Laurence Treil

Laurence Treil


Laurence Treil


Impulso Fatal
David é um escritor em baixa, até que conhece a estonteante Annabelle, e escreve um livro de sucesso. Obcecado, pensa que a namorada o trai com um fotógrafo, que acidentalmente mata. É quando um ex de Annabelle entra em cena para chantageá-lo.
Jesuit Joe
Mrs. Thorpe
Canada, 1911. Narrated by a vulture, the story of Jesuit Joe, a mixed-race who belongs to a rebel Indian family, which have pay a lot for the defense of their territory. After having striped a policeman of his uniform, Jesuit Joe cross the Far North to give justice.
La Vouivre
La vouivre
Arsène Muselier returns to his home village at the end of the First World War. His only injury is a head wound, which sometimes provokes periods of delirium and fury. As he renews his acquaintance with the people he left behind - his mother, the old farmhand who brought him up after his father's death, his former girlfriend, and many others - he becomes fascinated by the legend of La Vouivre, a creature with the body of a woman who lives in the marsh, surrounded by vipers. One day, Arsène sees the strange woman - she is naked, beautiful, alluring, and he is instantly enchanted by her. Can she be real, or is she merely a creation of his damaged mind...?