Bin Shimada

Bin Shimada

Nascimento : 1954-11-20, Niigata, Japan


Bin Shimada, born November 20, 1954 in, Niigata, Japan is a Japanese voice actor. He is affiliated with the talent management firm Aoni Production.


Bin Shimada
Bin Shimada


One Piece: Red
Monster (voice)
Uta — o cantor mais amado do mundo. Sua voz, com a qual ela canta enquanto esconde sua verdadeira identidade, foi descrita como “de outro mundo”. Ela aparecerá em público pela primeira vez em um show ao vivo. À medida que o local se enche de todos os tipos de fãs de Uta – piratas animados, a Marinha assistindo de perto e os Chapéus de Palha liderados por Luffy que simplesmente vieram curtir sua performance sonora – a voz que o mundo inteiro estava esperando está prestes a ressoar.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
Broly (voice)
O exército Red Ribbon havia sido destruído por Son Goku... Mas certos indivíduos decidiram levar adiante sua missão e criaram os androides supremos: Gamma 1 e Gamma 2. Estes dois androides - que se intitulam "super-heróis" - decidem atacar Piccolo e Gohan! Qual será o objetivo do Novo Exército Red Ribbon? Quando o perigo é iminente, é então que desperta o Super-Herói!
Gintama: The Final
Gengai Hiraga (voice)
Filme de encerramento da série anime Gintama, adaptando os capítulos finais da série mangá escrita por Hideaki Sorachi. O filme cobre os capítulos 699-704 do mangá original, com material original adicionado.
One Piece: Stampede
Foxy/Wapol (voice)
O Pirates Festival é a maior exposição do mundo de piratas, feito por piratas para os piratas. Luffy e o resto da tripulação Straw Hat recebem um convite por parte do seu anfitrião, Buena Festa, o qual é conhecido como o Mestre de Festividades. Ao chegarem, eles encontram um local repleto de glamorosos pavilhões e muitos piratas, incluindo os que compõem a Worst Generation. O local está eléctrico.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Broly (voice)
Esta é a história de um novo Saiyajin. A Terra está em paz depois do fim do Torneio do Poder. Goku não quer nada além de treinar, já que agora compreende quantas pessoas fortes existem nos universos que ele ainda não conheceu. Então, um dia, um Saiyajin desconhecido chamado Broly aparece diante de Goku e Vegeta. Como é possível que um Saiyajin esteja na Terra quando ele deveria ter sido destruído junto com o Planeta Vegeta? De volta do inferno mais uma vez, Freeza também aparece e os três Saiyajins que tiveram caminhos completamente diferentes se encontram em um intenso conflito.
Shimajiro and the Adventure of Magic Island
Shimajiro and his friends set out on an adventure to the Magical Island. Spring comes every year but, for some reason, it did not come this year, and the wizard Aura and the villagers were in trouble. Shimajiro and his friends help try to bring spring together.
Yo-kai Watch Shadowside: O Filme: Despertar do Rei Oni
O enredo deste filme se passa 30 anos após a série original. Quando um meteoro está prestes a se aproximar da Terra, Summer Adams, Cole e Bruno se encontram e trabalham juntos para impedir a invasão de Onimaro com o poder de um novo Yo-kai Watch e Yo-kai que pode mudar entre as formas Lightside e Shadowside. . O filme em si serve como prólogo para o anime Yo-kai Watch Shadowside, que estreou alguns meses após a estreia do filme no Japão.
Mazinger Z – Infinito
Dr. Nossori (voice)
A humanidade está novamente em perigo de cair nas garras do Império Subterrâneo, que no passado foi liderado pelo cientista maligno conhecido como Dr. Inferno. Então, Koji Kabuto pilotou o super robô Mazinger Z e, com a ajuda de seus amigos do Photonic Research Institute, frustrou as ambições do Dr. Hell e restaurou a paz no mundo.
Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D at Super Tenkaichi Budokai
Broly (voice)
Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D at Super Tenkaichi Budoka is a cinematic attraction at Universal Studios Japan and the successor to Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D. Like its predecessor, it is a new installment in the Dragon Ball series, this time primarily featuring the face off between Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Broly God.
Lupin III: O Jogo Italiano
Gaspare Balsamo (voice)
Lupin investiga o sequestro de um antigo amor na Itália e é arrastado para um jogo com um inimigo desconhecido.
Persona 3 the Movie: #3 Falling Down
President Tanaka
The season turns to autumn. The fight of the protagonist and his group S.E.E.S. with the strange monsters called ‘Shadows’ is getting closer to the end. Makoto and his allies engage in life-or-death battles with Shadows in order to end the Dark Hour. Through the battles, some must face the deaths of friends and family, some must notice what precious things must be protected, and some must find meaning in the battles that have occurred. In front of Makoto, the mysterious transfer student Ryouji Mochizuki appears. When the group greets a new morning, the gears of fate begin to turn. A fight revolving around each of the heroes' bonds begins...
Shimajiro and the Mother Tree
One Piece 3D2Y
Byojack (voice)
Durante esse tempo de treinamento, um homem aparece para estremecer o mundo. Ele é um homem que escapou do Nível 6 de Impel Down, seu nome é Burndy World (バーンディ • ワールド), ele comeu a Moa Moa no Mi (seria “More More no Mi”, que pode fazer “qualquer coisa” ficar maior e controlá-la), ele é acompanhado por seus companheiros de tripulação e esmagam grandes piratas e navios da Marinha, um após o outro. O Governo Mundial decide rapidamente convocar os Shichibukais, mas ao ouvir isso, que os Shichibukais vão ao seu encontro, Burndy World atinge seu objetivo de atraí-los. O objetivo principal de Burndy World é somente uma pessoa, a quem Luffy tem uma profunda ligação, a Imperatriz Pirata Boa Hancock. Será possível que Hancock seja vítima de um homem que também é conhecido como “O Destruidor de Mundos“? E o que Luffy fará?
Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: A Lenda do Santuário
Tokumaru Tatsumi (Voice)
Na luta para defender Atena e colocá-la em seu lugar de direito, os Cavaleiros de Bronze lutam para superar o Mestre do Santuário e os poderosos Cavaleiros de Ouro, guardiões das 12 casas.
Gintama, o Filme: Capítulo Final - Para Sempre Yorozuya
Gengai Hiraga
O que aconteceria se Shiroyasha nunca tivesse existido? Edo é lançada ao caos por uma causa misteriosa. Sakata Gintoki agora vive em um mundo onde o futuro foi alterado, sem ele. O que aconteceu com o Yorozuya? Gintoki, que agora é um fantasma do passado, deve voltar a carregar o fardo a fim de salvar seus amigos. Ele deve terminar o trabalho mais importante da sua vida, o que pode ser o trabalho final do Yorozuya.
Bathhouse Proprietor (voice)
E se Jesus e Buda estivessem vivendo na Terra atualmente? E se eles compartilhassem um apartamento no Japão? Saint☆Young Man é uma série sobre o dia-a-dia de Jesus e Buda, morando juntos no Japão dos dias de hoje.
Shimajiro and Fufu's Great Adventure: Save the Seven-Colored Flower!
Shimajiro to Fufu no Daibōken: Sukue! Nanairo no Hana (しまじろうと フフの だいぼうけん ~すくえ!七色の花~?, Shimajiro and Fufu's Great Adventure: Save the Seven-Colored Flower!) is a 2013 Japanese children's live action/anime film. It's the first film to feature the character Shimajirō. The film is directed by Isamu Hirabayashi and was release on March 15, 2013.
