Johan Heldenbergh

Johan Heldenbergh

Nascimento : 1967-05-11, Wilrijk, Anversa, Belgio


Johan Heldenbergh


The Worst Ones
The story centres on a group of teenagers street cast in their neighbourhood and selected to play in a feature film during the summer. The film tells the story of this film shoot and of the connections that will be formed during it.
The Colors of Fire
Major Dietrich
February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.
A Woman
Juliane, a police commissioner in Paris, is a woman with great moral integrity. But when she discovers her husband’s double life, she starts committing acts she never would have thought herself capable of.
Casper is haunted by feelings of self-blame and post-traumatic stress after the loss of his father. As he grapples with his grief, he becomes increasingly isolated and is forced to confront the darkness within himself.
Cool Abdoul
The story of Ismail Abdoul, a promising young boxer getting caught between his sporting carreer and his rising fame in the criminal underworld.
Sisyphus at Work
Boy Talma
My Dad Is a Sausage
A father leaves his unhappy job at a bank to pursue an acting career.
Quo Vadis, Aida?
Colonel Karremans
Aida é tradutora da ONU na pequena cidade de Srebrenica. Quando o exército sérvio assume o controle da cidade, sua família está entre os milhares de cidadãos que procuram abrigo no acampamento da ONU.
The Breitner Commando
Colonel Andreas Breitner
1959, France. Colonel Breitner is given a secret mission : find the body of his former aide, Colonel Delignières, who is reported missing in French Algeria, before the French army burns the whole place to the ground. Breitner puts together a team of five outlaws, who are promised freedom if the mission succeeds.
Paul and Anna live an apparently happy and successful life. But when their son inexplicably falls ill, the facade of a seemingly happy family life crumbles completely, like brittle porcelain that can no longer be glued.
Linha Reta
Amish Elder
Dois primos metidos a malandros, Anton (Alexander Skarsgård) e Vincent (Jesse Eisenberg), vivem de perigosas transações da bolsa de valores. Seu sonho é construir um cabo de fibra óptica entre o Kansas e Nova Jersey, que os daria vantagem em suas transações, os fazendo milionários. Mas sua jornada para a riqueza não será tão fácil assim, especialmente se depender de sua antiga chefe, Eva (Salma Hayek).
Largadas Em Família
Apesar de terem perfis bem diferentes, as irmãs Rose e Alice se unem para levar a mãe em uma viagem de férias. A razão é o fato do pai das meninas tê-la trocado por uma mulher bem mais jovem. Agora, em meio a uma ilha francesa paradisíaca, o trio passa por poucas e boas para esquecerem os problemas.
Paul Brozek
Mona sempre sonhou em ser atriz. Ao sair do Conservatório, ambiciona um futuro brilhante pela frente, mas é Sam, sua irmã mais nova, que logo se torna uma atriz famosa. Sem recursos, Mona é obrigada a morar com Sam, que, fragilizada por uma filmagem difícil, propõe que Mona se torne sua assistente. Aos poucos, Sam vai negligenciando seus papéis de atriz, de esposa e de mãe e acaba se perdendo. Mona acredita que deve se apossar dos papéis que Sam abandona.
55 Passos
Eleanor Riese é uma mulher que decide batalhar pelos seus direitos: após muitos anos de um longo e complexo tratamento psiquiátrico, ela decide batalhar na justiça para que outros pacientes possam ter voz durante o processo, sem que eles sofram possíveis abusos de médicos. Para isso, Eleanor receberá a ajuda da advogada Colette Hughes, que fará de tudo para vencer a batalha judicial.
A Excêntrica Família de Gaspard
Depois de ficar afastado durante anos, Gaspard, com 25 anos, se reencontra com a família após o anúncio do casamento do pai. Acompanhado de Laura, uma moça extravagante, que aceita fingir ser sua namorada durante o casamento, ele se sente pronto para pisar, novamente, no zoológico familiar e rever os animais que o viram crescer… Mas entre um pai mulherengo, um irmão sensato demais e uma bela irmã, ele não tem consciência de que está prestes a viver os últimos dias de sua infância.
Younger Days
A group of middle-aged former bandmates reunite to scatter the ashes of their deceased lead singer, only to have their bond put to the test by the unexpected presence of one of the friends' twenty-something girlfriend.
O Zoológico de Varsóvia
Jan Żabiński
Polônia, 1939. O zoológico de Varsóvia é mantido sob o comando de Jan Zabinski e cuidados de Antonina, sua esposa. Quando o país é invadido pelos nazistas, eles são forçados a se reportar para o zoologista, Lutz Heck. Logo, Jan e Antonina começam a trabalhar com a resistência e planejam salvar centenas de vidas ameaçadas pela invasão.
As Confissões
Michael Wintzl
Roberto Salus (Toni Servillo) é um carismático monge que foi convidado para participar de uma reunião com ministros de finanças em um luxuoso hotel na costa do Báltica. Mas quem convidou o frade para a reunião? E quem matou um dos financiadores que tinham planos radicais de mudar a ordem econômica mundial?
Bruno Schollaert
O drama segue dois irmãos que, apesar de não terem nada em comum, abrem um bar chamado "Belgica", que começa a ter bastante fama. Apesar do sucesso, a dupla terá de enfrentar diversos problemas inerentes à gestão de um negócio familiar, passando-se rapidamente da relação de irmandade à rivalidade
O Novíssimo Testamento
The Priest
Deus existe! Ele mora em Bruxelas com a sua filha. Mas a relação entre os dois é tão complicada que a filha decide se vingar do pai, roubando o computador divino e revelando a todos os humanos a data de sua morte. Para conter a crise, Deus volta a viver normalmente entre os homens, descobrindo o verdadeiro caos que é a Terra nos dias de hoje.
