Victoria Cociaș

Victoria Cociaș

Nascimento : 1957-06-06, Brăila, România


Victoria Cociaș


Clouds of Chernobyl
Abril de 1986. Os efeitos do desastre nuclear de Chernobil são rapidamente sentidos na Europa. Na Romênia, as medidas desesperadas tomadas pelo regime comunista afetaram muitos habitantes do norte do país. Devido aos perigos da radiação, muitas grávidas são forçadas a abortar por métodos improvisados (sob pressão indireta do partido). Irina, a única professora do vilarejo onde mora, já mãe de dois filhos, está sendo fortemente pressionada e precisa tomar uma decisão crucial. Inspirado em uma história real.
Ducu's mother
Ducu is a a 45-year-old Romanian writer facing a midlife crisis. He leaves Bucharest to be part of a creative residence in Berlin and in an attempt to rebuild his life. He swings between two countries and two women: Andra, his hot-tempered wife, who wants a divorce, and Giulia, Ducu's love from his youth, who lives in an eco-village in Germany - Lebensdorf. Looking for an answer, he goes through a series of strange, funny and even eye-opening events.
Between Pain and Amen
doctor 1
A young composer and double bass virtuoso, who returns to Romania after studying in Vienna, is arrested by the political police soon after getting engaged and taken to the Pitesti prison, where a brainwashing and torture-based experiment is under way. The horrible communist experiment, copied after the Soviet model, is headed by the much-feared Ciumau.
Beside Me
A subway train is blocked between stations on the morning after the fire in the Colectiv Club in Romania.
Um homem foge aos planos natalícios da namorada para ir visitar a mãe e os irmãos e convencer o pai afastado da família juntar-se a ele para um reencontro surpresa.
Black Clothes
Ms. Vladimirescu
A glimpse into the life of a middle-aged orthodox priest who struggles with his misdemeaning son.
All Rivers Run to the Sea
Radu is having a hard time dealing with his mother’s death.
Toni Erdmann
Winfried (Peter Simonischek) é um senhor que gosta de levar a vida com bom humor, fazendo brincadeiras que proporcionem o riso nas pessoas. Seu jeito extrovertido fez com que se afastasse de sua filha, Ines (Sandra Hüller), sempre sisuda e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Percebendo o afastameto, Winfried decide visitar a filha na cidade em que ela mora, Budapeste. A iniciativa não dá certo, resultando em vários enfrentamentos entre pai e filha, o que faz com que ele volte para casa. Tempos depois, Winfried ressurge na vida de Ines sob o alter-ego de Toni Erdmann, especialista em contar mentiras bem-intencionadas a todos que ela conhece.
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania. Since the village has been deserted for many decades, his son and his biographer decide to reconstruct the whole space from scratch and present it as a populated place.
Three days 'till Christmas
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Main performers, Victoria Cocias (Elena Ceausescu) and Constantin Cojocaru (Nicolae Ceausescu).
Three days 'till Christmas
Elena Ceaușescu
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Main performers, Victoria Cocias (Elena Ceausescu) and Constantin Cojocaru (Nicolae Ceausescu).
Principles of life
Dr. Bădiliță
Velicanu considers himself a fulfilled person. He's got money, a new villa, married a younger woman and has a son from a previous marriage. Before the holidays he has to leave everything in order, but things start to get complicated. The crisis at the end of the day make him wonder whatever he is indeed a happy, fulfilled person...
First of All, Felicia
lady Constantin
There's no place like home. As long as you know where your heart is.
Red Gloves
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.
Red Gloves
Felix's Mother
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.
The Beheaded Rooster
Mrs. Goldschmidt
A moving coming of age story in a time of extreme change: on August 23, 1944 in a small city in Romanian Transylvania, the 16 year old Felix Goldschmidt awaits his classmates for their traditional Exitus Party (school graduation). However, this very day the kingdom of Romania takes leave of its ally of many years - Nazi Germany - thus ending the 800 year old, highly successful story of ethnic German immigration at the feet of the Carpathian Mountains. It is a great story of young people's blindness to the rise of Fascism, the destruction of bourgeois values, a first love and shattered friendships.
Bless You, Prison
Based on Nicole Valery-Grossu's European best seller autobiographic novel "Bless you, prison", the film is a true story, with real events and characters. A young intellectual woman, Nicole is arrested. There follow three months of exhausting interrogation and isolation. Alone in a cell, she undergoes a spiritual experience similar to that of the great mystics.
A compassionate fiction-documentary about an intelligent but handicapped boy who struggles to stand up against an overprotective father and find his place in the world.
The Famous Paparazzo
A tabloid photographer is given the assignment to follow a politician suspected to have sexual relations with an underage girl.
Anjo das Trevas
‎Uma demoníaca do inferno, Veronica Iscariotes, desinteressada em atormentar as almas dos pecadores condenados, sobe ao mundo acima e encontra nosso mundo cheio de mal e corrupção. Verônica decide que sua missão na vida é punir os maus e maus e continua com uma vingança sangrenta. Ao longo do caminho ela conhece e se apaixona por um médico, Max Barris, que cuida de seus ferimentos após um acidente.‎
The Stone Cross
Andrei Blaier's film catches the last days of The Stone Cross a low class brothels area that became some kind of an institution in the landscape of Bucharest before the Communist period, doomed to destruction under the new rules of proletarian morals that the Communists were trying to impose. The idea could be the start of a great film, with the prostitution being seen not so much from its destructive and exploitation perspective, but rather as a form of freedom in a time when the whole society was falling under the rule of propaganda, hypocrisy, and repression. In a world due to fall under tyranny for the coming decades prostitution becomes a metaphor of the old more free way of life.
The Last Ball in November
The film is the story of Prince Cantacuzin’s hidden love for his pupil he mentored since early adolescence, until her being married by her stepfather. Daria Mazu, coming from an unfortunate family, with an epileptic brother and a drunker stepfather.
Recital în grădina cu pitici
Laura's mother
Laura, a very talented 11 year old violin player, is mentored by her teacher.