Broadway Deborah Vaughn (Janis Paige). - traduzido de Daniel Bubbeo
The Rookie
Seville Quare
A manic young radio network employee enlists in the army at the end of WWII and finds himself the only new recruit at basic training camp. Military comedy.
High School Big Shot
Mr. Carter
Marv needs money. His unemployed dad is so poor that he makes Marv give up half his last six bucks so they can both go on three-dollar dates; he's just lost his scholarship after getting caught writing a term paper for Betty, the prettiest (and only) girl in his class; and Betty herself has told him he doesn't stand a chance with her unless he can give her what she wants most: money, money, money. But Marv has mob ties and Marv knows where to find a million dollars cash.
The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock
Bill Burton
In one of his rare performances without Bud Abbott, Lou Costello plays a delivery boy who invents a machine which turns his girlfriend into a giantess.
The Scarface Mob
Story of how a group of incorruptible federal lawmen helped put 1920s' Chicago gangster Al Capone in prison.
O Beijo da Despedida
Reporter (uncredited)
Three navy war heroes are booked on a morale-building "vacation" in San Francisco. Once they manage to elude their ulcerated public relations officer, the trio throw a wild party with plenty of pretty girls.
Espera Angustiosa
TV Quiz Show Director (uncredited)
Sgt. Chuch Brennan always disliked playboy and hotshot, Col. Jim Herlihy. Now Chuck has even more reason to, Jim is dating his daughter, Lois.
Chá e Simpatia
Headmaster at Bonfire
Tom Lee is more interested in the arts than in sports, something that sits uneasily with both his father and his classmates. Tom's school housemaster Bill Reynolds even gives him a hard time for his "effeminate" interests. However, Bill's wife Laura sympathizes with Tom and tries to help him with her own overtures.
Behind the High Wall
First Detective
A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
A Trágica Farsa
Dundee Fight Ring Announcer (uncredited)
O desempregado jornalista desportivo Eddie Willis, é contratado pelo promotor de luta corrupto Nick Benko para promover seu atual protegido, um boxeador argentino desconhecido chamado Toro Moreno. Embora Moreno seja um gigante, suas chances de sucesso são prejudicadas por um soco fraco e um queixo de vidro. Explorando a reputação de Willis para melhorar sua posição na comunidade do boxe, Benko organiza uma série de lutas arranjadas que impulsionam o ingênuo Moreno a lutador número 1 para o campeonato. O campeão reinante, o sádico Buddy Brannen, guarda ressentimento pela publicidade que Toro recebeu e promete puni-lo violentamente no ringue. Eddie agora deve decidir se deve ou não contar ao ingênuo Toro a verdade. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
I'll Cry Tomorrow
Deprived of a normal childhood by her ambitious mother, Lillian Roth becomes a star of Broadway and Hollywood before she is twenty. Shortly before her marriage to her childhood sweetheart, David Tredman, he dies and Lillian takes her first drink of many down the road of becoming an alcoholic.
Bobby Ware Is Missing
Mackey of F.B.I.
This suspense film revolves around the crime of child abduction. The parents of the missing child undertake a feverish search for their son. The police are contacted, and a ransom letter is received.
Dançando nas Nuvens
Trasker (uncredited)
Ted, Doug, and Angie são três ex-G.I.s (soldados) que resolveram marcar um encontro 10 anos depois num bar de Nova Yorke em 11 de outubro de 1955. Todos apareceram no dia marcado, mas rapidamente percebem que a amizade não é a mesma de antes. Um diretor de programa quer levar os três amigos para um Live TV show. As circunstâncias ficam ainda mais complicadas porque um grupo de gângster está atrás te Ted. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Ama-me ou Esquece-me
Fred Taylor
Um relato romanceado da carreira da cantora de jazz Ruth Etting (Doris Day). Era a cantora sensação da Era do Jazz, tinha boa aparência, ambição e uma assombrosa voz de veludo. Mas foi preciso mais do que isso para fazer dela uma estrela. Precisou que Marty "The Gimp" Snyder (James Cagney), o manco, o mal-humorado capo de Chicago, desse um impulso para Ruth conseguir sair dos sujos salões de dança para a fama na Broadway. Mas também transformou sua vida fora dos palcos em um pesadelo de violência e medo. - traduzido de Alex Lapp
Melodia Interrompida
Dr. Ed Ryson
Interrupted Melody is the inspirational filmed biography of world-renowned Australian soprano Marjorie Lawrence. She’s a foremost Wagnerian, equal to the vocal and physical demands of the composer’s oeuvre. And she’s a beacon of triumph to anyone who fights back when personal tragedy strikes.
Man On A Bus
Six people who have emigrated to Israel from different countries are all on a bus traveling through the Negev Desert. They find themselves stranded overnight in the bus. To pass the time, each begins to tell the story behind their emigration to Israel.
Ratos Humanos
Fred Packer
A former model, serving time in prison, becomes a key witness in a trial against a notorious gangster. She is put under protective watch by the District Attorney in a posh hotel, but the crime kingpin makes attempts to get to her.
