Anton Ernst


Alex, uma misteriosa ladra, é intimada por seu ex-parceiro para um último golpe. Mas, rapidamente ela descobre que não foi chamada apenas para roubar os diamantes. Um assassino brutal está a sua caça e agora ela deve descobrir as mentiras por trás do assalto e os segredos dos homens que fizeram dela um alvo.
Safari - Predadores Mortais
Na savana africana, dominada por predadores selvagens e caçadores ilegais, uma filmagem é encontrada. Nela, pode-se ver a história de Mbali, uma jovem zulu que conhece um grupo de turistas americanos em um safári na África do Sul. Obcecados por filmar sua aventura e ignorando o risco da situação, os turistas decidem entrar em campos de caça inexplorados, onde acabam sendo forçados a enfrentar os animais selvagens para salvar suas vidas.
Little One
Little One is a story about ordinary people living day to day in a poverty-stricken environment where despite the crime and tough living conditions there is still hope and love to be found.
I Love You
A heartwarming South African romantic comedy starring Kurt Darren, Ilse de Vis, Christina Storm and Andre Frauenstein.
Handsome young vampire Billy (Andre Frauenstein) seems to have finally found his true love in Jenny Shapiro (Rikki Brest), a beautiful young woman he meets at a nightclub. Despite efforts by those around them to keep the two apart, including Billy's past love Lisa (Christina Storm), they appear to be destined for one another. Their happiness is suddenly cut short when a scientist researching a treatment for HIV/AIDS accidentally discovers a serum that will allow vampires to walk in the daylight with humans. This leads to an all-out war between vampires; those who are against the serum and those who would use it to leave the shadows of night, including vicious upstart vampire Borlak (David James) who will stop at nothing to obtain it. Billy and police detective Joe Kau must now work together to protect Jenny and her family, and to keep this discovery from those who would use it against all of humanity
Gruesome murders of South African farmers spur reports of a possible "cryptid" - a creature known in local legends or myths but as yet unknown to modern science. The worldwide news coverage of the gruesome murder attracts an international team of scientists to the remote area which is considered by some to be the "cradle of civilization".
Finding Jack
Based on the existence and abandonment of more than 10,000 military dogs at the end of the Vietnam War.
Finding Jack
Based on the existence and abandonment of more than 10,000 military dogs at the end of the Vietnam War.