Ana Alvargonzález


The Hanged Man
Art Direction
Two lovers break the law and struggle to stay together when carnal obsession causes tempers to flare.
Art Designer
A Spanish theatre company is rehearsing Shakespeare in the original style using young men to play the women's roles. Complicating their endeavors is the previously straight director's infatuation the new young man whose charming everyone except the slightly older young man who he's replacing. When the young man on the way out decides to settle the score with the young man on the way up, he draws on what he's learned in the theatre. Enter Iago.
Quilômetro Zero
Production Design
Histórias de encontros ao acaso ocorridos entre 14 pessoas no “Quilômetro Zero”, o centro de Madri. O Quilômetro Zero, na Porta do Sol de Madri, é um lugar muito utilizado para se encontrar pessoas. Numa calorosa tarde do verão, pessoas das mais diferentes idades e condições sociais partem para o local a fim de se encontrarem com quem tinham marcado. Uma série de equívocos e encontros fortuitos podem transformar a vida de cada um dos que esperam.
Segunda Pele
Production Design
Alberto é um engenheiro de prestígio, tem esposa e filho, mas seu casamento está em crise. Elena, a esposa, descobre que ele tem um caso, mas só perde a calma quando descobre que é com um homem. Alberto se vê dividido e tem de fazer uma escolha entre os dois relacionamentos: seguir em frente com a família que ama ou assumir seu relacionamento com o decidido ortopedista Diego, por quem está apaixonado. Mas as angústias desta incerteza atingem a todos envolvidos neste triângulo amoroso.
Niño nadie
Art Direction
Unbenownst to a middle-aged teacher of handicapped children, his long-term suffering girlfriend is pregnant with his child. The film philosophically explores the ideas of free will and destiny as they relate to the characters and their life choices.
Terra e Liberdade
Costume Design
Primavera de 1936, um jovem comunista desempregado, David, deixa sua cidade natal Liverpool para se juntar à luta contra o fascismo na Espanha. Ele se junta a um grupo internacional de milícia, homens e mulheres, o POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). Depois de ser ferido, ele vai para Barcelona, ​​onde decide se juntar a outro grupo de milícia. Eles permanecem em Barcelona e acabam brigando outros grupos antifascistas. David está decepcionado e decide voltar para sua antiga milícia.
El rey del río
Set Decoration
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Light My Passion
Art Direction
The relationship that botanist Angel establishes in his mind between plants, their stems, petals and pistils and the legs and feet of women, is the common thread of a plot that mixes sexual passion, love, greed and picaresque through a study of characters and situations.
El amante bilingüe
Costume Design
Joan Mares obsession for the lovely and luscious Norma Valenti takes epic proportions because he cannot let go of her. After he is injured by some skin heads, he uses his scars to pursue his life as a street musician. He devices a plan to get to Norma and she never catches on to his deceit, except she realizes that as Juan Faneca his performance in bed is exactly what she had experienced with Joan Mares because she concludes they were taught sex by the same prostitute.
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
Costume Designer
Paul has left his wife and children. Now his wife and ex-mistress is on the hunt for him.
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
Production Design
Paul has left his wife and children. Now his wife and ex-mistress is on the hunt for him.