The Atomic Kid
Agent Bill
A uranium prospector is eating a peanut butter sandwich in the desert where atom bomb tests are being done. He becomes radioactive, and helps the FBI break up an enemy spy ring.
A Última Vez Que Vi Paris
Charles Wills (Van Johnson) é um escritor que volta a Paris para reencontrar a filha, criada pela cunhada, Marion Matine (Donna Reed). Lá ele relembra Helen Ellswirth (Elizabeth Taylor), o grande amor da sua vida, que ele conheceu em Paris quando a 2ª Guerra Mundial terminou na Europa. Charles recorda que trabalhava como jornalista no "Star and Stripes", tendo logo se apaixonado por Helen e em pouco tempo estavam casados. Porém ele recebia um pequeno salário, assim dedicou suas noites para escrever um romance, que foi rejeitado por vários editores. Quando ele tinha perdido todo o ânimo surge uma boa notícia: poços de petróleo no Texas, que lhe foram dados pelo sogro, James Ellswirth (Walter Pidgeon), quase como uma brincadeira, pois nada produziram e de repente se tornaram bem produtivos.
A Morte Ronda o Cais
Nat Finley
Um ex-boxeador que virou motorista de táxi tem que esconder da polícia quando sua irritante esposa é assassinada pelo ladrão de joias com quem ela estava tendo um caso. Depois de perder o campeonato dos pesos pesados, o boxeador Ernie Driscoll agora dirige um táxi para ganhar a vida e ganha o desprezo de sua irritante esposa, Pauline, que o culpa pela sua falta de status social. Envolvida com o ladrão de joias Victor Rawlins, Pauline é assassinada por ele quando ela atrapalha a sua atividade de passar as joias para frente. Responsabilizado pelo assassinato de sua esposa, Ernie deve rastrear Rawlins antes que ele deixe o país. e16.
Never Wave at a WAC
Nick Laharis (uncredited)
A divorced socialite decides to join the Army because she hopes it will enable her to see more of her boyfriend, a Colonel. She soon encounters many difficulties with the Army lifestyle. Moreover, her ex-husband is working as a consultant with the Army, and he uses his position to disrupt her romantic plans by making her join a group of WACs who are testing new equipment.
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm
The Kettles leave their ultra-modern home and return to the country looking for uranium. Ma and Tom's mother-in-law, Mrs. Parker, fight over whether their grandchild will be raised "hygiencially."
Life with Buster Keaton
Buster's shenanigans running a sporting goods store and his antics in a local theatre group.
Pharmacist's Mate
The new commander of a Navy Underwater Demolition Team--nicknamed "Frogmen"--must earn the respect of the men in his unit, who are still grieving over the death of their former commander and resentful of the new one.
Katie Did It
Katherine Standish, who has been brought up in a strict manner in a prudish New England town, falls in love with a city slicker commercial artist, Peter Van Arden. The romance blossoms until Katie falls victim of some false information, and becomes convinced that Peter is already married and the father of two children.
Saddle Tramp
Carefree Chuck Connor is on his way west and stops off to see an old friend and his four lads. When his host is killed in a riding accident Chuck realises he must take care of the family. They hit the road and he takes a job on a ranch, but he has to keep the children hidden as his boss hates kids. There's also tension with the neighbouring ranch, and when a girl on the run from her nasty uncle joins the family unannounced Chuck wonders what he has done to deserve all this.
Com as Horas Contadas
Frank Bigelow is about to die, and he knows it. The accountant has been poisoned and has only 24 hours before the lethal concoction kills him. Determined to find out who his murderer is, Frank, with the help of his assistant and girlfriend, Paula, begins to trace back over his last steps. As he frantically tries to unravel the mystery behind his own impending demise, his sleuthing leads him to a group of crooked businessmen and another murder.
Jack Harris - Hotel Clerk
When Joan Boothe accompanies husband-reporter David to Las Vegas, she begins gambling to pass the time while he is doing a story. Encouraged by the casino manager, she gets hooked on gambling, to the point where she "borrows" David's expense money to pursue her addiction. This finally breaks up their marriage, but David continues trying to help her.
Mergulho no Inferno
Shore Police
Um tenente submarino e seu comandante se apaixonam pela mesma garota. Contra sua preferência pessoal, o comandante da embarcação PT Ward Stewart é nomeado diretor executivo do submarino USS Corsair. De licença antes de zarpar, ele conhece a professora Jean Hewlett e fica apaixonado... sem saber que ela é a queridinha de Dewey Connors, seu novo comandante. No mar, os homens criam um relacionamento enquanto lutam contra os navios alemães. Quando eles descobrirão sua rivalidade romântica mútua? Será que isso vai interferir num ataque de comando espetacular à uma base secreta alemã?
Uma Aventura em Paris
Boy (uncredited)
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
The Secret Code
Henchman Carl Hiecke
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Don Winslow of the Navy
Seaman Chapman
A movie serial in 12 Chapters: US naval officer Don Winslow is given command of Tangita Island, near Pearl Harbor, where a ring of saboteurs is trying to destroy ships carrying supplies to the troops stationed in the islands and sabotage the war effort under orders from an unknown leader.
Pacific Blackout
Air Raid Warden
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.