Baseado em um mangá de George Akiyama, serializada na Weekly Shounen Magazine. O anime recebeu uma estréia mundial no Annecy International Animated Film Festival em 2012. A estréia japonesa ocorreu em 29 de setembro de 2012. No século 15 em Kyoto, no sopé de um templo destruído, um animal nasce no fogo e destruição. Mergulhados em uma época de guerra, caos e fome, a vida o ensinou a comer carne humana para sobreviver e a loucura deu à luz a ele, ele é uma criança canibal bestial, chamado Asura, nome do espírito budista guerreiro, ou anti-Deus. Órfão ainda criança Asura cresce para se tornar uma pequena máquina assassina de matar e comer tudo em seu caminho, até que ele conhece uma linda garota da aldeia, Wakasa. Wakasa o alimenta, ensina a falar, e trabalha para transformá-lo em um ser humano.
Nintama Rantarou Movie: Ninjutsu Gakuen Zenin Shutsudou! no Dan
HemuHemu (voice)
A young boy named Rentaro and other ninja apprentices attend Ninjutsu Gakuen - a top ninja academy. Rentaro is determined to become an elite ninja!
Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Epic on The Movie
Deinbaruto of the Morning Star (voice)
The film follows the Goseigers as they try to save the Earth from Warstar's surviving members. Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Epic on the Movie is the title of the film edition of the 34th Super Sentai Series Tensou Sentai Goseiger. It was released on August 7, 2010, double-billed with the Kamen Rider W film W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate. Like W Forever, Epic on the Movie was also filmed in 3-D.
Precure All Stars Movie DX2: The Light of Hope - Protect the Rainbow Jewel!
Tsubomi Hanasaki is woken by her best friend Erika Kurumi only to find out that their two fairies, Coffret and Shypre, have left just leaving a note explaining where to find them. Fairy Park is not only the destination of both girls, it is also the meeting point of all other Precures who planned to spend this special day together. This magical theme park holds the Rainbow Jewel, a special gem that represents all of the hopes and dreams of the world. Such a powerful stone is the object of desire of a malefic entity named Bottom who has waited one thousand years for the opportunity to possess it.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation
Nanashi (voice)
Genta finds a starved member of the Nanashi Company who tells Genta that he has run away from the Rokumon Junk after being sick of his Company being abused by the stronger Gedoushu. Feeling sorry for him, Genta takes him back to the Shiba House and tries to get him a job
Takuya Yokota (adult) (voice)
An anime biography on Megumi Yokota, who was abducted by North Korea in 1977 when she was 13 years old. North Korea acknowledges abducting her and at least 12 other Japanese residents during the 1970s and the 1980s, but the country has not provided any conclusive evidence on her fate and most of the others.
One Piece: Flor do Inverno, Milagre da Cerejeira
Quando Nami adoece, os Chapéus de Palha procuram atendimento médico para ela na Ilha de Drum. Lá eles conhecem o médico rena Tony Tony Chopper e os piratas de Wapol.
Shin SOS Dai Tokyo Tankentai
Kusajiro Yamashita (voice)
Este é um filme adaptado do manga "SOS! Tokyo Metro Explorers" criado por Katsuhiro Otomo, mais conhecido por criar "Akira". A direção de Shinji Takagi, e o estúdio que produziu o filme foi o Sunrise (Cowboy Bebop). A história acontece, em sua maior parte, no subsolo. Shouhei Ozaki é um jovem que mora com seu pai e seu irmão Satoshi Ozaki. A aventura dos irmãos começa quando Shouhei encontra um misterioso mapa. Então ele e seu irmão decidem seguir o percurso do mapa até o suposto tesouro escondido. Os irmãos Ozaki chamam dois amigos para ajudar na busca pelo tesouro. Com tudo planejado, eles partem para a aventura, e assim que colocam os pés no obscuro mundo subterrâneo, percebem como aquele mundo pode ser assustador e perigoso, apesar de conter segredos magníficos. O filme tem um enredo interessante, a idéia de desbravar o subsolo em busca de tesouros é original, já que geralmente as histórias estilo ”Em Busca do Tesouro Perdido“ quase sempre levam a ilhas ou lugares remotos.
Japan Hero Awards: Who Is the Strongest Hero?
