Andy Signore


Kevin Nealon: Now Hear Me Out!
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE alum and WEEDS star Kevin Nealon focuses his wry wit on such universal issues as aging, having children, and conflict avoidance in this stand-up comedy special featuring a guest appearance by famed comic Garry Shandling.
Sick Girl
Izzy is raising her younger brother, Kevin, by herself. Their parents are deceased and her older brother, Rusty, is away in the Marines. When Izzy learns that her little brother is being bullied at school, she does what any unstable, psychopathic, homicidal sister would do.
United 300
King Leonidas and his Spartans encounter a foe during a plane ride.
The Janitor
Lionel is a custodian that longs for more. Bombarded with daily disrespect and insults from his co-workers, Lionel sets on a path of revenge and begins to brutally murder everyone in his path.
The Janitor
Lionel is a custodian that longs for more. Bombarded with daily disrespect and insults from his co-workers, Lionel sets on a path of revenge and begins to brutally murder everyone in his path.
The Janitor
Lionel is a custodian that longs for more. Bombarded with daily disrespect and insults from his co-workers, Lionel sets on a path of revenge and begins to brutally murder everyone in his path.
Caminho sem Volta
Club Dancer (uncredited)
Leo Handler (Mark Wahlberg) um rapaz durão com duas características: uma folha de crimes nas suas costas e a certeza de que pode recomeçar sua vida afastado dos negócios ilegais. Ao deixar a prisão após cumprir pena por um crime que não havia cometido, Leo consegue um emprego na empresa de trem do seu tio (James Caan). Porém, logo ele descobre as conexões da empresa em que trabalha com diversos crimes ocorridos e começa a se envolver em diversos problemas, decorrentes desta descoberta.