The 100 year anniversary of the animated character Felix The Cat. His stories is told by three animators who created him: Otto Messmer, Joe Oriolo and Don Oriolo. Along with them, there are interviews with well known animation historians and clips and stills.
The 100 year anniversary of the animated character Felix The Cat. His stories is told by three animators who created him: Otto Messmer, Joe Oriolo and Don Oriolo. Along with them, there are interviews with well known animation historians and clips and stills.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
A young Felix the Cat and his baby pals find fun and mischief along their travels.
O simpático Gato Félix num longa-metragem repleto de cores e aventuras. Desta vez, com a ajuda do amigo Poindexter e do Professor Maluco, Félix deve salvar o distante país de Oriana das mãos do malvado duque Zill.
O simpático Gato Félix num longa-metragem repleto de cores e aventuras. Desta vez, com a ajuda do amigo Poindexter e do Professor Maluco, Félix deve salvar o distante país de Oriana das mãos do malvado duque Zill.
O simpático Gato Félix num longa-metragem repleto de cores e aventuras. Desta vez, com a ajuda do amigo Poindexter e do Professor Maluco, Félix deve salvar o distante país de Oriana das mãos do malvado duque Zill.
O simpático Gato Félix num longa-metragem repleto de cores e aventuras. Desta vez, com a ajuda do amigo Poindexter e do Professor Maluco, Félix deve salvar o distante país de Oriana das mãos do malvado duque Zill.
O simpático Gato Félix num longa-metragem repleto de cores e aventuras. Desta vez, com a ajuda do amigo Poindexter e do Professor Maluco, Félix deve salvar o distante país de Oriana das mãos do malvado duque Zill.
A documentary about Felix the Cat from the bonus features of the “Felix the Cat Saves Christmas” DVD.
A documentary about Felix the Cat from the bonus features of the “Felix the Cat Saves Christmas” DVD.
A documentary about Felix the Cat from the bonus features of the “Felix the Cat Saves Christmas” DVD.