Shoutoku Taishi (voice)
A fan-made YouTube video showcasing a tournament to decide the mightiest “great person” throughout all of Japan’s history. The competitors include Benkei, Himiko, Prince Shotoku, and Amakusa Shiro. While fans and scholars of Japanese history and literature will probably get the biggest kick out of this, DBZ fans also have a lot to enjoy as none other than Son Goku provides a running commentary on the (over-the-top) fights with Masaharu Miyake, an announcer for Fuji TV.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Uma Nova Tradução III: O Amor é o Pulso das Estrelas
Paptimus Scirocco (voice)
Século Universal 0087, Char Aznable agora se tornou o líder do AEUG. Scirocco, o homem de Júpiter, planeja tomar o controle dos Titãs. Haman, o líder do Eixo, está tentando restaurar a família Zabi. Através da política e da estratégia, esses três poderes lutam pelo domínio sobre a esfera da Terra. A guerra se transforma em um final mortal em torno da colônia espacial Gryps 2, que foi convertida em um canhão laser gigante. Que destino espera Kamille no final do conflito? Esta é a parte final da trilogia de recursos do Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, que apresenta animação aprimorada e músicas tema por GACKT.
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger
Sixth Spear, Satarakura (voice)
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger is the team-up movie between Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger and Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger. This can easily fit in between after Sixth Spear, Satarakura and Shurikenger's introduction and before Third Spear, Manmaruba's original death and Super Karakuri Beast Revolver Mammoth's introduction. The only continuity error is the appearance of Manmaruba's motorcycle since his later clone was the one who used it in the series.
逮捕令剧场版:NO MERCY
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger Shushuuto: The Movie
Sixth Spear Satarakura
The second film outing of the Hurricaneger team. Hurricaneger the theatrical movie introduces new, original hardware and characters, including "Tenrai Senpuujin," the Gattai Robot. Sayaka Yoshino guest stars!
Kinnikuman II Sei: Muscle Ninjin Soudatsu! Choujin Daisensou
eX-Driver the Movie
In a future world where all cars are controlled by artificial intelligence, which often breaks down, one elite group of kids has been selected to drive gasoline-powered non-AI controlled sports cars to prevent accidents. Lorna Endou and Lisa Sakakino are two high school girls chosen for the duty, along with a 12 year old newcomer named Souichi Sugano in this six-episode series
Gatas Siamesas: Primeira Missão
Kaoru (voice)
June e Naomi, de dia são DJs de rádio, à noite são combatentes do crime , conhecidas como As Gatas Siameses.
Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves
After watching a televised showing about supposedly humanoid birds spotted in Africa, Nobita dreams of being able to fly with wings. He builds wooden wings after Doraemon refuses to help him, though he repeatedly fails to fly using them. While helping Shizuka to reclaim her pet canary, they witness a portal opens in the sky and a humanoid bird riding an airplane coming out. He introduces himself as Gusuke, a humanoid bird who lives in "Birdopia". Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka help Gusuke fix his airplane, where Nobita becomes fast friends with him. As Gusuke departs to his home, Gian and Suneo catch him and grab his plane. The other three follow them through the porta
Street Fighter Alpha: O Filme
Wallace (voice)
Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie (também creditado como Street Fighter Zero: The Animation e ストリートファイターZERO, Sutorīto Faitā Zero no Japão) é um filme de animação japonês de 1999 dirigido por Shigeyasu Yamauchi e produzido pela Capcom. O filme é um OVA, baseado na série de jogos Street Fighter Alpha, lançada em 1999 pela Capcom. Contou apenas com versões dubladas em língua inglesa e espanhol, além da original, em japonês. Assim como o primeiro anime lançado diretamente pela produtora, Street Fighter II - The Movie, esse também teve suas animações produzidas pelo Group TAC e sua distribuição nos EUA ficou a cargo da empresa Manga Entertainment.
You're Under Arrest: The Movie
Ken Nakajima (voice)
Officers Tsujimoto and Kobayakawa are transferred back to Bokuto Police Station after stints in other police departments. Shortly after this, the discovery of smuggled firearms and the recovery of a magnetic disc herald new troubles for Bokuto station as the Chief is thrown in jail for keeping silent over "Bee Number One", developed by Detective Emoto who went missing two years ago.