Through the Air
Vincent, a former air rifle champion lives a quiet life with his wife and his daughter. Despite his happy family life he ends up with economic problems. One day at the shooting range he meets the mysterious Renaud who promises him a solution to his problems by offering him an unusual job. Suddenly Vincent finds himself in a very dangerous spiral which turns out to be even harder to get out of than finding a solution to his economic problems.
Alabama Monroe
Theatre Play
Elise e Didier se apaixonam à primeira vista, apesar de suas diferenças. Ele fala, ela escuta. Ele é um ateu romântico e ela é uma religiosa pé-no-chão. Quando a filha deles adoece gravemente, o amor deles é posto à prova.
Alabama Monroe
Elise e Didier se apaixonam à primeira vista, apesar de suas diferenças. Ele fala, ela escuta. Ele é um ateu romântico e ela é uma religiosa pé-no-chão. Quando a filha deles adoece gravemente, o amor deles é posto à prova.
Hasta la Vista: Venha Como Você É
Maarten - Lars' Dad
Três amigos, portadores de diferentes deficiências físicas, decidem embarcar sozinhos em uma emocionante viagem, apesar dos protestos de seus familiares. Eles chegam a um bordel na Espanha que atende pessoas deficientes.
Schellebelle 1919
The movie tells the story of the farming family Van de Velde, in the aftermath of the First World War. The farmer and his son, who have fought in the trenches of the Yser, are still missing in 1919, and the mother has died, so the eldest daughter Coralie runs the farm now on her own. She has welcomed 25 orphans during the war, but the Child Welfare Commission wants to put them in an orphanage. And some local notables with a sneaky plan want to take possession of the farm. But Coralie and the orphans fight back...
Schellebelle 1919
The movie tells the story of the farming family Van de Velde, in the aftermath of the First World War. The farmer and his son, who have fought in the trenches of the Yser, are still missing in 1919, and the mother has died, so the eldest daughter Coralie runs the farm now on her own. She has welcomed 25 orphans during the war, but the Child Welfare Commission wants to put them in an orphanage. And some local notables with a sneaky plan want to take possession of the farm. But Coralie and the orphans fight back...
Swimsuit 46
Chantal, a chubby girl of twelve, is having a hard time finding her way throughlife. She doesn't have a lot of friends, and at home she can only turn to herstepfather for support as she doesn't get along with her mother or stepbrother.Only in the local pool, where she is training intensively for an upcoming swimmingcompetition, does she truly feel at home. But when she needs a new pair ofgoggles, things don't go as smoothly as planned and she takes everything to gethold of them.
Os Infelizes
Pieter 'Breejen' Strobbe
O garoto de 13 anos Gunther Strobbe cresce rodeado por lixo, álcool e seu pai e tios completamente inúteis. Lenta mas seguramente, ele está sendo preparado para a mesma vida infeliz. Ele pode ser capaz de mudar seu destino?
A Day in the Life
Mario and Tom are two street punks who want to rob a bank. They ask the young Turkish Emin to be their driver that day. Emin can use the money and accepts, but he doesn't have a getaway car.
Moscow, Belgium
‘Moscou’ is a densely populated working class neighbourhood on the outskirts of Ghent, Belgium. Matty, mother of three, bumps her car into a truck on the parking lot of a supermarket. Johnny climbs down from the cabin. He is infuriated by the dent in his front bumper and yells at Matty. Although impressed by the accident, Matty fights back with sharp words. Their discussion turns into a row, and the police have to intervene. Matty goes home, the trunk of her car dancing up and down. Back in her apartment, Matty takes a hot bath to recover from the afternoon’s emotionswhen the phone rings. It’s Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour on the parking lot. Matty tells him to stay out of her life. A dramatic comedy begins about a woman whose soul is full of dents and bruises.
Tanguy's Unifying Theory of Life
Tanguy has big plans - the film script he is working on is almost finished. But meanwhile he still lives with his mother and her new boyfriend and he works as a cleaner. Tanguy is forced to swing into action when his mother tells him that the time has come to look for his own apartment. A cheerful film about Tanguy and his buddy Gregoire, and the setbacks they struggle through.
My Bonnie
Four members of a pour family from Ghent each have a memorable day.
Wanted: Man
When Bas puts up the note Wanted: Man on the notice board of the local supermarket for his single mother, she does not know about it. The self-willed Bas tries to find a solution for the separation between him and his mother, who no longer knows how to cope with Bas' superstitious compulsions. And both are hydrophobic. But by the end of the summer, the harmony between these two heart-warming characters has been restored.
Steve + Sky
A story about two struggling people who are trying to find their own place in the world. He is a small-time crook recently released from prison and she is a prostitute craving some love and affection. They find each other in an obscure part of Gent. Jean-Claude is responsible for their meeting ; he is also an ex-inmate who has just traded the low-life crime scene for life as a pimp. Will their love survive?
Etre roi