Chokin Senshi, Cashman
Chapat é um policial do planeta Biretojin que pousa forçadamente na Terra quando sua nave é atingida por criminosos espaciais e passa a viver disfarçado como terráqueo. Agora ele precisa juntar dinheiro para comprar ouro, o combustível de sua nave. Para isso, sob o codinome de Cashman, ele passa a cobrar para fazer qualquer tipo de serviço.
Spooky Kitaro: Yokai Express! The Phantom Train
Werewolf (voice)
Kitarou, a ghost, spends his afterlife helping humans in need of his skills. He thwarts the plans of evil spirits who live to torment humanity. In this episode The Western demons hijacked the Phantom Train. Kitaro and his friends must stop this crime.
Shadow Skill: The Movie
Rui Frasneel
In a war-torn world of deadly conflict, one small group of heroes stand against the forces of darkness, armed only with two weapons — their unswerving dedication to good and the superhuman martial art known as the Shadow Skill... For the 14-year-old Gau Ban, it is time once again to return to the grave of his parents, murdered by bandits when he was just ten. In the company of his adoptive sister Elle Lagu, Gau quickly comes to realize that his journey is more than a pilgrimage, and that his combat abilities as a student of the Karuda School of Martial Arts are about to be pushed to the breaking point! Note: The three OVA episodes together (Sevalle, Septia & Sui Rame) are also sometimes referred to as Shadow Skill: The Movie.
Spooky Kitaro: The Great Sea Beast
Kawamura (voice)
Kitaro is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery and, aside from his mostly decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost Tribe (幽霊族 yūrei zoku?). He is missing his left eye, but his hair usually covers the empty socket. He fights for peace between humans and yōkai, which generally involves protecting the former from the wiles of the latter.
Dragon Ball: A Caminho do Poder
General Blue
Nesse OVA é feito um remake do inicio da história de Son Goku e Bulma que vão a procura das Esferas do Dragão, a aparição de Oolong, Yamcha, Pual, Mestre Kame e a força Red Ribbon, alguns personagens como o Comandante White, Sargento Metálico, General Blue, Comandante Black e Red foram desenhados diferentes da série principal.
A terra de Zer'lue está em tumulto, devastada pelo poder tecnológico do Presidente Sana'ku e das suas forças malignas e militaristas de Zul'earth. Uma história de deslealdade, engano e traição, apenas um rapaz tem o poder de derrotar essas probabilidades esmagadoras.
Dragon Ball Z: Uma Nova Fusão
West Kaiô / The Dictator / Romeo (voice)
Depois de uma tremenda confusão no Mundo dos Mortos, Janemba e vários outros vilões (Freeza, Cell, etc.) voltam à Terra. Goku, o Grande Saiyaman e Gotenks vão investigar o que estava ocorrendo.
Marmalade Boy
Youji Matsuura (voice)
Miki's lying in bed in the school's nursery after being hit in the face by a ball, supposedly asleep when Yuu comes in. Yuu asks her if she is asleep but she does not answer, so he looks at her as she sleeps. Then he kisses her and leaves. As soon as he has left, Miki jumps up, surprised and wonders what he is up to, since they have just met... or have they?
You're Under Arrest
Ken Nakajima
Running late on her first day as a patrol woman for the Bokuto Police Department, spunky moped rider Natsumi Tsujimoto decides to take several shortcuts, only to be chased down and cited by mechanical genius and expert police driver Miyuki Kobayakawa. Upon arrival at the precinct, Natsumi finds out that her new partner is the same woman who ticketed her earlier. At first, she doesn't trust Miyuki, but in a short period of time, they develop an unbreakable friendship that overcomes traffic accidents, reckless drivers and even the strongest typhoons to hit Tokyo.
Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter
His name is Baki Hanma. No one knows where he came from or where he learned his unique fighting style. When it comes to Karate, Baki Hanma is just plain GOOD. He can defeat an opponent with a single blow and he's taking the Karate Championship by storm. In a prestigious match, he defeats competitor after competitor even though he's totally unknown and barely even ranked. But now he's in for the fight of his life and he may have just met his match. Anything goes and his opponent can rip his nerves out -- literally. If he wins, he's the BEST. If he loses... he's DEAD.
Go! Go! Ackman
Gordon (voice)
A demon child named Ackman who is 200 years old obtains souls for the Dark Devil Lord.
Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha!! Excited Heart of Summer Vacation
Taro Soramame (voice)
The Norimaki Family, the Soramame Family, Suppaman, and Dr. Mashirito end up coming to a summer resort which is really a haunted castle filled with monsters. While enjoying the many facilities, such as the arcades and hot spring baths, they all end up falling into the clutches of Vandora, a female vampire who intends to feed off them.
Dragon Ball Z: O Combate Final - Bio-Broly
Bio-Broly (voice)
Mr. Satan, Androide 18, Goten e Trunks encontram um laboratório e descobrem lá um clone de Broly. As crianças e a andróide tentam destruir o clone que está adormecido, mas acabam acordando Broly. Agora, Goten e Trunks tem que lutar como nunca para derrotar esse perigoso inimigo.
Dragon Ball Z: O Retorno do Guerreiro Lendário
Broly (voice)
Videl, Trunks e Goten estão atrás das esferas do dragão, o motivo? Trunks quer um parque de diversões somente para ele, e Goten quer um local onde só exista doces… Sem querer, vão parar em um pequeno vilarejo e lá eles descobrem que existe um monstro que aterroriza o lugar. Então eles resolvem ajudar quando, de repente, Broly aparece!
Crying Freeman 6: The Guiding Light of Memory
Tsunaike (voice)
CRYING FREEMAN: FINAL CHAPTER -- THE GUIDING LIGHT OF MEMORY (1993) is the sixth and last volume in the OAV series of Japanese anime adaptations of the "Crying Freeman" manga. A hard-hitting tale of violent criminals engaged in a brutal turf war, it is easily the best-written and most stylishly directed since the first in the series (PORTRAIT OF A KILLER). This one tells the story of a young Japanese Yakuza who takes over the Russian supply of drugs and weapons to Japan and cuts out the involvement of the Hong Kong-based 108 Dragons. Freeman, the hitman of the title and the 108 Dragons' star player, goes to Japan to investigate and gets framed for a succession of assassinations of top Yakuza bosses. The chief enemy here, Tsunaike, is aided by an icily sexy Arctic hit lady, Tanya (described as "Eskimo" in the subtitles, although she looks more Siberian), who is frequently seen in the nude in regular trysts with Tsunaike.
Dragon Ball Z: O Poder Invencível
Broly (voice)
O Sr. Kaioh descobre na Galáxia do Sul a existência de um Lendário Super Saiyajin, que está destruindo todos os planetas pertencentes a essa galáxia. Temendo uma nova devastação, ele chama Goku para investigar o ocorrido. Enquanto isso na Terra, surge um Saiyajin chamado Paragus, que pede ajuda a Vegeta para eliminar esse suposto Saiyajin. Então Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Kuririn, e o Mestre Kame partem a um planeta que Paragus construiu para que o príncipe Vegeta reinasse e lá descobrem que o Lendário Super Saiyajin é Broly, filho de Paragus, que armou uma emboscada para explodir o novo Planeta Vegeta com os Guerreiros Z junto e, assim dominar a Terra. Goku segue o rastro de Ki até este planeta, onde trava uma luta com Broly. Conseguirá Goku, deter este monstro insano?
New Dream Hunter Rem: Massacre in the Phantasmic Labyrinth
Victor/Victor Frankenstein (voice)
Rem is an ordinary woman in our world but, in the world of dreams, she becomes a dream warrior, defending humanity from the evils there. When dream demons reach the waking world, she fights them with the help of her pets which transform into a tiger and wolf.
1000 Pine Groves
There Goes Tomoe!
The title character of Tomoe ga Yuku! (Tomoe Will Go!) is gutsy enough to roller skate down freeways for thrills. After losing a friend in a roller skating accident, Tomoe joins a stunt group called Green Ship. Although still mourning her friend's death, Tomoe has no reservations about embracing a relationship with the group's leader, Kazusa. Soon she discovers Green Ship is a front for an assassin training camp. She must flee her new life and love and rekindle her fiery spirit in order to fight against the organization which wants her dead.
Fukuyama Gekijou: Natsu no Himitsu
Várias historinhas curtas e clipes de música, baseados nos mangás de quatro quadros da autora Fukuyama Keiko
Riki-Oh 2: Filho da Destruição
Riki-Oh Saiga (voice)
A história começa com um flash back da infância de Riki, mostrando o terrível destino de sua mãe e como ele se afastou de seu irmão gêmeo. Riki encontra-se na cidade de Misaki, cheia de usinas nucleares ilegais e administrado por uma organização militar fanática religiosa chamada o Julgamento de Deus, onde é feito prisioneiro e tem que lutar em uma arena de gladiadores.
Satsujin Kippu wa Heart-iro
Kyoichiro Takano (voice)
Seiko, enquanto suspensa da escola, vai para Nagasaki, onde se encontra envolvida em um misterioso assassinato.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam's Counterattack
Paptimus Scirocco / Nyuu (voice)
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk II
Paptimus Scirocco
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk. II delivers with more tongue-in-cheek humor than the first series. In "The Rolling Colony Affair," a colony is hosting a cabaret show featuring the girls of Gundam. But the show turns disastrous when men and mobile suits go crazy over the girls, sending the colony rolling out of control. A parody of the videogame RPG genre, "Gundam Legend" has Amuro, Kamille and Judau sent on a perilous quest to rescue the princess of the Zeta Kingdom from Char Aznable and his vicious Zeon MS forces.
Riki-Oh: O Muro do Inferno
Riki-Oh Saiga (voice)
A história segue Saiga Riki-Oh, um jovem com força sobre-humana. Depois de se vingar conrta um chefe da yakuza, ele acaba em uma prisão de segurança máxima de propriedade de uma empresa privada. A prisão é dividida em quatro blocos, cada um controlado por um grupo de prisioneiros, conhecidos como os Quatro Imperadores.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam
Paptimus Scirocco
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
Fist of the North Star - TV Compilation 2 - Six Sacred Fists of Nanto! Rei, the Star of Justice
Yuda (voice)
Compilation film covering the Rei story arc of the Fist of the North Star TV Series
Taiman Blues Naoto Shimizu Chapter
A tale of rivalry between two gangs, MND and Laku, and the personal vendetta between MND's Naoto and Laku's Yota.
Ganbare! Kickers: Bokutachi no Densetsu
Kōtarō Horie/Yū Mizushima
Bokutachi no Densetsu is a summary of the TV series with an alternate ending. 'Kickers' is a weak soccer team that hardly wins a game. It has recorded 22 consecutive losses up till now, neither a star player nor a sign of a victory can be found in the team, that's why they begin to lose hope. But the team quickly changes when Kakeru Daichi, a newcomer to Kitahara Primary School, joins the team!
Bats & Terry
A story of two mates, Pitcher and catcher on a pro-baseball team, devoted to their game, bikes, girls and having a good time. When they meet a girl who is still mourning the death of her boyfriend in a bike accident, they try to help - though her beauty means their motives may not be entirely altruistic!
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
Yanaran (voice)
Shirotsugh Lhadatt aspirava juntar-se a marinha e se tornar um piloto de guerra, mas suas notas na escola jamais permitiriam isso. Acabou por resignar-se em juntar a Real Força Espacial, que apesar de ser constituida por oficiais desleixados além de cientistas velhos e alienados, possuia um grande objetivo: enviar o primeiro homem para o espaço sideral. Mas a descrença do governo e falta de financiamento ameaça por fim a Real Força Espacial... até que Shiro - que não destoa da paisagem de desolação e mediocridade - se encontra com uma missionária que renova sua motivação, fazendo-o seguir em frente com o programa espacial. Embora seus proprios sentimentos além de interesses obscuros do governo haverão de colocar dificuldades em seu caminho.
Grey: Digital Target
Grey is a laconic trooper in a rough, futuristic military system which rewards success in battle with high pay and promotions, but only three precent of troopers live long enough for the final goal - citizenship, and the chance for a life above the misery of most of the populace. Grey has managed to keep coming back alive, even earning the nickname Grey Death, but is the society he's fought for worth it
Open the Door
Towado (voice)
In modern day Tokyo, three university students, Negishi Miyako (Neko-chan), Saiki Haruka, and Yamagishi Keiichiro, have magical powers that make them feel like outcasts. They come together one night and are transported to another world. They open a massive door and Neko finds that she is the Princess Neryulla, who must defeat the evil Duran III to free her people.
Urusei Yatsura: Memorial Album
Ares (voice)
O pequeno Arion vivia com sua mãe na Trácia, foi criado sem saber de sua natureza divina, pois é filho de Poseidon. Um certo dia, foi raptado por seu tio Hades e depois criado e treinado no submundo para se tornar um imbatível guerreiro e desafiar os Titãs. Já jovem consegue sair do submundo e então inicia sua luta épica contra os Titãs, descobre sua natureza e sua verdadeira origem, encontra fiéis amigos e conhece o amor.
Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum a Imortal
Tobimaro Mizunokoji (voice)
While performing in a student film, Ataru cuts down Tarozakura, a large, ancient cherry tree. Strange things begin to happen all across Tomobiki: a mountain appears out of nowhere, spring changes to winter, and Lum loses her powers, while those around her act as if she doesn't exist.
Genesis Climber Mospeada: Love Live Alive
After the original run of the television series, an OAV music video titled Genesis Climber Mospeada: Love Live Alive was specially (mostly due to demands of hardcore Mospeada fans) released in Japan in September 1985. The music video consisted of both old and new footage. The story of Love Live Alive chronicled the events after the ending of the original Mospeada, featuring Yellow Belmont as the main character. The music video focused on Yellow's concert and also on his flashback of past events.
GoShogun: The Time Étranger
NC (voice)
Forty years after the events of the TV series, Remy Shimada, ex-pilot of the GoShogun, suffers a terrible accident while on her way to a meeting with her former robot-piloting comrades. While they rush to the hospital, Remy floats between life and death. She sees visions of her life when she was young, and stranger still, experiences a hallucination of being with her friends, all of them young again, in a mysterious city filled with hostile fanatics. Far from being the reunion Remy hoped for, a ghastly letter arrives for each member of the team that predicts their gruesome deaths. Slated to die in two days, both in reality and in her dream, Remy struggles to find a way out of the City of Fate, relying on the memories of her friends to see her through, even as they surround her death bed in the waking world.
The Star of Cottonland
Tokio Suwano (voice)
After two-month-old kitten Chibi-neko is abandoned by her former owners, she is found by 18-year-old Tokio. Although his mother is allergic to cats and has a great fear of them, she agrees to let him keep the kitten because she fears he is becoming too withdrawn after failing his university entrance exams. Chibi-neko soon falls in love with Tokio. In her own mind, Chibi-neko is a small human who speaks in human words, although people only ever seem to hear her meow, and she believes that all humans were once kittens like her. A stray cat tells Chibi-neko of a paradise called Cottonland, where dreams can come true.
Rain Boy
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
Document: Fang of the Sun Dougram
In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.
Mobile Suit Gundam I
Oscar (voice)
A última esperança da Federação da Terra na luta contra o Principado de Zeon está no protótipo da armadura de voo Gundam e no jovem piloto Amuro Ray.
Kamen Rider: Eight Riders vs. Galaxy King
When a new threat from outer space called Galaxy King arrives on Earth seeking an equation for a new type of energy, Skyrider, and the other seven Kamen Riders join forces to fight off the new foe and the armies of Neo-Shocker.